You know I heard a rumor (and yeah I know about Rumors) That right before Chris “Retired” Blizzard was seriously looking to move the whole North American offices to the Metroplex area of Texas…I wonder what would have happened if they did.
It was ridiculous buffoonery and the both of you know it.
But hey, I got other examples:
- Protecting animals for a bunch of hippies in northrend.
- Children’s week.
- Trick or treating.
- The greench.
- Noble garden.
- The chinese new years thing.
I can keep going about “srs biznes” if you want.
I thought it was great. The creepy npc dialogue, the music of the zone. I just did this recently in HC, damn it was good.
The Azure Span was the only zone storyline in DF that I didn’t struggle to complete. It was pretty solid.
You’re litterally stealing pumkins from farmers with pitchforks.
This is pure camp. And it was fun don’t get me wrong, but to treat it as “serious business” is a hell of a reach.
Yeah, and if you did kill animals that same group would attack you.
Lol the holiday events. Never said there wasn’t some good celebration it is a world after all, but that still plays into the tone of the older quests, that despite evils some people had time to find some small times to celebrate something.
To finish this you achievement you had to literally take the child into AV, a battlefield of war.
you mean the event that the now undead humans celebrate their liberation of being enslaved and burn a wickerman to symbolize their freedom?
The beast that attacks travelers and a company asks you to kill it?
Yeah nice and wholesome event
… The lunar event. The celebration over gaining victory by fighting back the Burning Legion.
Even out of the holidays most of them are attached to some event that was a rather clear tone setter.
Please do.
to be clear I don’t even think that softening of the game is overly bad, but to suggest the tone hasn’t changed over the years is just wrong.
no, you don’t get it. they were EVIL pumpkins. used for BAD THINGS!!!
The very next quest you’re tasked to poison them and feed them to a human to see how well it kills them.
why did they pick pumpkins as opposed to something more reasonable? because with pumpkins it’s goofier.
What is Warcraft supposed to feel like? Its different for everyone.
A more reasonable crop?
Waptor Twapping
The Maximillian Questline
Peacebloom VS Ghouls
Mmm… Amberseeds!
Welcome To The Machine
A wee bit of cloth
It’s Goat Time, Baby
The Lunk Questline
The Day That Deathwing Came
I’m not saying the game hasn’t, but the idea that the game was originally some dark, brooding serious business affair that is totally inconsistent with DF is kind of ridiculous.
Hell, WC1 popularized the joke of clicking too many times on a unit to pester them.
I guess we’ll just keep feeling until we find that answer
exactly. corn? peppers? wheat? anything but pumpkins! honestly they couldn’t have picked a goofier crop if they’d tried, unless you include some of the other squashes (pattypan squash? comedy gold)
I’m guessing people want every expansion to be horde vs alliance war forever even though it stopped making sense beginning with TBC, and would be impossible to do well because you’d have to make half the playerbase unhappy when they lose.
10 expansions of a stalemate would be very dull.
Then you didn’t have to say anything.
The projection is real.
See, the thing about the horde v alliance conflicts is that I feel like the only two times where they were done half decent were some of the Cataclysm quest lines and Mists of pandaria since both tried to examine the nature of war and (in the case of Mists) show that the conflict between the alliance and the horde is ultimately a stupid contest between equally matched sides that would only result in the destruction of all participants.
Is it? Was I the one trying to convince everyone that the emasculation of this game wasn’t really happening only to flip flop at the very end and admit the reality? Yeah that wasn’t me.
Peak campiness. I love that dude. So glad I got him as a follower in Legion. Wonder how he’s doing.
Its true wow isn’t what it was and it can be attributed to myraid reasons. It is a 20yr game and the story took us from being humble adventures to champions of azeroth. It didn’t help that they destroyed the legacy of Arthas, left Illidan at the pantheon and ruined the faction war fantasy.
Story writing took the back bench in favor of raiding and m+ the enjoyment behind classic through wrath was the adventure through the narrative that led to raiding. Legion was probably the last good story wow had that came from the writers room. Bfa was a cringe worthy revival of the faction war, sl was clown level fan service and sire danathrias could have been the villain the expax needed had the writers merely applied themselves.
Class quests
Raid attunements
Forgotten professions with archy and inscription
Old zones - i think DF would have made a great time to have stories to revisit the blue dragons in winterspring, the black dragons in blackeock, the bronze at the caverns of time etc. Keeping us chained to the dragon isles makes the world feel small. The kalimdor cup doesnt quite cut it.
Old raids - onyxia’s lair, vanilla bwl, bot, all could have had a place in DF and is another missed opportunity for lore inclusion.
I am sorry but everytime i hear “great fish gather in…” i wish i could toggle at war with that faction…
The fact that you feel this threatened by the presence of people who are Gay, lesbian or trans say far more about your insecurity then it does about the game.
Myself, I noticed them, was mildly bemused that the only straight couple in this expansion seems to be a pair of ghosts and moved on.