Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

It’s lost something, needs the war put back into warcraft but I see DF as a brief break expac instead of how they intend to go forward so in that sense, I appreciate it.

To me, this is a much more relaxed, goof off type of expac than anything else.


I’m pretty sure that trend is going to continue because they need to remove all the barriers that keep players separated so that the game can remain functional as the player base continues to decline.

That’s probably why they never mention the sex life of any characters…only their relationships with other NPCs. You are the one bringing sex into this. We have been helping build relationships between NPCs for a long time.


You can feel this so much in the game these days.


Agreed, Ogres would I feel restore faith for the old school player base.


what do you mean “otherwise has no place in”?


This is correct. A lot of devs/writers are just doing what they are told.


Did you have to ask? They are equating the media’s acknowledgment that the LGBTQ+ community exists and the occasional depiction of its members in products to an authoritarian religion.


As you post this, are you aware of the inherent hypocrisy in your position?


oh i know. i just want to see one of these guys actually say what they believe out loud.


Having lived here for 50 years, the culture in California is much the same as it’s always been.


Nope, I think DF feels more “wowlike” than it has since the end of Legion. BFA/SL were massive missteps lore wise (they ruined everything it meant to be horde… well end of WOD did that but legion was just such a good xpac we didn’t notice till BFA).

BFA ruined everything it meant to be horde… as horde players we were lied to going in “morally grey” and it all went downhill from there with a Garrosh 2.0 story (that was told worse).

I think DF is trying to reconnect to wow players so it faces a struggle after SL… I just did the Baine / Centuar quest … that was pretty awesome and felt very “wowlike”. Also all the timewalking / time rift stuff… its all just a big nostalgia hit, I LOVE IT!!!.

Edit: A big missing ingredient is having Orcs at the centre of the franchise again… hopefully with Metzen back we get that again and they dont botch it like they did midway through WOD… early WOD was the best lore they have done, that whole frostfire ridge zone!!!


[quote=“Pyri-shadowsong, post:77, topic:1664632, full:true”] i just want to see one of these guys actually say what they believe out loud.

I’ve done plenty of time banned here for blasphemy. I’m an unrepentant heretic.


whatever gets you through the day :+1:


It certainly isn’t retail that’s for sure


As a mechagnome fan, I am quite pleased with the cyborgs.


Me too. I would have been really disappointed if we had turned out looking like blingatrons


It’s a different (…and worse) team developing the game now, that’s probably the majority of it. The “passion” seems gone or missing - you can tell they really put a lot more polish™ into the earlier expansions. The people responsible for the 2004-2010 golden age are no longer in the picture and it shows

On the player side of things, the “community” is also noticeably worse than the og days, but that’s more due to external social/cultural changes (for the worse) since 2004 so it’s hard to hold that against the devs

But as far as the gradually declining quality of the game, that’s 100% on the dev team


Early WoW was designed to be a more “casual” friendly game compared to other mmo’s on the market at the time like Everquest.

Now its people like Mike Ybarra selling carries/boost and Ion an ex hardcore player running things. :person_shrugging:


I loved Legion (personally, for the most part).
BFA had some irks that ruffled my feathers and I had hoped Shadowlands would make things better … However, Shadowlands made things so much worse.

  • They retconned my favourite aspects of lore.
  • Completely changed, erased or outright extinguished the existence of favoured characters.
  • Ruined a lot more lore & story, particularly with the cosmology of the universe within the game, that made a whole lot of genres & roleplays either undesirable or no-longer existent.
  • Removed a lot of ‘eternity’ tropes within the lore and made them entropic.
  • Removed a lot of fantasy & miraculous tropes within the lore and made them robotic, or 3D printed synthetically via a mechanical way.
  • Took the immensity away from prior villains & their threats along with our feats over them, as they smacked it as merely a pawn piece in tHe JaIlOre’S schemes (claiming the magnitude of those threats as their own) and diminished our prior victories.

A lot of the fantasy tropes I truly loved about this game within its lore, was made bitter & turned to ash in my mouth - with the way they outright removed and replaced them …

Heck, I feel like they wiped their @$$3$ with my money the way they retconned so much of Chronicles so called ‘Bibles of lore’ (whole selling point of the books) … I was enjoying Dragonflight - I truly was. However I just can’t seem to get over what Shadowlands had done. :pensive:

When you have an amass built up story & lore game, of various individual plots, factions and characters interwoven to a mass complex scheme – It makes for a fantastic fantasy world build, but if you put all of that into one basket of ‘All part of the Jailor’s plan!’ (Who was a terrible, woeful villain) – You’re quite literally putting all your eggs into one basket — And a horrible one at that … It removes the quality of prior accomplishments, threats & removes the agency from massive factions we either faced against or allied with.

From a grand narrative & world building point of view:

:diamonds: The Jailor, along with the majority of Shadowlands lore: WAS BAD FOR THE GAME

Many others along with myself & some of yourselves upon the forums have suggested ways to bypass this (eg. Suggesting the Eternals & even the Brokers themselves are ignorant to how things actually went down and actually are – Thus restoring much of the former story people enjoyed) – Alas for the time, the pleas go unheard …


It didn’t in parts of Shadowlands but definitely does now.