Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

Not if it was well thoughtout and had any semblance of critical thinking beyond “I deserve gear”.

But that’s your whole thing so it’s no wonder you won’t expand on it.

Seems largely more of an assumption on your part.

It’s fact. I know you don’t like facts.

If it’s an assumption than be my guest and explain yourself.

…so you have the power to make up other posters stances for them.

Well you refuse to prove it was an assumption so.

If you want to believe that people just want mythic gear handed to them, I’m not going to convince you otherwise.

Not many other posters will appreciate that though.

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You have said this though. That’s why it’s not an assumption.

You also refuse to tell me why it’s not the case after claiming you want mythic gear for fishing.

Cause I know you don’t like me.

So your arguement is so poor that someone not liking you is enough to dissuade you from sharing it.

Man imagine the world today if everyone followed bloodypaws cowardice.

If this was flirting then this was a big miss.

Not even close to anything I said.

This is the part where you just say random things to point the conversation away from you getting dumpstered.

Back on topic.

If your idea was good and you thought it was good you would have no problem enlightening the masses on “bloodypaws solution to gearing”.

The problem is you know it’s terrible and you just want gear mailed to you.

Its your choice to hold a grudge. :person_shrugging:

I don’t think will be getting anywhere if I keep replying back to you.

Yeah, but you just can’t seem to help yourself, can you?

Because you refuse to explain anything beyond “give me gear for logging in”.

I have to admit i fully agree with this. The game is meant to be accessible, that is WHY all types of content has many levels of difficulty. They don’t design raids with just the top players in mind. I think Blizzard tries very very hard to make every portion of the game accessible to anyone who wants to engage with it.

Top players have access and give feedback on things because it’s intelligent to listen to the best folks that play your game however i don’t think Blizzard designs to what they want. If you believe that then BFA and SL would never have been a thing because lots of top players had major issues with especially SL and covenants.

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This is worth a watch.


I don’t think anyone gets really excited for LFR or normal tier loot. The fact that there are multiple tiers shows that they tried to cater to the sweaty guilds at the expense of everyone else. Look at how they destroyed the social aspect of loot because of mythic raider behavior.

They should have done nothing and kept everything at one difficulty, with maybe optional hard mode bosses on occasion. Those players and guilds would have made things challenging on their own by doing speed runs or running with less people. And now your average nobody can get excited about getting the best gear.

They have for many, many years catered towards the elite playerbase and it has led to extremely bloated rotations, requiring addons for arenas and other content, and in general made the game too hard to play and get in to for new players, and its also made the community more toxic towards each other since things are mechanically too difficult.

Not only that, but the content they do have for “casuals” is so mind numbingly easy and risk free it is a little insulting.


The vibe is off, I’d suspect it’s similar to what’s happened to Disney with certain type of influences to make the game more aligned with “modern audiences”.

You can observe a trend in transmogs for example if you scroll through your appearances since it’s sorted by when they were implemented. The earlier armors had some skimpy stuff, then there’s a large period of conservative wear. The blood troll mog is the first one in years where I can show my glorious thighs.


Doing text to speech is a far cry from actually writing an expansion.

Beyond that though, The idea that just handing the writing over to a god damn AI is a good idea betrays both your ignorance over how AI actually works and what art actually is and If I have to explain that to you then I will be extremely sad for the state of your generation.

He absolutely does given how it’s emphatially showing what his critics having been saying for years: that he’s a trust fund kiddy with absolutely no idea what the hell he’s doing and that’s catastrophic for a guy whose business value is inextricably linked to his reputation.

He bought it to spite one of his children who was trans and because he’s a collosal narcist.

The hypocrisy of this coming from you is hilarious even if it was true; Twitter is worth 8 billion at this point so less then 20% of what he paid for it a year ago.


Agree. Curious to see what Metzen does now that hes back

Ill keep waiting for Blizzcon for some hopefully good news