Fingers crossed. He should, in the very least, have some sort of stamp of approval on the overall direction of the game and story. I’m actually curious what his involvement will be. Or is…I think he’s already back.
BFA felt like a surprise bag that you’d get from a corner store as a kid that would have a few random odds and ends in it and lacked anything approaching a coherent theme or narrative.
How is Shadowlands or BFA more in keeping with the Themes, Stories and art style While DF is not?
I’m sure the fact that the game is 20 years old has nothing to do with that.
Warcraft has pretty much expressley been Generic fantasy for 30 years.
Everything changes over the course of 20 years. Heck I’ve been thru many changes in that time too.
On the feeling of WoW. Yes, the story telling has changed. It used to be told over time a fair amount of time giving people time to speculate over the flow of the main and side stories. The story had a life to it.
About the time I had heard Blizzard handed the story telling over to a writer (or writers) outside the company it seemed to go right downhill. There was not really a flow anymore and it seemed janky? Janky meaning the story looked good but had no meat to it and thrown together. Hard to describe.
Anyways, I had first thought the stories were not important at all. Game play was the main reason for my enjoyment of the game. As things changed over time (including myself) I came to realize the story\stories were much more important to me that I had realized.
And you think DF is better? I don’t people like you, likely just praising the game atm, because you’re just in the mood to play WoW. I see this a lot, you will realize how bad this expansion is in a few years.
The game hasn’t been good since WoD really, yes WoD was last time WoW felt like WoW to me, and the game didn’t have the Diablo AARPG design elements stinking up the game.
BFA’s art style and ascetics at least felt like WoW. SL and DF feel like some boring Korean MMOs.
God, you guys need to get some new material. WoW as a IP is still very popular, the age of the game has nothing to do with its decline. The design choices the devs made are the reason the game stinks now. COD is 20 years too, and that game is still selling like hotcakes.
CoD is the same game basically for 20 years.
Well, at least the older versions felt unique compared to what we got now.
I made multiple posts about this as well.
It feels like a bunch of woke Disney people are producing this game.
It’s fine, the world and game have evolved. If you want the old world, you play classic. If you want the 20 years later and lots of world ending baddies later version, you play retail.
I really miss the days of bashing the Malfurion/Tyrande/Illidan love triangle instead. I mean, the blatant sexuality there is just gross. And not just side characters, but like, main story characters? Geez
He does go off the rails a bit toward the end, but I agree with his core argument.
When they held Blizzcon to announce the next expansion during Legion,which ended up being Battle for Azeroth. I sent a good friend of mine a text, and I told him the next expansion looks like a Disney cartoon… Little did we know it wouldn’t get any better after BfA.
Legion was my swan song…I played since 2007 as much as possible except during cata…I can only tolerate retail in small doses, like a month here and ther then i go right back to Classic.
Yeah I think it’s better; The theme of this expansion is rebirth and it’s echoed through every zone and story arc as characters try to forge a new future for themselves that isn’t tied to the many problems of the past.
BFA felt like they had 4 ideas for an expansion (Faction war, old god stuff, Naval stuff and Azerite) but didn’t have a plan from the get go for how to Link all of that together in a coherent manner and figured they’d make it work later and Later just never came.
Which is… what exactly? Because I gotta tell you WoW’s style and ascetics has gone all over the place over the past 20 years and the ten before that.
This isn’t even going into how WoW was dismissed as an EQ clone at launch.
So you’re comparing an MMORPG directly to a FPS uncritically and questioning my sanity?
Did they? Did they really?
Agree 100%
Art team is fantastic but their supervisor has allowed them to deviate too much from the original Warcraft which they should go back to
Also please improve immersion by making death more punishing again (through time not gold) so we are more invested in our character’s life again
Repairs and stuff ruin casual experience but like having to spend a lot of time to resurrect actually really makes you value your characters life lol
Biggest downer for me with DF is that it is no longer “World of Warcraft,” It has been converted to “World of WarCrafting” (and related). It used to be a bit of a bother grinding rep to unlock pets, mounts, gear and such from a faction. Now, we still have to do that but rather than simple gold, but rather round up items.
I don’t even do crafting, it’s too complicated and unfun to bother. That’s an issue though, my gold will keep depleting till it’s nothing. So not sure what to do when my savings are gone. Guess I’ll be forced to buy tokens.
Unless someone knows a secret way to get gold through the game that isn’t the confusing crafting system?
That’s because they are. DF is one of the most “bland” storylines in some time, it just so… milktoast and generic
As for the hero class, Evokers look goofy and straight out of a Disney cartoon show. They don’t have the same “cool” factor as Death Knights in Wrath or Demon Hunters in Legion
The NPCs themselves are not very interesting either, there isn’t really any “exciting” characters such as Illidan present in the main story questline (MSQ). Instead it’s a bunch of no-name NPCs like Sendrax or that one rock dude from the intro cinematic (…who was never seen again? lol)
Overall the lore and storyline/theme just doesn’t provide the same “excitement” factor as their previous expansions - it’s hard to put your finger on it, but this story just seems “meh”
I’m fine with not being the most important person in the universe. DF is the best this game has been in over ten years IMO. I don’t think its bland, its nice to not be the chosen one while I run around with 100 other “chosen ones”.
Cause it’s not the same team that made original wow anymore those guys have long retired by now go look at the Dragonflight expansion reveal video and it tells you everything you need to know about the current wow team mostly
Whats that?
All of the current WoW team who want to create this “new” wow style (the boring, cutesy style) should all go work on Warcraft: Arclight Rumble or Hearthstone. Those games’ styles seem to fit them better, and their casual audience would probably appreciate their efforts. Especially since those games don’t focus on story, so these bad writers couldn’t really screw much up over there.
World of Warcraft should return to its original roots and cull 90% of the cutesy stuff.
I’m not even sure what the problem is with Rep? Like you don’t actually have to do anything if you don’t want to and if you choose to getting rep is stupid easy.
As to crafing: It’s frankly better now then it has been in damn near forever; people actually want crafted gear and it has a depth that makes it rewarding.