Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

Eh, I would argue it had been going downhill before that

/spit was removed in 2021 I think? So the game had already been in decline for years beforehand.

I will say that removing something as trivial as /spit was certainly a sign that the devs have their “priorities” in the wrong places… like taking man-hours/dev-time to cater to a vocal minority of SJW types rather than using that same dev-time towards producing quality content (for example)

Taking time to change portraits of curvy women to bowls of fruit is another example of resource misallocation/waste. I’ve played since 2006 and didn’t even know about said portraits until the news randomly showed up one day on the wowhead front-page… that’s just how obscure/unknown the SJW stuff is lol


I really like DF, I think they got a lot of things right for a fun game and it might take a while for players to grasp it but once you get it all down, I’ve never had this much fun in a gamesince classic wow. *


But far as good lore moments/story I haven’t seen a worthy in-game cinematic since legion. The vibe I get since legion is, to me, too much almost like a Disney feel.

I take back what I say about the cinematics the cinematics are actually pretty good in my books as far as conveying emotion and pretty nice to see with the eyes. I just watched the one at the end of the fury of incarnates and thought it was pretty well done (in-game cinematic). TBH I just love this expac I might be bias cuz I’ve just come to realize how awesome solo queue is and the trading post these past 2 weeks for a player like me. ALT-FRIENDLY expac! Get as many 70s as you can handle!


I mean, yes? We were doing that back in the hay day of WoW too, It’s just that people didn’t notice it as much due to the inability to track stats as efficiently as we do now.

Elon Bought Twitter for 44 billion. It is presently worth 8 billion. It has lost the overwhelming majority of it’s sponsors because they don’t want to be associated with the flood of Racists that Elon let back on the platform.

By comparison Blizzard activision is a model of unmitigated success.

If you think the game will get better with AI writers you have absolutely lost your god damn mind.

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That is because you don’t live in reality.

Try taking away lfr. See how that goes.

Try taking away mythic. See how that goes.

Try allowing items like icon, oce or class trinkets to continue past 1 tier. See how that goes.

These designs are the result of trying to make millions of different players happy. Compromise or leave.


One passionate guy using AI added voiceover to every quest in classic wow. Have you tried the addon? Its great.

AI is a powerful tool for doing certain tasks and overseen by a skilled technician to keep it from going off the rails. A well formatted AI tool could help save months to years of work if they wanted to do something like revamp Kalimdor or Eastern Kingdoms.

Smaller studios using these tools are going to eat bloated dinosaur developers lunch in the near future.

Elon doesn’t care. He bought it to train the AI he’s working on. And there is nothing wrong with allowing people to speak their mind. And get real, twitter allowed plenty of racists on the platform before Musk took over as long as they kept it of the anti-white flavor.


Elon’s Twitter is definitely not about allowing people to speak their mind.


We already saw how that went. Classic and then later BC raiding was a huge success. There were more parses for sunwell than there were for the 9.3 raid.

Wow was more popular when raids were easy and gave the best gear to mouthbreathing keyboard turners.

They should bring back 40 man raids with easy mechanics. Raiding should be fun and the drama of dealing with your guild, loot, and the social aspect should take priority.

Instead it has turned into a sweaty mess with convoluted rotations and the game only catering towards high end mythic raids and M+.

They need to stop designing the game around the top 1% of players. They will find ways to make things challenging on their own.

The game is designed around the 99%.

Very very very very very very little in the game is designed for top players.


Don’t you think its surprising that despite having a much smaller team, Twitter has added so many new features and innovations since the takeover? What was the old company even doing?

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…what new features and innovations have they added?

Charging people for blue checks?

The old company was actually making money and growing the customer base.

Elon is just showing the world how inept he is.


The old company was about having FBI attaches and selling access to intelligence agencies and other interested parties to sell influence and promote disinformation. Did you not read about how corrupt the company was? The only way the company was growing the “customer base” was allowing bot accounts to shill narratives.

I won’t argue too much about this. I know that things like this don’t bother people with your world view. You probably would think itd be a good thing if they ended up having an influence on elections by manipulating information.

Ok, go ahead and tell that to the CEO’s looking to him on how to clean up their own companies.

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Remember how Elon cried about how people werent reading his tweets then fired the engineer.

And then changed the entire algorithm to ensure his tweets were shown to everyone?

Elon is just a man child that only cares about praise from others. Elon is corrupt. He is a horrible person that just wants attention.

Basically if you took a 3 year old and put it in a man’s body.

Elon literally backs shill narratives. He isn’t against them. He loves them. As long as they are pro-Right wing.


Lets get back on topic, because Elon is an “unperson” now that he went against the left.

Wow is more world of Dinseycraft now than anything else. Thnx God I’m in a old fashioned guild

That’s an insult to Disney, atleast most of the classic Disney stories had good writing.

No. He is just a horrible person because he promotes racism, bigotry, and gets really hurt with his feelings if you dont like him or worship him.

I love it when people expand on what exactly they mean by this.


2019 wow players: This faction conflict narrative is too tiring, please end factions altogether.

2023 wow players: we need more Red vs blue, bring the war back to warcraft


I have not read any comments other than the OP

I agree and for me I think it’s because we aren’t really involved with our factions as much. No, I’m not against the cross faction gameplay I love it. But when it comes to the story we have been joining third party factions and fighting their battles. To me anyways is why the game has lost that core feel.

All power progression is tied through to M+ or Raids at higher difficulties.

That isn’t designing for the 99%.


So its designed for what…the 80%?

The amount of people that do norm/heroic/m+ dungeons, pvp, or LFR/N/H/M raiding is pretty high.

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