Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

Well, exile’s reach is a pretty traditional fantasy story inside WoW, you’re seeing agenda pushing where there is none, is simple as that.


Returning to this game is a slap in the face with the graphics looking like a badly done disney mmo. Cross-faction just incentivizes this games over the top need to be meta 24/7, and with cross-faction nobody will ever be able to write a believable conflict ever again. This game died in 5.4s drought imo, but coming back with WoD gold to get a good laugh at disabled wheelchair dragons and blind centaur leaders was worth it.

Lol. Everyone guns right to the heart today. People should be fired because “I” don’t like the game in the current state.

Totally reasonable I like it. My burger was a little cold last night - I’m demanding the cook’s resignation this is an outrage!


Its been a long series of abuses don’t you think?

Millions have quit the game under the current leadership. And hundreds of blizzard lower level employees have been laid off too. They needed to move up the chain a bit. Its like firing the cleaning crew on the titanic instead of all the bridge officers.


get real dude.


Young adult gets overconfident and needs help from an adult/parent.

Whats so modern and progressive about opening up to your parents?


Nuance Hurts buckshot’s brain.

Because yeah, I can’t help but think if the captain was a man or the priest was a girl Buck wouldn’t care. But a man needing to be helped by his mother? Oooh, can’t have that.

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And the funny thing is that the parent didn’t even do it alone. They had the help from their crew and us. But somehow Buckshot sees a captain and their crew rescuing someone as “unrealistic” and “non-traditional” because the captain is “not a man.”


it might have looked better if he wasn’t a 40yr old looking dude that looks like he hits the gym for a living lol. sometimes i wish we had sliders but thats another topic.

The best news I’ve ever heard in regards to modern WoW is that the current writers are upset because Metzen’s return has conflicted with their pink-haired vision of Warcraft.


Well, thats on the game’s customization, recently the Nelf heritage questline shows a Night elf dude that was born after the blowing of nordrassil, so the dude is at max 20 years old, but night elf male models look naturally older.

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While this is true, it’s not outlandish for an isolated soldier to be captured by the enemy regardless of their age or build.

thats true to you both im just saying he would had looked better and perhaps maybe in a cutscence or something where he was acutally doing something and said that. he was just chilling in the air lol

Are… are you going for a hat trick?


Where do you see any real life examples of how orc women behave? They are a completely different species from humans. Who’s to say what their behavior patterns might be.

For example, imagine you come across a pride of lions out on the Serengeti. Would you expect them to act like traditional human women?



Thats my point, the dude was complaining the horde exile’s reach had a woman orc behaving like a man. I asked him to direct me towards any orc that behaved in a traditionally feminine way by human standards.


you’re so brave. where do you find the strength to keep fighitng.


8chan would be my guess.


This thread has become its own version of The Maw… oh yay. All apologies to the OP who I know didn’t intend to stir up what happened.


You mean Arthas? The guy who ended up a villain?