Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

I think everything up to Wrath felt very wow is. But that was the epic climax to an RTS that we fell in love with. Anything after that became a story not to many people care about, with each expansion diminishing that story even more.

Before vanilla wow and forward was working towards a climax which was ARthurs fate. Now each expansion is it owns story and really we don’t have a story to look forward too.

Lastly part of this story was the faction hatred. Which I get why they changed it, playerbase and all but they should have made that into numerous expansions and slowly worked toward the two factions becoming at first hesitant Allies then becoming full blow Allies.

In my opinion we need a new end boss that we work toward through numerous expansions to get too. Maybe even a new hero over all of us, he’ll even bring back Arthur who has payed his penance to mankind and has returned to warn us all of the impending doom he learned on the other side.


I feel it more has to do that we live in a different time and jokes and themes can’t be divisive or interesting, they must cater to the lowest denominator.

Dragonflight is just Superman 2, though. Three criminals (a mastermind, a dumb bruiser, and a lady) escape from the Phantom Zone and wander around the world causing havoc before Superman will eventually show up.


So we are like shaming now?



Given that there is no information to suggest that they did it sooner the only thing we can conclude is that it remained contested until the end of the 4th war, same as Arathi highlands.

As to Tyrande: she showed up, did her nightwarrior thing and then buggered off.

The conflict was only resolved at the end of the war, which happened at orgrimarr, not darkshore.

Further, it’s worth noting that the Worgen/night elf forces were contested by a comparatively small portion of the horde consisting of only Forsaken as I recall.

Have I mentioned that I really hate the writing in BFA btw?


I’m a roleplayer, I’ve always primarily used the game as a sandbox for the content that I make for myself in the setting of the game world with some light PVE grinds on the side, rather than depending on the developers to make story content for me.

But as someone who was an entire grown adult when vanilla launched, I can’t say that the story feels appreciably different now than it did before, aside from each expansion being themed to a new thing. There have been good parts and dumb parts and parts that didn’t work and parts that made me a little verklempt. It’s all still the same rar-rar-rar humans and grrrrrr orcs and blaaaaar undead and GRRRR Night Elves…etc.

The overall FEEL of the story isn’t any more different now than it was back then, though, aside from just mostly being about dragons right now instead of dead people or demons.


They held for as long as they did because the prepatch event mandated that it not be over in an instant.

I mean… I can think of worse things then emulating reeves era superman.

Maybe the deadly void thingy Iridikron got will give him brick vision. :smirk:


They’ll bring back Gallywix to be the Lex Luthor industrialist villain equivalent.

(Or whomever Robert Vaughn was playing in Superman 3…)


With a game so old the target audience has definitely changed over the years, and that’s okay! Im grateful for classic because it does cater to what made me fall in love with WoW to begin with. It’s the simplicity/less flashy things, and I can understand what’s killing me in pvp and have a better chance to counter.

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This guy has problems, I had to ignore them.

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Yet those devs who were apparently barely working still created a MUCH better product. So yeah, I’d take them back in a heartbeat over this current team.


This whole “WoW doesnt feel like Warcraft anymore” is just people doing “New bad, old good - updoots please.”

People were saying TBC didnt feel like Warcraft either 15+ years ago, and now people will argue it was the pinnacle of Warcraft. People are fickle - always will be. Is WoW in its twilight? Yea, it is.

Heck we have seen people praise BFA for its storytelling in this very thread after people were lambasting it for being some of the worst written stuff bar WoD during its lifetime; borderline ruining WoW as it plagued some of its core tenets of the faction conflict.


TBC was better than BFA, SL and DF hands down. The older versions of the game built the foundation of what the modern game stands on now.

So tired of people cherry-picking elements from almost 20 years ago, using it as an excuse for how muc of a train wreck the modern game is today.

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… what?



There was a wide view of forum posts back around TBC era which promptly proclaimed that TBC killed the Warcraft universe. Its the same stuff every expac - its half the reason why devs dont bother with GD.

TBC ruined the lore of WoW just as much as BFA and SL did for a lot of major characters and plots.

Because it happens every expac. People literally forget that people were claiming how Legion killed WoW right at the start of the expac. It falls on deaf ears now after you have seen people call the game a train wreck during X period to only praise it a year later.


At least you are honest on when sexual harassment is acceptable to you.


Seeing several “day in the life” videos of people who were working at Meta and Alphabet, and saying they spent most of their days arriving late; leaving early and sleeping. And then were “unfairly” fired earlier this year. I have practically confirmed my suspicions of the quality of work generated by anyone using a computer in that state. It’s all a corpo+govt scam designed to quickly generate artificial money and quit before the bubble pops.


That’s like me saying I have seen what’s approved for education in Florida…therefore I don’t trust anyone that has a florid education.

The joke is that you shouldn’t trust any level of education anywhere in the world unless it’s a professional degree. And even then you should question it because of nepotism and disparate access to higher education.