Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

Yes, but they have never been the leading narrative figure for orcs or humans. Apparently the new player experience of Exiles Reach set to “correct” that for both the horde and alliance. checkmark complete!

I bet some of these writers and staff would rewrite Aragorn into a woman if they had the option.

Hell, the Alliance has had a woman grand admiral since Vanilla!

https:// wowpedia.fandom .com/wiki/Grand_Admiral_Jes-Tereth

Did you skip Warcraft 3 where Jaina was the defacto leader of the survivors of the Alliance?(I say suvivors because until around Vanilla we didn’t know if anyone was left in the eastern kingdoms due to the whole demonic invasion thing)


She’s not the High King of the Alliance. She’s a tutorial zone NPC. She’s a minor support character that happens to guide the PC through their first questlines. Once you’re done you don’t even have to see her again until Dragonflight.

Again, no new player will bat an eye at Garrick’s presence. Racist ones might, though.

EDIT: Also, there’s even Private Cole on the boat, the literal second character you talk to, that’s a nice and safe white man that can protect you from the horrible Captain.


As far as I know the leading human leader is Turalyon and the Orc leader is… Thrall? I dont play horde.

Captain garrick is just one of many captains.

Edit: Also, Orc women were always, well, not traditionally feminine either.

And, like it or not, a standard male commander would have been a far better choice to introduce new players into the alliance and the horde.

There was no story or lore reason for doing what they did. It was an overt injection of political crap into the game. Why are you ok with that? Especially when its done in such a mediocre and poorly written way.

This is why warcraft doesnt feel like warcraft anymore. Its being written and changed by people who think the original franchise is “problematic”


Good lord I think I love you.

You are so honest with this stupid take.

It’s refreshing really. Most people on the forums try very hard to at least try and not look terrible.

But here you are popping a hand stand on it.



Who was our introductory protagonist in the human campaign?

When I think ‘Alliance’, I think, ‘soldier in platemail, with a shield and sword. Blue and gold colors, usually Human but sometimes Dwarven or Elven.’ Race and sex do not even enter my mind because why would it? It’s a Human Fighter, that’s all I mechanically need to know, and unless the good Captain demonstrates an inability to, y’know, Captain, I see no reason to call her qualifications into question either.


There was never implicitly or explicitly anything in the narrative against women becoming commanding officers in the stormwind military. This isn’t pushing an agenda. Modern wow has a lot of pushing agendas or beliefs, but this isn’t a case.



Yea, it’s just a coincidence the hordes captain is also a woman imitating a man.

Instead of doing a throwback to the old warcraft 2 franchise and modeling the characters after those two captains on the box art, something that would set the tone for new players,

They use it as an opportunity to push their weird agenda, gender swapping roles and blackwashing the stormwind humans.


‘Orc women aren’t suited to being warriors.’

That’s a helluva take.

EDIT: Also who the hell cares what the WC2 boxart was? This isn’t WC2. Hell, WoW’s old enough that there are players that haven’t played any of the related RTSes.


But here’s the question, if the game is not being made for people who want to play the game, then where does that revenue come from? If no one wants to play the game, why would anyone stick around and pay them money?


Did I say that? What made you feel the need to make up a quote.

Please direct me to any traditionally feminine orc woman.

Dude, please, come on.

If there was a single line of a character saying: “Wow I can’t believe you’re a captain, thats so rare for a woman”. Or a sequence where someone questions her authority based on her gender and then “learns” a lesson. In fact, she is a mom, is there anything more traditional than raising a kid into a good adult?


You implied it with your ‘concern’ about a woman being the commanding officer of a new player’s first mission.


Gears did representation well by the 3rd game.

Their world had spiraled so far into hell that women had to take up arms at that point.

WoW…what did I come back to. Now the presence of women in the military that have achieved a high rank is political, and somehow bad for the game?

I knew you had some extreme views after you linked that far-right gaming site the other day…but you keep surprising me with the outlandish stuff you say

I guess if nothing else, I’m impressed that you’ve managed to say the stuff you do without getting banned or your posts deleted


It’s amazing and I love it.

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I don’t live in the US. Its not outlandish at all for the rest of the world.

So the American company, developing an game in America, should pat women on the shoulder and say “You’re a credit to your species. I’m surprised your not in the kitchen and not dying like cattle.” to not scare the rest of the world?

Yes yes! Please continue!