Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

replace that word with heretic and youll be able to see what kind of person you would have been 400 years ago.


And if you were from gaul 2000 years ago you would have been a subjugated slave of the roman empire. What’s your point?


I am sorry that the character creation screen hurt you so badly.

So badly that you don’t realize those words are still used everywhere else in the game.


It makes sense that you wouldn’t understand. Dont worry about it!


Good diversity is when minorities are quiet, do exactly as I say, and present themselves exactly how I want them to! As long as I never have to think about them and our differences for .2 seconds, then the world is great! Also, if they disagree with my bigotry and don’t condone my intolerance, then they’re the REAL intolerant bigots!


And 10 years ago it was illegal to be a member of the LGBTQ+ community and in the military…

And currently, in mutliple states, acknowledging that the LGBTQ+ community exists im the education setting will result in fines and losing your job.

What’s your point? We can see the results of your beliefs now


Well, that just highlights what a farce it is. Why even do it then, other than to placate these religious nutjobs?

How could you possibly write compelling stories about humanity, war, love, etc that speak to players souls if your company can’t even say male or female at the creation screen. Its a symbolic rejection of what is true no different than saying 2+2=5.


We understand just fine: you’re a bigot. The idea that the world is more complicated and nuanced conflicts with what you were taught growing up and this makes your brain hurt because you don’t understand that it isn’t the middle ages where people thought the reason that they needed leeches to cure everything and pack mud into open wounds.

You don’t have to keep reiterating this point.


I am well aware of a farce being present.

Nothing in this statement makes any sense if you give it the slightest bit of rational thought.

You know this.

I know this.

We both know you are exaggerating. Since you even admitted it by drastically backstepping from your original statement.


Well, its definitely clear what kind of person you would be if this were indeed the middle ages. Human nature doesnt change much throughout history. And there is still plenty of modern day quackery going around similar to leech usage.

I’m a heretic to you so theres not much else I can say.


Body type 1 and Body type 2 replacing male and female are just a symptom of what was discussed earlier in the thread.

Its an easy example to point to of such a fundamental change in the company’s culture and the vibe of the game. We are not going to get much out of this company if they dont even have the conviction to stand by such a basic idea.

The other posters in this thread will likely get what they want, it will become more and more pozzed until the game dies.


See, I half agree with you here; Human nature doesn’t change much, but what does change is our understanding of ourselves and the environment in which we exist. Gay’s, lesbians and people who were trans or aesexual have always been there it’s just that different societies have responded to them differently at varying time periods and due to the fact that we have faster communication and access to more information most people are able to come to understand that for a not inconsiderable portion of society this is normal and not actually a problem.

I’m saying this by the way as a straight white cisgendered christian.


You stated they cant say male/female (or variations of) at all.

This is false.

It happens on a singular screen.

It was a huge exaggeration, one that you admitted to when you had to drastically scale down the opinion.

The idea that we should treat women badly? Cause that was a fundamental aspect of the company’s culture.

Specifically…which part of the company’s culture are you wanting to get back?

How bigotted do you wish the game to be?

But yes. A lot of your ideas are quite “basic”. Just the more slang definition. Only interested in the popular, the mainstream, the trending.

This is a trending topic today for many people because its extremely easy to punch down on a small group of people that have typically always been punched down on. To build them up to be some boogeyman despite the evidence saying otherwise.


Don’t be dishonest. Those laws were passed due to parent outrage about pornographic and sexual materials being placed into school libraries, along with gender-religious tenets being taught to young children.


Under that guise, yes.

But they were specifically to target the LGBTQ+ community. Because conservatives see any reference to the LGBTQ+ community as sexual. And that is hugely telling.

“I cant even acknowledge a LGBTQ+ person exists without thinking about my *hub account!”

And its quite hypocritical.

The Bible refers to just as much, if not more sexual materials and pornographic material. But they won’t kick that out.

So its clearly not about that. Its about wanting to brainwash children into only being conservative.


No, Ogres should absolutely NOT be a playable race. Why encourage blasphemy? next they’re going to ask to be San’layn.

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They were removed because the state is run by a Qanon fan boy.


I’d be down to see bodies and blood everywhere and very violent battles. Lots of cussing and screaming, bombs exploding all around us, and uh just all out saving private ryan. Apparently that’s what real war is like just pure chaos.

I mean. That’s how most real wars start

Seeing a single guy derail this thread so hard because they were triggered by body1/body2 is kind of funny.

I’m sure they insist everyone else is the snow flake though.