Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

Comes to realization about Brewa’s age

You’re older than me… why did I think we were the same age?!

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I give up. Why?


I don’t know.

That’s the thing… I just thought we were of similar ages for whatever reason. My brain being my brain lol

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no, no this is not a good idea. Making Garrisons relevant to current content is more higher on a lot of our list. To many races to choose from and most look clunky and Tmog looks horrible on.

Are we pretending that the old team didnt continuously ruin old school warcraft characters?


stares at TBC

stares at posts claiming that as the golden age

stares at screen


Everything Sylvanas in BFA and the entirety of SL just broke what little charm there was left to the world.

TBC was fine outside of playing wack-a-mole with characters from WC2 and WC3, and the raised level cap.

Dunno how WoW would have played out had they keep the level cap at 60 and made outland go from 55-60.


We need to get back to the WAR of Warcraft, Alliance and Horde fighting and killing each other because there is no way either side can share this planet.

The game is just boring.


Game quality undoubtably drops when corporate entities promotes the money makers and they suck the fun out of games because they just want to find every way possible to make money by only using only the most minimal amount of fun and effort to do it.

Blizzard only remains as it is due to its IP strength alone but even the faith that was built on will eventually erode away into dust if it hasn’t already.


Sorry, but it is actually Steve Danuser’s fault WoW’s writing sucks, not Bobby’s lol. He legit can’t write for :poop:


They had that in early bfa. The forums exploded saying it was a step backwards. They they had old gods. The forums exploded saying it was a step backwards. Then shadowlands came out. “Brrr we need faction war”

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No, the problem is Bobby. Before the merger blizzard had a reputation for Slow rolling their production and by virtue of doing so ensure that the quality of their games was never in doubt even if you didn’t actually like the title itself; this was how we got WC 1-3, Starcraft, Diablo 1-2 and WoW and it’s first two expansions (which represented the peak of it’s user base at 10 million active users). It’s also of course the company that Killed warcraft adventures because the devs weren’t convinced that they could make a product that would be up to the standards of the company and embody it’s values.

That dedication to quality? That went out the window when the merger happened and blizzard began making expansions that were less well recieved along with the excessively predatory Diablo 3, the Terrible remasters of previous titles, the directionless production of starcraft ghost which eventually was aborted and multiple bad expansions in WoW.

Because the guy who runs Activison? Yeah that guy famously doesn’t like video games and just wants the money that they make for him as fast as possible.


Do you remember when the Draenei were a dead race that weren’t worth talking about and Azeroth was the name of a country? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Honestly having an expansion that was dedicated wholly and completely to war would have been fine, it’s just that we needed it to not be a dollar store knock off of MoP’s story; Horde and alliance players needed a reason to be invested in the conflict by having heroes and villains on both sides and a more nuanced story then just “HORDE LEADER DO WARCRAIME AND GO CRAZY, ALLIANCE MAD!”


Hearthstone makes me wish we got their stuff.


It’s a case of severely negative tonal and aesthetic shifts. The tonal shifts began in Cataclysm, and the aesthetic shift began in WoD, but solidified in BfA.
WoD was the last expansion that tried to be Warcraft. Legion tried to some extent, and it was decent, but BfA, SL, and DF are not even trying.

It’s like comparing “Batman: The Animated Series” vs. “Batman: The Brave and the Bold”. You would rightly say they’re both cartoons, but you’re wrong in saying they’re the same tonally and aesthetically. The latter is tonally and aesthetically more childish and inferior to the former, that’s what modern WoW is.


I saw a giant cat mount that was glowing and thought wow… that looks insanely stupid and out of place in Orgrimmar…


I’d argue that DF is a window into what could have been; Like when this game was in preproduction 20+ years ago and the intial idea was for the players to not be by default attached to the horde or the alliance and having the freedom to pick which faction they want to get quests from, whether that was horde, night elves, alliance or forsaken.

That early idea went out the window when factional affiliation was something that had tested so strongly with players in focus groups and thus we got the two player factions which looked a lot like this after a certain point:

And quite frankly I’ve seen more “grown up and mature” dialogue and storytelling in DF then I have in whole previous expansions.


Yes you’ve made it very clear that you’re a bigot.