Wow could easily be ported to consoles

Keyword here is “rotation.” FF14 rotations may have more buttons but most classes also follow a very strict pattern of what you will always hit.

WoW rotations are less rotations, but a game of RNG and whack a mole, which is why you need UIs to track the status of everything and procs.

WoW also has many more buttons outside of core DPS buttons as well.

Classes in FF still have the whack a mole game play too you know. Dancer and Bard to name a few.

By name a few, you mean the only 2 out of 20+.

Number of buttons isn’t an issues, speed isn’t even an issue (I have no clue why people bring up speed at all, not that you did, but still)

It’s all technicality, wow would run like garbo on a console

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I know.

The issues are numerous, but people keep insisting on it working because of “BUTTONZ.”

Hell, i have a 9600k and 3070ti and it still runs like garbo compared to other games.

WoW can’t multithread worth a crap, even though dx12 tries

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I haven’t played all the classes. but those 2 just came out of mind. I wouldn’t touch it on controller, i would honestly hate it. But i think button bloat wouldnt really be the issue, it would be other technical hurdles.

I know frost mage(lol) played on a wheel.

God, no. Go play a different game. Don’t ruin WoW with XBox compatibility.

Talk about a blast from the past. The Sparta remixes i hear from tons of YouTube Poops. :blush:

The argument that a gaming pc is so expensive is such a weird argument because you can get a decent set up for like less than 1k.

Its a big one time investment when you include everything

Keyboard, monitor, mouse any other things possibly a desk/table and a chair of some sort.

But then if you take care of it itll last a long time abd juat replace parts as needed or even upgrade parts as you have the money and you never have to worry about “what is next” as far as you would with consoles.

As a former console gamer its always so frustrating like oh this system isnt backwards compatible and now i cant really play certain games but on pc ITS ALL RIGHT THERE whatever game i bought in the past will work

Its a big one time investment but you sont need to spend 2k on a set up to get going to play WoW or any other game

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To just use a controller I think would be massively frustrating. How are you accessing the two dozen or so abilities with solely a single console controller.

But besides that financially I would have thought of you wanted to push console adaptation of wow it would have been a decade ago when the game was far popular and subscriptions significantly higher.

For both stated reasons I don’t know that it’s worth the financial or dev time investment.

Ive thought of wow on console and i think classic would be beside move for it, then once its introduced for a year they can bust out the classix plus scene and go ham and reel in the money

Nah, forget console. I’d rather see bnet get moved over to Steam

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With that attitude, sure!
As a long-time Add-on-free player, you don’t need’em! You can climb ladders as high as you want without’em!!!

The last time I bought a gaming console was 1987. I don’t even understand why people still use them. /shrug

It probably could easily be ported to consoles, but honestly - a console port would have a few hurdles to overcome. First it would need to have its video settings dramatically decreased to be viable. Even with a top of the line computer I drop to 40 FPS when joining a 40 man raid or when there are events like the loot goblin.

Then you have the Blizzard UI - which isn’t exactly console friendly.

Then, just spitballing ideas here: On the financial side, I would make new patches “DLC” you have to purchase rather than being included with the new expansion. Want Forbidden Reach? $5. Want Zaralek Caverns, access to Season 2 Mythic dungeons, and Abberus Raid access? $15. When this becomes profitable on the console, the PC team will see this and also make new patches DLC.

Then you have the console drought. Consoles typically have a life-span of about 10 years. Current generation is about 3 years old. Meaning any significant improvements to graphics won’t take place on consoles until about 2025-2030.

Fine by me, just put a controller icon next to their name so I can avoid them in pugfinder. Easy peasy. I don’t got the time or energy to deal with a healer that takes a minute to swap targets to heal.


Yes and No. It mainly depends on your choice.

Where i’m coming from, you don’t have to spend it all at once if you’re building a PC, and get parts piece by piece, If you have an old computer to use in the time being.

That’s how i built my computer. I got nearly everything but the GPU and just used my 1060 for the time being until i got my 3070, and eventually the 3090. To say i’m set for a good 10 years with this card and this computer would be understating it.

…Well it might need some liquid cooling and a couple more cores and gigahertz since i use blender, but ehh. What’cha gonna do.


There were a couple of games i know for a fact that wouldn’t install (It still ran, but just wouldn’t install), but had to install though my vitrualbox on a Windows XP os and copy the files over and it works beautifully as it should. Locally might i add.

Meanwhile, … what i have to pay some service to play PS3 games off a cloud? I can’t just pop a Ps3 disc or play the game i have on my account in the Ps5 and play it off that? Oh and it’s not just that, but hoping it’s “officially approved by Sony” to be backwards compatible.

Controller issues aside, I think the WoW game engine is unique. No idea how much effort it would take to port that, but potentially not “easily”

Exactly right too thats isnt even something i mentioned was the ability to build your own. So much more cost effective and definitely an easy to way to cut the costs of what would be a 3k pre build.

Im lazy af so a i go pre build lol.

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