Wow could easily be ported to consoles

Its easy to play it with trivial content, and never do anything challenging is a helluva tag line.

Then what was the point then? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Iā€™ve never said or even implied about anything about addons or software in that comment or last one.

With that said, Itā€™s not hard to setup addons or additional software. Itā€™s not painful to take 5 minutes to learn how to do things like that, especially since the internet simplify this even further to a point where even a 4 year old can set those up no problem. Like, itā€™s that simple. Itā€™s practically easy mode.

And you certainly donā€™t need software or addons to plug your PC into your TV. lol. You literally plug it in, and it just works.

Itā€™s possible? lol? I didnā€™t know WoW was on consoles. I mightā€™ve missed the announcement.

Oh wait, it isnā€™t possible to play WoW on Xbox, PS or Switch. You just lied. :grinning:

More like thatā€™s what youā€™re saying, because it sounds like you donā€™t have any valid arguments against what iā€™ve said, and instead have to make strawmans or just basically lie, just to spread misinformation about PC.

And iā€™ve never said ā€œDonā€™t bring WoW to consoleā€. Iā€™m simply saying it will be the inferior version if it did arrive on consoles. Much like any console port really. If you wish to spend money on an inferior version of the product, when you can get the same thing but better, with more options and possibly cheaperā€¦ you do you i say. :stuck_out_tongue:

But until then, if you really want the console experience, then plug your PC into your TV. Itā€™s literally not hard to plug a PC into a TV. :laughing: Itā€™s like plugging a monitor into your PC. Infact, TVā€™s are essentially giant monitors.

I recommend to you get educated before continuing on this topic.

I believe there are many more barriers to allowing WoW to be played on a console than you are actually considering. In my opinion, I donā€™t believe that playing with a controller in WoW would be effective or enjoyable.

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As much i agree with the effectiveness (and no, one or two mythic raider with a controller does not mean itā€™s just as or more then effective then mouse and keyboards.), i will say enjoyment, or fun, is subjective here.

If they have more enjoyment with a mouse+Keyboard, thatā€™s fine.
If they have more enjoyment with a controller, thatā€™s fine too.
Heck, if want to enjoy themselves with a guitar hero controller, thatā€™s also fine.

Lol woke up and decided to be mad huhā€¦

Ur entire post is literally ā€œthis sucks for me so no one should be able to do itā€

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wow could easily be on console

ff14 makes it work just fine with an almost identical interface

I still like how everyone is focused on the controller part.

And no one is acknowledging playing wow with absolutely zero add ons.

Could you physically play wow on a console? yes.

Would you be slower than someone using Mouse/KB? also yes

Could you use add ons? no

Could you participate in challenging/high end content? Extremely unlikely.

Thatā€™s literally all heā€™s saying in every post heā€™s made. ā€œI donā€™t want it and you shouldnā€™t consider it because I think it sucks.ā€

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For me, its just envisioning the non stop forum complaints from people playing on console once its ported over as-is.

I play WoW pretty much as is. I have two Addons active. An RP one and Handy Notes which is basically a treasure guide. Oh and the one Weak Aura that tracks the Treasure Goblin. Everything else is standard. Itā€™s perfectly fine amd functional for me.

Cool. The people complaining will be the ones wanting to do things other than RP.

Which will obviously still be more difficult for you, since no RP add on.

Where in my post did I say that all I do is RP? Thatā€™s the Addons I have and just makes certain things easier. I still do raids and M+. Just read what the mechanics are and watch a guide or two.

Yes, the easier levels of raiding and m+ are still able to be done with zero add ons. Or typically add-on-by-proxy. Where people rely on others to have add ons and use discord to tell them when certain things are going to happen.

But, generally speaking, the harder content will shun people on consoles because people without add ons will generally perform worse. That is why its so incredibly rare for people to participate in any high end content (m+/raiding/pvp) with absolutely zero add ons.

They are too useful.

Personally, I would just not invite anyone on console if I had a choice. Because the lack of add on usage would statistically bring a lower level of gameplay.

The fights are designed to be done without addons. Relying on a crutch and calling it needed doesnā€™t mean itā€™s needed. They wonā€™t shun anyone that donā€™t have addons except people that donā€™t pay attention in the first place.

Thats fine. They will still complain in mass because the content is too difficult for them, and that they cant compete with people in PVP or even get invited to higher end content.

The advantages timers, for example, bring to efficient gameplay can not be mentally learned just from reading the journal.

Yes please.

To be fair people would complain even if all of your concerns were met. Itā€™s just the nature of MMOs.

More like you Woke up and decided to project. You didnā€™t even attempt to refute any of anything iā€™ve said. Not sure why you bothered with throwing ad-homs because all it shows how much you donā€™t know about this topic. So what ya doing here other then trolling and causing drama to get a discussion ruined because i shared facts about the consoles/controllers on the reason why WoW would be the inferior version on consoles?

Iā€™ve explained to you thatā€™s not what iā€™m saying. Continuing to ignore what iā€™ve said and just say the same thing over and over again would be spamming/trolling on your part.

And contrary to what youā€™ve said, hereā€™s the actual comment that iā€™ve said to you in the last comment that youā€™ve blatantly ignored. :point_down:

I get you two hate and are upset with the fact that you canā€™t actually refute any of my points, but i rather not you two start harassing people next just because you donā€™t have any valid arguments and had to resort to ad-homs, lies and trying to smearā€™s peopleā€™s character with mistruths. Keep the thread civil. Capisce?

Plus, i could easily say back to you Machet, is ā€œyou want people to be hyped based on untruths and versions that are not better or equal to the version we already off, and not want people to research before buyingā€. But we both know thatā€™s not what youā€™ve said. I mean i assume thatā€™s not what youā€™re sayingā€¦ right?

Thatā€™s because the people that keep bringing up controllers probably donā€™t do anything past LFR.

WoW is too complicated a beast to be played without a robust UI once you start entering higher end content.

It also ignores that the other MMORPGs that are cross platform were also designed with that in mind from the very beginning.

IF ff14 can make it work, so can WoW. and their rotations are a hell of more complicated and some require positionals.