Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

I think you know very well what I mean and are just acting out of spite.

But you can continue to be ignorant. If you don’t want to understand, you won’t.


normal people is a more accurate choice of words. There is a reason the storyline and style of the new versions of wow don’t resonate with people. Because the writers are not interested in creating a truthful, timeless representation of a gameworld and make choices that instead align with their political worldview.

That is the reason that despite the first female captain of the royal navy only happening in 1972, both captains in the starting zone are women. Is that an accurate representation of the time period these games are based on? No, of course not. It was a willful political decision to do that. Is that the best introduction to the horde and alliance that the new team wanted to create? Is that a proper thematic introduction? No it isnt, because war is a male domain and has been for all time. And in the back of people’s brains these very small things are noticed and it affects their suspension of disbelief. They don’t connect because they are filled with these little lies.

There are plenty of other gameplay reasons why the game is failing as well. It is a death by a thousand cuts situation but a major problem is that the devs have made the “game” elements too in your face and the treadmill too obvious. There isn’t much of a world to get sucked in to anymore with consistent rules. That is why classic wow still brings in players constantly whereas retail fails to capture them.


You’re the one arguing that it isn’t the same or that somehow DF is some bizarre aberration in the grand scheme of things, and I’m trying to give you the benefit of the doubt by letting you explain this in a way that doesn’t reveal you to be a bigot.


I’m sorry, what exactly is the time period that WoW is supposed to be set? Because we have elements from about a dozen different time periods (some of which represent futuristic concepts) over the course of the game’s history.


Orcs vs Humans is based around Medieval Europe at the time of the mongol invasions. It is not a coincidence that “orc” is a derogatory term for a mongol redneck nomad. How is that not clear?

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If it was 1994 you might have a point with this, but WoW has shown everything “time period” wise from Cave men with clubs to Space men with power armor and full on industrial revolution all occuring at basicly the same time.

So I have to ask again: what exactly is the “time period” that World of Warcraft exists in?

Also you should know: the Term “orc” is a slur for russians people so maybe don’t go posting that unless you are eager to eat a ban for hate speech.


I’m sure there are plenty of new hires at blizzard that have this same view towards the older franchise. That’s why the game is in the state it is in today. It isn’t popular, its failing, and at this point the only real solution is to move the studio out of the cesspit that is California and hire some actual talent.

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Moving it to another state isn’t going to help it and if you weren’t a raging homphobe you’d be able to understand the many, many reasons why doing so would likely collapse blizzard as a whole company.

Still waiting for you to articulate what “time period” WoW is supposed to be in btw.

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Companies do this all the time. All they need to do is open up an office in Texas, work together a bit during the interim, and move over the staff that they want to keep. Its safe to say the leadership of the wow team has been failing for a long time and could use a shakeup.

hell, for the warcraft 3 remake, they let the whole thing be done by an outside company. its not like using other locations is new to them.

blizzard is not going to innovate and succeed like they used to by living in a climate of fear and puritanism. California is only going to get worse, it is a sinking ship.

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Let me explain this to you.

  1. As soon as the people in california (Blizzards only functioning studio branch) catch wind of this they’re either going to bounce (Assuming that they’re uncontracted) or they’re going to sue the bejeezus out of blizzard for wrongful termination because I can pretty much guarantee there is nothing related to them being terminated due to the company deciding to move out of state wholesale.
  2. During this time period you are going to have an extended time period wherein development effectively ceases to exist because there aren’t enough staff to actually do anything, so the stock value of Blizzard begins to tank and possibly open them up to a hostile take over.
  3. Most likely you need to actually pay to have the facilities for the studio built which means sinking millions of dollars into construction over the course of a few years.
  4. You now have to hire fresh staff who are going to be fully aware that the company arbitrarily moved and fired all of their staff and their is nothing preventing them from doing so again.

This is how you obliterate your company.

No…it dosen’t…these days I roam WoW classic a shadow of my former self wishing that so many choices were not made…I hope they announce WoW Classic + at Blizzcon, while not a perfect solution it will at least give us more to do in a version of Azeroth before they messed everything up.

This is how you innovate your company.

There is an extensive playbook for companies to do this. They do it all the time. They open other offices, ease in to the transition, offer promotions and other incentives for moving to the new branch etc. BTW it is a huge incentive to move to a place with a lower cost of living. I bet lots of people would jump at the chance to leave Irvine and start working their butt off to secure a position.

The process might take 2 years but work would continue during all of that. If they can work through covid online they can work with 2 different locations. The competition would be good.

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Literally just another way of blizzard saying “you think you do but you don’t”

then the players showed up and actually played it and still play it.

If you compare it to modern WoW/games sure but comparing it to games back then, in the same genre? No chance at all. WoW was claimed to be a baby’s first mmo how much information it provided. People were amazed that you just had a map and could see where you were at on it.

The game wasn’t designed drag out game play, that is how WoW is now. The world, and the leveling was the game to play. Good gosh tell me you weren’t at video game playing age when WoW came out with out telling me that you weren’t.

Yeah, so much like milk it is getting additional server types that historically blizzard hasn’t acknowledged different ways to play their MMORPG since the first release of WOW telling players how to twink for low level battle grounds in their manual.

Look, you can not like classic. I understand it and take no issue with it, it wasn’t a perfect game but no game is. However to suggest that it was this failure of a game is just a flat out lie.


I was doing loremaster in Dustwallow Marsh and I was tasked with cutting the hearts and tongues out of dragon whelps.

In DF I was tasked by a babysitter to trim flowers and put bumble bees gently in a bag (to be released unharmed down the road) because both were bothering the dragon whelps.

One (of many) examples showing the difference in “tone” between Warcraft and whatever DF is.

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  1. This is how you destroy your company.
  2. You’ve already established that the reason for moving is for the express purpose of ditching the staff.

just the dead weight, like twitter.

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There were quests where I murdered piles and piles of gnolls, gorlocks Centaurs, Draconids and Djaridin in DF.

In Classic I had a mission to steal pumpkins.

Much tone ++.


Because twitter is doing so good these days.

From the humans still attempting to survive in a war torn and undead ridden land and now those undead are here to take the pumpkins…to which they poison to attempt to kill the humans more efficiently.

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Pumpkins to be used as a poison for murdering alliance captives. It’s the TONE of the game overall.

There isn’t even a Warchief. F*** I hate these writers.