Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

Yea, that actually look like dragons. Closer to Draconid by a wide margin than Iguana or Gecko.


Kul tiran Females have heft although that’s not necessarily the heft i’m talking about.

Yes they are even though they do have humanoid male and female secondary body types.

The closest they have is Body type 4 but it’s minimal at best.

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Wild tangent.

The funny thing about everyone whining about WoW losing it’s edge, to me at least, is that we had an expansion start with just straight up attempted genocide, complete with a unwinnable questline that involved running into a burning tree to try and fail to save everyone, and the immediate response was “This is horrible, why would you do this?”

The following two expansions had just as much of the edge and the gut punches and people hated them. So their response was pulling back on the bleak.

Now without the bleak, WoW isn’t wow it’s hello kitty island adventure.

Stay salty my friends.


We just came off the Third War at the start of Vanilla, of course dragons at the time were going to think that we were still conquest-hungry. Dragonmaw Clan much? Things started to calm by around Wrath where we directly spoke with Alexstrasza and Chromie started to take a direct interest in the Champion’s timeline. This has knock-on effects with the rest of dragonkind; if we’re cool with Alex and they’re cool with Alex, they’re probably not going to set out to start trouble with us. Now, since Alexstrasza and the rest of the Aspects know that we are good at our jobs when it comes to problem resolution, they’ve reached out and invited us to the Isles. Why would we be menaced? We’re honored guests and invitees, not trespassers as we may have been in the past.

You want angry slovering monsters that exist only to kill, that’s fine, but Dragons in WoW aren’t them. Hell, even Onyxia tried stealth before resorting to full dragon mode.

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That wasn’t my reaction. I actually really enjoyed BfA’s story. I only think the story went downhill in Shadowlands.

So the problem is instead of telling stories about sweaty muscle dudes crashing into each other they are trying to tell stories about loss, spirit and the human condition.

I actually prefer stories about loss, spirit and the human condition over the shlocky muscle stories but WoW’s writers just don’t have the space to tell such stories well. It always ends with every faction and every species across time and space ultimately feeling the same and that’s kind of a bummer.

I think making everyone feel less human would really help. And I mean that literally. Like… I don’t want stories without emotional depth but everyone feels human as in a member of the human species of Stormwind. Other than colors used in their architecture what differentiates anyone anymore, you know?

ANOTHER PROBLEM but one WoW has always had that I will never stop crying about is time scale. We see things that are connected to events from 10000 years ago all the time and they feel like events from a decade ago. Everyone connected to those events is still alive, their minds are still the same, etc. And as mortal races ourselves (except those of us who weren’t until very recently) seeing things so ancient should feel epic! But it doesn’t!

For example: The Dragon Isles have been locked away for literally 10000 years and the dragons only just came back. Does it feel that way? Doesn’t it kinda feel like we just wandered into their neighborhood where they’ve always been? There are definitely stories about the Flights reconnecting with their power but the place does not feel unspeakably ancient.

If the Dragon Isles were real they would have been sealed in the Neolithic era when humans were only just starting to create settlements and woolie mammoths walked the earth.

Honestly thought after Mop, and the Darkspear revolution that took place in the Barrens that we were going back to seeing more happen in Kalimdor, and EK in future expansions. How many more dag gone islands are they going to keep adding. Only island left is Gilligans island :rofl:

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And Tel’Abim! It’s only ever been mentioned by random items and fished up diary scraps in game and not the official lore, but apparently it’s a place where people sometimes get shipwrecked and a LOT of bananas grow there. You can even buy Tel’Abim bananas from most inns.

You have to remember that when the dragons left, they put the entire continent into a sort of stasis. Everything slept for those 10000 years, even the elements and plant life (although erosion could still occur). It wasn’t until they returned and the elements became active again that Koranos woke up and broke the seal, waking everything else up in the process. The only exceptions to this may be the centaurs in Ohn’ahran plains and the non-sentient animal life, as it was indicated that they may have been spared from the stasis.

Let me put it this way.

They start off with a huge event, the burning of teldrasil followed by the desolation of under city. This is good! We have high stakes and both sides are heavily invested! Both sides go to aquire sea power in order to better dominate Logistics in the world which is again good!

We have some missions going back and forth with us establishing bases all over the place, rallying our new found allies which is all still good!

Then the alliance whoops the Zandalari Fleet and more or less have everything locked up… and sylvanas’ grand plan is to send out a Zombro to assassinate his sister and his mother after torturing the crap out of him. I say again: Her plan was to send a forsaken apparently by himself to assassinate the leader of kul Tiras and one of the most powerful mages on the planet.

This is stupid villain crap and the whole thing with 7.2 onwards just shows how stupid and ill concieved the whole conflict was.

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The moment they removed /spit, I knew Warcraft was over.


The only reason to burn the tree was because of stupid villain crap so…

It’s why the war has been nonsensical since TBC. They have to create a dumb reason to start the war, and then ridiculously try to ensure a perfect balance so neither side can actually win to keep players happy.

The Vanilla cold war worked because people could thump their chest, but nothing actually happened to cause any problems.


It’s why I argue that Mists handled the war best; we had heroes and villains on both sides and ultimately got it explained to us in a long, round about way hat the whole concept of faction war was just idiotic.


despite all the hate, MoP was peak warcraft. I’d play classic MoP in a heartbeat.

its a shame they got rid of WoW’s lead composer. "As the company has grown, the topography of the Sound team has adjusted accordingly, and the last couple of years have been no exception. With the success of a “sound de-centralization” initiative, my current position of overall Sr. Audio Director/Composer is no longer relevant and is being eliminated.

Now all the soundtracks are subcontracted out and designed by committee, adding weeks of wasted time, just like every other feature in the game.


You get the irony here right? Because the same things people whined about with mists are the same things people by and large whined about with Dragonflight; that it’s a wierd diversion that doesn’t keep with “the spirit” of world of warcraft.

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I think if dragonflight wasn’t preceded by 2 other flops, it would have been viewed a bit differently.

The company just needs to get rid of the narrative and story leadership. They are doing so much damage to this game. How the hell do you mess up dragons?

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DF is a big step up from BFA or SL; we’re basically free from system craft, the story makes sense, crafting is the best it’s ever been quite frankly and we’re given the freedom to engage with it as we see fit.

Does it have problems? Absolutely; ZC just didn’t have the content it needed for a zone expansion (you basically saw everything it had to offer in a few weeks) and they really need to find a way to close the gap for new crafters.


As long as Ion is still the game director we won’t be free of systemcraft. The entire game design philosophy of the team is a departure from wow’s original recipe and unless there is a revolution in that regard, and a restructuring of their development pipeline, things wont change fast enough.

Right now its bloated, slow, and is taking weeks to months for ideas to be implemented because of how much red tape is involved in every little decision. So talented devs move on and we get stuck with mediocre people just clocking in 9-5 and slow walking every project.


Exactly this, Ion is a numbers guy, and he steers the game in that direction, it’s all about spreadsheets. Fun doesn’t compute for him sadly. I mean we are talking about the guy who went through the trouble to prove a raid boss in Vanilla was mathematically impossible. That should tell you all you need to know.

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Except we are; There’s no Corruption, No Covenant powers, No Azerite, No cinders, No endless grinding for artifact powers.

Just gear that we can upgrade by doing the content that we want. Which is still a system of a sort but also one that has a terminal point which allows us to sit down and say “Ok I’m done now.”

We are so much better off now then we were a year ago.

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I don’t see it that way. Gearing has not really changed and we are still going from patch to patch on a treadmill, with all of our progress getting reset because Ion needs to have 4 raid difficulties and 30+ ilevels of growth every patch.

I don’t have hope for this company for the reasons I’ve already stated and been banned for. Its not going to get better unless they do what twitter did. Hopefully they hire AI specialists and give the remaining talent the tools they need, and let them run wild instead of slowing everything down and designing by committee. Because at the moment Blizzard is a dinosaur.

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This started happening long before Ion was in charge. He didnt create that aspect, start it, or anything.

Lose 75% of the value of their company?

Lose almost all of their income?

Stop paying bills?

What system are we held hostage to in Dragonflight?