Yes and no lol.
Sexuality has nothing to do with it. Don’t really want a soap opera but bring on the Spartanesque muscular gay orcs any day. I fully welcome the 300 sparta narrative style of warcraft.
Yes and no lol.
Sexuality has nothing to do with it. Don’t really want a soap opera but bring on the Spartanesque muscular gay orcs any day. I fully welcome the 300 sparta narrative style of warcraft.
No, the only thing that will fix this game is the original Warcraft team to take back the franchise. But they all quit.
There are plenty of young devs who have outlooks similar to the original team. However, judging by what the retail team is producing these days, they would not fit in with the culture of the modern narrative/story team.
There’s gossip of them hating the fact that Metzen was brought back. Which is funny considering if the entire wow writing and story staffed were fired, and replaced with chat gpt and random forum fanction it would be an upgrade.
They’re probably scared of Metzen coming back because they feel so inferior around him.
They know that they can’t compete with him when it comes to making cool stuff that people enjoy. They know that WoW’s creative direction utterly tanked after he left the company, and that they’re responsible for it.
They are indebted to Metzen. The Warcraft franchise never would have become so iconic without his vision.
If this current creative team were working on a standalone new IP that wasn’t Warcraft, NO ONE would be playing it. Imagine the BFA through Dragonflight storyline if it were totally detached from the WoW universe. It wouldn’t even get the chance to be universally-panned; no one would have been interested in it in the first place. It would be like one of those random games on Steam with like 2000 downloads.
So yeah, I’m not surprised at all that some of the newer members of the creative team aren’t thrilled at Metzen’s return. Imagine the shame they must feel.
I doubt they feel shame. Probably more anger and resentment. Lotta these types who seemingly love cuteness and the furry/scaly/soy scene are the most hateful and vicious people out there.
Yeah, you’re probably right… and it’s some good food for thought. I guess it’s like how so many meek nerdy types enjoy listening to the most hardcore genres of music.
That describes BFA and especially Shadowlands perfectly!
Dragonflight feels exponentially more like WoW, since Legion!
While BFA was only fun if you were playing Alliance, while being completely demoralizing playing Horde, Shadowlands was an entirely different game with very little to do unless you wanted to take an alt through each covenant for mog purposes, and even then it was dead boring.
Dragonflight has the feel of Vanilla, BC, Wrath, Cata, Mists, and Legion all wrapped up in the Dragonflights which have been around since the beginning and were one of the main parts of Wrath.
As for story and lore, it’s amazing, deep, and thoughtful like Mists only far more fun. Finally we have an expansion where Orcs and Old Gods aren’t constantly front and center because that has been repeated to the point of tedious predictability.
This story is thirty years old. And since the appearance of the Burning Legion in Warcraft III, we learned our Faction War is infantile, petty, and suicidal because there are extinction-level foes that are exponentially more important.
Personally, every single time the game has attempted to direct things back to the Faction War, it has felt stupid, as though everyone on Azeroth had dementia plus a collective learning disability, and that the Burning Legion never existed.
As for game play, I’m having even more fun than I did in Legion, which was a BLAST! So much open world content with quests. and fun and dynamic scenarios, with great transmogs, and helpful ways to upgrade gear outside of instanced group content.
I absolutely love Dragonflight!
I’m also looking forward to 10.2 and the Eastern Kingdoms Dragonriding Cup!
Of course it doesn’t feel like Vanilla, because TWENTY YEARS of story has happened, and it shouldn’t feel the same.
The good news is, Classic exists for those who prefer the story to stay in that timeframe.
Buck is mad that the game has characters who are gay, lesbian and trans.
Like once you strip away all of their semantics that’s what most of the complaints in this thread are just thinly veiled bigotry; there is no acknowledgement from folks that WoW’s problems stem from the merger or the endless need to find new and interesting ways to charge players for things with microtransactions while oft under delivering on features.
Because yeah sure: the expansion isn’t perfect and a lot of stuff just feels like filler but having body type 1 and 2 or people with pink hair or how the only apparent straight couple prior to 10.1 were ghosts ain’t it.
Shadowlands didn’t feel like Warcraft. Dragonflight does. Is it perfect? No. But it’s certainly a return to form after Shadowlands. The expansion isn’t focused on griding a single activity to death and it has a lot more variety. Subsriptions will never be what they once were since Blizzard badly burned their reputation, but DF is strong enough to retain the players it does have which couldn’t be said for BFA or SL.
I recommend anyone who wants to make dragonflight feel more like warcraft use this addon.
It silences all of those annoying world quest talking heads. It has made retail tolerable enough to get into again.
This is true.
DF feels like WoW again but it’s hard to recover from the weird expansion that was SL.
That’s because it’s world of warcraft and not a real time strategy.
How does it feel like WoW? The weird looking dragons, the Disney like characters? The worst story to hit the game ever?
A lot of my LGBTQ WoW friends don’t like how the LGBTQ characters have been written as well. They feel very forced, and just shoved into the game by the developers probably to meet some quota.
It just reeks of virtue signaling. Never mind, the characters and the stories around these characters are just poorly written.
I don’t think most gamers care that there are LGBTQ characters in their games, most people don’t like virtue signaling by these giant, greedy media companies.
Fixed that.
Another lost isle to explore. I’m fighting alongside the aspects. And we keep dwelling deeper into the lore of the, neltharion, black empire. It’s giving us in game history of so many events that were only in writing. It’s beautiful.
Plus it gives the story a break from Sylvania, anduin, thrall, jaina, mekatorque, and all the others.
Shadowlands sure wasn’t wow like. It was pretty trash story wise and even trying to be warcraft. Bfa had me until oh wait, another old god…yay.
Pretty much all the folks who have been complaining have heavily implied that there are problems with LGBTQ.
Like I’m a christian cis-gendered white guy and even I can suss this out.
As to DF as an expansion: It honestly feels more in touch with the spirit of WoW then the last two expansions have, though It remains to be seen how they wrap the whole thing up.
Yea i dont know, you can still do dungeons, M+, raids, theres quests, daily quests, pvp, rated pvp… its still feels like wow to me
You mean the 5 bigots that inhabit these forums?
Compared to SL, anything would look good. DF is a mess. The only people left playing are the diehards at this point.
I’ve been here since 04, and this has to be the worst the game has ever been. People keep praising these content updates, and I’m like, there is nothing here but surface level busy work.
I find it utterly hilarious at the people defending modern WoW, the game sole’s existence is to extort as much time and money out of its remaining diehard fans. All the design revolves around these concepts.
The devs don’t even bother trying to make fun systems and content anymore. This game is a soulless cash grab now.