Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

Ah, well, at least that is a good sign that Blizz moderation still hasnt given up and is allowing this place to be overrun with hateful rhetoric.

I was becoming worried after they let the antisemitic post stay up for more than a day


At this point, I’m solidly convinced they’re just hardcore drunkposting. Like, there’s letting the veil slip, and then there’s just going full-on BIOTRUTHS.

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The fact this was posted by a female blood elf is something I missed but man does it just make this whole thing better.

That’s what makes it so funny lol


Just remember that such things are possible because civilization has reached the point where we can take a substantial amount of causalities without destroying ourselves as a species.

If those numbers drop drastically however…lets just say reality will bring its harsh reminders.

OK. I’m going to be incredibly charitable and ask what you mean by this. I suspect I know what the answer will be, but I want to hear you out first.

It falls into the same kind of territory of women being on the field police officers.

Ok they can be but because of their size, they generally have to rely on possibly of using lethal force as a deterrent more than say a male would during intense situations.

So in encouraging unrealistic expectations the argument could be made that you’re increasing the probability of putting someone at risk in a RL situation, if they have trouble distinguishing what is fantasy and what isn’t.

Damn. I agreed with the originl sentiment this thread was trying to make.

But it’s not the inclusivity that bothers me. I dont even really understand what that has to do with the quality of the game at all. For me its just that the game no longer feels like an MMO or an RPG and the adventure/exploration/open world community aspect of the game is dead. But thats why they released classic. Its perfect for that very thing.

Everyone should be free to discuss their issues with the game, but i fail to see how arguing the politics of a game, rather than the gameplay isnt a waste of your time, unless you’re a troll just wanting reactions because of boredom. At that point just play something else lol


Oh I bet it’s going to be hilariously stupid.


Wait let me go outside and set down my totems and shoot fireballs at ppl real quick

Well that’s what all those agreements are for when you click them before playing.

So if you do go out and actually do that, then Blizzard isn’t fully accountable for your actions.

So the harsh reminder of what will happen of a sigificant portion of our popluation is wiped out is that you think women are more likely to use deadly force?

Seems like a suspicious answer to me

Rather what resources you have to consider preserving if humankind is on the brink of extinction.

I have quit numerous times due to the tone of the game. I doubt I’m the only one.

So far ive lasted about 10 days on retail, but only through the grace of an addon that turns off the talking heads from world quests.

A few months before that I logged on hoping to get back into it, but heard the butch dwarf and frumpy tuskarr women in azure span in quick succession and logged off again.

I doubt I’m the only one whose been put over the edge with this kind of tone. For some it can be the last straw. For others it might just be one small contribution to them quitting.

There are plenty of other gameplay reasons for why warcraft doesnt feel like warcraft anymore so you are right there.

Firstly that’s not the context of this thread; the idea of Garrick and Grimaxe not being appropriate for a new player’s introduction to their respective faction because they’re women soldiers in command of male soldiers is an absolutely abhorrent view because it makes no sense in Warcraft. A new player is not going to give one single care about the NPC helping them through the tutorial aside from ‘where’s the next one for this questline’.

Secondly, you’re worrying about edge cases; individuals trained for combat are going to win in an altercation far more often than not, no matter their sex.

Thirdly, the threat of using a deadly weapon isn’t exclusive to women.



I don’t think anything I’ve said is hateful. That’s kind of a dishonest characterization isnt it? I guess if you classify anyone who goes against a certain worldview as ‘hateful’ you are always the good guy.

What’s so wrong about liking a traditional story and characters? They are traditional for a reason you know…


Found it!

‘New recruit is shown the ropes by a veteran’ is about as traditional as fantasy gets. Notice how there aren’t gender or sex requirements there.


For a reason…

And the reason is that they promote a world-view that alligns with what those in power want reguardless of reality.

I agree. When will we get the good ol’ shows where the women hide their ankles and the blacks use the other water fountains?
