Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

Which is all heavily based on conjecture since Blizzard isn’t going to share the solid numbers of player participation.

Its not really.

We can see what percentage of the population has participated in such.

Like we know for sure, that at least 65% of the all characters participate in dragonflight dungeons on some level.

no it’s not. you can get gear through lfr and upgrade it with world quest and vault rewards. or craft it.

As someone that is still getting the ropes after a long break.

Dragonflight might be the most casual friendly xpac I’ve played, mind you, i’m a bfa baby, but…

World quests rotation are slow, no emissaries, weekly quests arent very grindy if at all, gearing is quite fast (to at least reach 400 ilvl ish, i’m not sure what ilvl i should aim before trying some M+), dragonriding glyphs are account bound, the rep grinds dont affect player power, no covenant, no azerite armor, no essence. I predict once i get an alt to 70 all i would need to do is get the gear.

I dont like everything about the story or characters, and my opinion might be discarded completely since i didnt play for real until bfa (i did play some of wow in BC and cataclysm), but I think in terms of mechanics this expansion has been amazing (i dont like the monk talent tree tough because of how mandatory they made xuen), the story has its good and bad momments, overall i am happy to be playing again.

Well maybe old classic ones. New Disney is what people refer when something is bad XD

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Then hit a brick wall or realize your gearing is much faster through M+ or Raiding.

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that’s not what you said. you said “all power progression”.

Well it ain’t faster the other ways.

That’s also not what you said.

And of course actually playing the game gets you things faster.



Remember that classic writing of “man falls in love with woman but for some reason has no clue what her face looks like”

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Well if you buy a carry, sure.

I’m just not butting horns with a system that was designed against having fun.

Well New Disney is what SOME people refer to when something is bad.

I have plenty of fun or I wouldn’t be here like some jealous ex.

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As a dk I miss what was taken going into legion like unholy pres and wod DA
I miss leveling my weapons an def

I play for my own reasons.

Doesn’t mean I can’t point out what’s wrong.

"The game’s not fun, the company is out of touch, and the developers treat the players with open hostility.

… but I play for my own reasons."


What’s so hard to understand about that?

Are you a psychologist in your spare time?

As usual, your logic.

I mean you could just tell us all what you actually what or mean instead of tip toeing around it.

I’d say he’s alluding at you just repeating a bunch of meaningless buzzwords that you don’t actually believe in, or you wouldn’t have an active sub.