Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

it was mocked by people who feel the way you do about it. other people liked it.

again… based on what? your assumption that this “core audience” agrees with you?


Based on your eyes and ears.

Are you serious?

It’s quite obvious.


okay, i’m curious. please describe what you believe is wow’s “core audience”.



Everything past legion has felt like a “what if” show to me.


What hiring practices do they have now that needs to be modified? I’m curious?

The fans of the original warcraft. It created a certain tone that appealed. That is no longer there, only the husk.

If you look at the picture with the Dracthyr alone and have no background knowledge, you wouldn’t associate it with Warcraft.


Wow to me feels like a cheap, badlyy written/produced game that is probably app-able these days that they charge top dollar for. Not only do they charge top-dollar for it, the expansions are never really finished. If they release the expac end game, and content in stages of 3 or 4. We are essentially paying full price for something that is only maybe 60% complete att he time of release.

I say 60% due to zones, mobs and most quests and such being finished.


Yea, I wonder how much money and man hours they spent making those ridiculous character models when all they had to do was let people choose whatever visage you wanted out of all of the playable races on your faction.

Blizzard is infected and the game is slowly going to die until there is a leadership shakeup and better staff brought in. If a tree keeps producing rotten fruit, theres something wrong with the tree or the soil its planted on.




I noticed it too. And unfortunately not only at Blizzard. Somehow it’s spreading everywhere.


There are many people in our day and age that act the same as did religious zealots and tyrants from history. Quick to judge, label, and dehumanize you for disagreements or opinions that run afoul of their moral beliefs. I don’t think any of what I posted was that egregious or out of the norm. But I was banned for a day for my post about authoritarian culture ironically, because it was “trolling”.

Hard to understand why my real opinion is considered trolling but hey, I guess times have changed. Sub numbers for WoW have changed too though…maybe this new tone just isn’t popular.


I came late to DF and yes, this is all I would have wanted. Perhaps the DK treatment with the extra skin colors the original races don’t have access too to be able to separate them further.

I remember being very disappointed at the spell effects. How hard was it to add a ton of new high quality fire effects. Instead we got this weird red stuff. I really don’t understand how they messed up playable dragons this badly.

The current team of writers are almost doing to WoW what the writers of The Witcher did on Netflix. It’s almost as if they hate the game or the players sometimes. Yes, new features are great. You know what’s better though. A well balanced game. Classes that are fun, balanced and able to induce a flow state in the player. (Google Flow State).

They forgot the first rule of creating things. Keep it simple. There’s so many dangling plot threads that it would take an entire expansion to wrap them all up. That is, if the expansion only dealt with loose threads.

Some classes feel abandoned.
DH is simple, fun and great if you want to Zug Zug you’re time away. It still could use some flow work. More synergy between abilities perhaps. There are DH mains who would know more.

Warlocks, Affliction in particular feels jarring at times. Having to maintain all those dots can feel abit tedious. Bake them into a spell or two. Have the dots interact with each other. Have Affliction be a support Warlock Spec. Make it weaken the enemy, bosses included. Have them be the opposite of Aug Evokers.

Warriors are fun, but need work. Fury plays easily enough, but it doesn’t feel like playing a rage filled barbarian hell bent on destroying its enemy. Where’s the rage (not the rage bar)? Arms is okay, it doesn’t play like a weapons master. Arms should almost play like being a blademaster. Smooth, flowing, graceful and deadly. Protection is fun.

Monk: I don’t play mine enough to have a strong opinion, but the monks on Reddit and the Forums have some ideas.

Druids: I enjoy playing a murder kitty or angry teddy bear. The Boom Birdy doesn’t click with me, but seems fun. Healing is nice, the DoTs could use some umph on sudden massive dmg bursts.

Rogues: I suck at Sub and wont comment on it. Assassination feels like it’s too divided between bleeds and poisons. Maybe have the bleeds compound the damage of the poisons or something, build some more synergy into the spec. Outlaw is fun, the Roll the Bones feels like forced RNG into a spec. Slice n Dice really should be baked into some of the finishers. Also, if your going to give rogues hand guns and shotguns. Let us customize them or at least lean into the Gunfighter idea abit more.

Hunters: I main a hunter, have since OG WoW. Survival is bursty, but needs some flow work. Maybe instead of Serpent Sting, have the hunter able to apply venoms to their melee weapons. Leave the bombs in though, blowing up bad guys is fun. Beastmaster feels underwhelming , pets seem weak. The spec feels like being a dog walker who carries a gun.

Marksmanship Hunter: Slow, flow of abilities feels clunky. No fun abilities. Brings nothing to a raid or five man group. There’s almost no reason to use MM hunters outside of PVE or PVP. How is it an Aimed Shot if you can’t target body parts for different effects. Headshot could slow down casting speed, Arm shots could slow down melee auto attack speeds, Leg shots could slow movement, body shots could cause bleed or expose a weakness in armor. What am I aiming at? It doesn’t say


“and” the players.


Good correction thank you.


For sure, too many “feel good” moments.

The WoD cinematic trailer is everything WoW could and should be.

The DF trailer… is not


I want to thank you for ruining my lunch with this pic. nice job…


I’m sure you are “curious”.

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