Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

How does this even make sense?

How does this even make sense?

No. Everyone would have quit.

M+ was the ultimate catering to casual players.

Would you care to expand on this?


WoW use to be about racism, blood and gore, anger, hate, and darkness. Now not so much.

That was still the case 2 xpacs ago, and people didnt enjoy that at the time.

I honestly feel that most players dont exactly know what they want either.

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Man I’ve been saying since classic that the worst thing about this game are the people who play it and give feedback to blizz.

I feel this was an ironic response, but here is the thing about feedback. Players know how they feel for sure about the game and every criticism must be read and observed, but sometimes players pick the symptoms of a problem, while the root cause is unclear.

Is what i meant originally, maybe the issue is deeper than the themes.

Eh BfA was a bit to care bear for me. Mists still had that feeling at least. We had the best horde Warchief ever in charge then. Everything kinda went downhill during WoD at least alliance vs horde wise.

I have decided based on the little bit of info on the next expansion…that dragonflight will be the last expansion I play…I literally cannot stand the dwarfs there ugly I hate the accent and want nothing to do with them…and the storyline is really weak…

Let me try and clarify this.

WoW’s devs do listen to the community, it’s just that the community is screaming all of the things all of the time and thus the devs get extremely mixed messages as to what needs to be fixed and what doesn’t, what needs to be reworked and what doesn’t, which classes are too strong and which ones are too weak.

As a result you wind up with them trying desperatley trying to please the player base whose desires are frequently incoherent.

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I agree with that sentiment. Feedback has to be filtered, abd you really cant as a dev always please everybody.

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I think you would be surprised, some folks can only do those modes for whatever reason. Top end raiding has changed quite a bit since Vanilla (last time i raided) and personally i think it’s changed for the better over the years as the game has changed.

I think opening raiding up has made it easier on every level. Top end raiding can be a never ending churn of players for some marginal guilds that struggle to fill out their roster and the lower tiers at least provide a feeding mechanism to provide players the knowledge to hopefully get better over time. I think the game would be in a very bad shape if they had stayed at just 40 man or 25 man high end raiding and certainly raiding wouldn’t be very wide throughout the game and/or puggable.

I do agree with this, there is no sense of danger almost anywhere, not sure how i feel about this or when Elites filled areas of the game and it could be a big pain to get things done. On one hand i do think there is something to be said for having hard content, on the other i do think having some content be a slog because mobs are (for lack of a better term) bullet sponges doesn’t necessarily make for “good” content. But i would definitely agree they could up the level of “casual” or “world” content a bit so not all of it is mind numbing. Not sure how but i do agree with you.

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AI is more than just ChatGPT. Although I wouldn’t be opposed to it helping them write quests and npc dialogue. It would probably do a better job of it than what we are getting now.

These tools are the future. And in competent hands, will produce games of a vastly higher quality than what we have now. Every feature from items, zone design, graphical effects, voice acting, etc will be able to be produced faster with the use of AI development tools. If blizzard fails to develop them, the rest of the market will pass them by.

I have hope though. Massive layoffs are happening industry wide as the market feels the effects of both the recession and these technologies. These bloated AAA developers are going to undergo downsizing more and more as indie developers use these new tools to compete in producing high fidelity games. Eventually the deadweight will get dropped and studios like blizzard will feel more pressure to stick to what their core playerbase wants instead of alienating them.


The rush for AI is the death knell of the industry; the fact that you are so joyously rooting for this tells me that you fundamentally don’t understand what Art is.

So I’ll try and break it down for you and why an AI can’t create it.

Art is an expression of beliefs and values that an artist creates via any number of mediums. This could be with a painting, dance, song, poetry, animation, prose or any of a dozen other methods but they all share the common trait of having been crafted by a human to be a vessel for their ideas.

AI can’t do this. The best it can do is imitate that which has come before it and regurgitate other people’s art as a mosaic. All we would get from this is a borderline incoherent mish mash of recycled idea’s where we have to help arthas the paladin kill hogger who is teamed up with garrosh so that they can convert everyone into mechagnomes.

As to examples of AI failing, I would sugget you look up TAY AI and what happened to some lawyers who tried using AI to help with their civil case.


That was said when the photograph was invented too. That it wasnt art. Art is art regardless of where it comes from.

I’m excited for a world where a concept art sketch of a sword or piece of armor can be turned into a 3D in game object in seconds. These tools will be indispensable for the industry. It will be akin to what youtube did for creators vs TV stations. Power to the people!

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This is a valid point, it also poses a valid criticism for the majority of “Artists.” As most people are influenced by other artists and gain inspiration from those ideas, designs, etc.

Originality is rarer than most believe it to be. Its more common to find similar ideas based on centuries of advancements.

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AI is great for finding the unknown within a data dense system. However it may not provide anything new, it still has value as a search engine.

That is true if you only think of chatgpt=AI. There are many, many developer tools being made with AI implementation to help with everything.

I hope blizzard is paying attention.

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I’m not opposed to AI, criticisms and praise are all useful to discussing the value of a tool. Even the potential risks associated with the tool itself.
China’s AI scares me.

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It would be very useful in a revamp of azeroth or a sequel to the game. You can run a whole zone through some of the tools to capture the essence of the zone, and upscale it to dragonflight level quality. The possibilities are exciting.

It may turn out though that blizzard is too infected to embrace this kind of change. I look at it like the company is filled with iceblock cutters and the refrigerator just got invented.

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I really want an immersive game more than any thing. Graphics updates are nice, but things seem very linear and repetitive. But that is sort of the formula for an MMORPG or most games for that matter.

That is another symptom of tailoring the game towards the elite player base. There has been so much wasted developer time on class balance, rotations, gearing systems, etc that the core mmo elements have been left to rot for years. That’s why the only features of expansions are new raids, mythic dungeons, and systems meant to augment those two playstyles. It’s also why we can barely have 2 raids of people in an area before the servers lag out.

Why do we not have player housing and land? Why is there no caravan system like in archeage? Why don’t we have musical instruments? Why no player made cooking recipes? Why have nearly all of the RPG elements either been neglected or outright removed?

It’s to a point where the original game provides a better mmo, social, and raid experience than the modern game does despite nearly 20 years of development.

Dragonflight was a step in the right direction with a return to talents and an improvement on crafting. But really it should have never gotten to this point.