Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

If you think this is the worst the game has been since '04 you must have spent an extended period of time in a coma.

Like BFA was an absolute diaretic explosion of systems, most of which weren’t really supported in any meaningful way as the expansion progressed, it’s writing bordered on incoherent and the writers must have been high as a f***ing kite if they thought that a 4faction war which was actively worse then the one from mists was going to hack it for anyone.

SL was once again more systems combined with covenants, mandatory weekly activities, a main antagonist who was boring and who’s plan never seemed to make any sense, confusing lore…

No, DF is not the worst the game has been. It has problems to be sure (Lord knows Zaralakk should have had more going on), But between crafting being better now then it likely ever has been, The writing having a more grounded approach, lots of opt in content as opposed to mandatory grinds and villains that are at least interesting if not terribly original I’d definitely argue it’s far from terrible.


Game is a shell of its former self, you can still enjoy large parts of it, the transmogs and graphics are exceptional, classes feel very responsive etc etc.
But the magic of immersion of losing yourself inside a large rpg world, seen through your characters class/race, that brought in 6-12mill people is gone.

Also progression feels broken, getting a new green weapon feels more rewarding in classic than the multiple epics & mounts thrown at you on retail.
It’s akin to a fat kid having chocolate cake shoved down their throat sat at the end of a conveyor belt. Not alot feels special.


Yeah it hasn’t felt very warcraft-y for a long time.

Legion brought some elements back, but the last few expacs have really deviated from the core world.

Even with the involvement of the Dragonflights this expacs, it still feels like some weird spinoff of WoW, just like Shadowlands did.


This article does a good job of explaining the state of things. It’s filled with thought crimes though.


What is “Warcraft” anyhow? I played quite a bit of Warcraft III, and even vanilla WoW felt quite a bit different from that game. Both are Warcraft, though. And then TBC was released and things started going in an even weirder direction. Yet it was still Warcraft.

Now, I haven’t liked all the ideas they’ve come up with over the years, but as jumbled and disparate they could be, it was still Warcraft, like it or not. I guess that’s the whole thing: Does WoW feel like a Warcraft you like?

Nope. You can disagree with there being identity politics being inserted into everything nowadays and not be a bigot. Big corporations think this is the ‘trendy’ thing nowadays, and I am pretty sure it kind of is for zoomers and women.

Blizzard has lost its soul and what made it great doesn’t exist anymore. They have gone full corporate mode and churn out content that is so generic that even AI could do better.

Old school WoW and D2 were games that could never be matched in their haydays. Now we are stuck with sunk-cost fallacy gamers and people to see that you’re just a hamster on a wheel paying 15 bucks a month that defend every poor practice/system/unimaginative way to keep you playing.


I’ve been playing this game since WC1, and I can assure you what “warcraft is” has changed and shifted and evolved many, many times over the course of 30 years.

The idea that somehow DF is the odd one out is honestly ridiculous.


"WoW sucks. It’s horrible. It’s can never get better. I am going to insult anyone still paying it.

But I will still play it and hang out on the forums."

Name a more classic love story.


Love does that to everyone in time but your saying your insulting yourself?

Um…not at all.

WoW isn’t WoW anymore because the people who made WoW memorable are gone…either they’ve moved on, been fired, promoted or whatever.

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whoever is running the games story needs to be moved to something else. like making cute mogs since they want happy Disney love here they can put it into mogs and not in the games writing

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They couldn’t even get dragons right. The easiest archetype in fantasy.

Who the hll is in charge of the narrative on the team right now? How do you screw up dragons by making these giant, highly intelligent reptilian predators into sugar coated emotional soap opera characters. They should not feel human to us. That’s what makes them dragons.

It would have made for a far more interesting story juxtapositioning our morality vs theirs, and they could have added some conflict there. Instead of whelp daycare Alextraza should have had us cull any malformed ones, or some other reptilian act. She is the mother of life, and life is incredibly cruel, especially for mammals like us.


I’m in that category. All I’m interested in is how hard they can hit the mobs, how long the fight will last before they or I die, what they can bring to a boss fight, what can they do to make me a tonne of currency of the realm. Who they sleep with after I log off is none of my business and I have no need to know that information. Nor does anyone need to know mine.

I play to GET AWAY from every day life and it’s struggles. I play to be entertained, and right now that’s this game.


SL and DF are the worst versions of WoW, in my opinion.

BFA at least felt like WoW.

You’re going on about the systems here, I’m talking about the themes, stories and art style. Stop conflating the two here.

The plunge in participation says otherwise.

The writing has been terrible, extremely generic fantasy.

It is no wonder they’re bringing Metzen back, the game is in a horrible state. The current team just stinks.


There are too many difficulties, too many ways to acquire gear. The game just showers you in rewards. Like, who thought that M+ being spammable all week was a good idea, and then you get another shot at Mythic rewards from the vault.

The entire reward system is just flawed.


They need him, the current team is creating garbage stories, that no one is interested in. If feels like they despise the players, the IP and the current direction of the narrative is just them trying to stick to the old developers.

Edit: Woah, I read that article, that was a pretty hate filled rant by the blogger, that person needs to get their head checked.

Yes but that would cause the Alliance to Horde ratio to widen even more so. Vyrkul for Alliance as well then. Even though not as iconic, they are still the first viking type race that we would have if we got them. And they are about the same size as ogres anyhow.

They’re not really bringing him back though. He’s in charge of the whole franchise, which includes things like their new mobile game. Big picture stuff. He’s not going to be writing for WoW, from my understanding.

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Makes sense, maybe he will have some influence on the writing.