Wow could easily be ported to consoles

Demon Hunter works well, very few keybinds. My boyfriend did all of Mythic Antorus when it was current with a controller and the guild had no idea. And this was before it was “supported” by blizzard.

Have you ever tried using the playstation controller?

The touch pad doubles as a mouse.

With that in mind, what limitation would there be besides that?

With a playstation 5 normal controller you got 15 buttons to use, imagine the amount you can keybinds with modifiers. The ps5 edge can even go further too…

I have a DualShock 4 controller, yes.

That’s still not good enough, nor precise. Especially since the small area for your big finger to be at, not to mention, you have to use one of your hands in order to use it. So you’re either sarifacing your ability to do things on face buttons, to move, or to look in order to… use the touch pad.

Meanwhile on the Keyboard and Mouse, i can move, i can do things, and i can look, all at the same time, with no speed limitations what so ever. What is this you’re not getting here? Are you saying you’re incapable of doing all of these things?..

You have like 19955 achievement points, you clearly played WoW for a long time, so surely these things are easy to you as breathing by this point.

Ugh. I’l stick to reality instead of imagining (aka being hyped), thanks.

Plus, were not talking about the amount of buttons here. Why do people keep topicswitching to this, thinking we have an issue with this?.. Controller having enough for WoW abilities and such, has no bearing on it being a good alternative to K+M because you still have the limitations which makes it less then ideal. I rather have snapy movement and looking then sloppy movement and imprecision, thanks.

Still nothing compared to Keyboards since Keyboards are fully customiazble and Mouse stills beats the controller at precision.

You’re being a bit disingenuous by trying to oversell and overhype the controllers as if they are better then Keyboard+Mouse instead of looking at this objectively. Plus, who would actually pay $200 for a controller when they can get an MMO mouse for half or 3/4’s the price that does the same thing but better? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Hopefully it comes to Xbox after MS buys this horrible company out. Would love to lay down and relax while doing dailies or leveling alts

You can do that on the PC. Pc’s aren’t strictly desktop only.

Step 1. Plug your PC into your TV.
Step 2. Setup your controller.
Step 3. Plop down in your couch.

Bam, you’ve spent $0 to make the WoW console port of dreams.

Ik I can do that with my PC, here’s the thing, I don’t want to. I want Xbox to have WoW

That is why you use the shoulder buttons for rotation skills. Also having back remap triggers helps with that too.

So the only thing your sacrificing is maybe your thumb, and you don’t need extreme precision with most things you would click on (aoe ring spells namely) on top of that you can also bypasd that with macro’s auto targeting on what you target on, which might be more desirable to do vs mouse targeting anyways.

My only real issue with the mouse pad is tgat it senses where your thumb at for which mouse “click” you do (left or right) but with the right tools, can also be worked around.

Right stick to adjust camera, left to move. You can turn off back strifing also.

Actually i orginally played as a key turner, then swapped to a version of mouse move/camera. Never was as good as when i was a keyturner honestly, and i was in one of the top raid groups in my former server at the time as a key turner, doing heroic ICC.

That being said, i have experience in several control methods mostly due to my curiosity and my want to help make the game more accessible for those who cannot adopt a mouse move/ keybind style and learning ways to help maximize potential. In this case, i am learning this controller style for my significant others accessibility to play.

This is reality. It isn’t too hard to do. In fact, on the console port discord a half a year back they where talking about ppls success with controllers in mythic raids.

Actually for ppl used to controllers, i have better control. I found a means to immediately turn around with out the need to turn my camera around. I am looking into camera controls now to adapt to this atm.

I still do not understand what limitations you speak of if not for enough keybind buttons.

Ds3 on steam allows you to bind the back trigger/function buttons to keyboard strokes. This essentially gives you more buttons then you would not have.

I am being serious here actually, since a controller has a different feel to it then a mouse. And i hate mmo mice, the buttons is too small for me to actually use currectly.

Well he’s a teenager and I cannot afford to buy him a PC.

My gaming PC was $2000 - a console is like $650ish max

Pretty hard to get a decent gaming PC for $650

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Idk how you would even think to play WoW on a controller quite honestly.

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Having add ons.

Not for WoW.


I always find this kinda funny when others use that as an excuse for consoles anyway, since that while the GCD is longer in FF, you are often casting 2 skills per GCD. So are people who use that excuse just really playing that game only casting one skill every 2 seconds or so? 0_o

I think the problem with bringing WoW to consoles is more to do with the addons. It’s one of the reasons FF14 is so harsh on them. In a game like WoW where addons are often required in a lot of guilds, it would just leave people at a disadvantage. The other option would be to separate the servers similar to what ESO does.

I set it up for funzies on my Outlaw,
Move with left stick
Camera with right stick

Everything else you bind to a button and you can set up Alt commands just like on a KB.

Basically just set it up to play like a FPS.

Is it the best?
of course not.

Does it work?
Better than you would think.

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I want to try out controller for leveling a alt solo might be fun.

It will never be viable for " serious" content though

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Yeah OP must totally be a veteran software engineer… right?

Why? It’s much easier to do then trying to wish for something that wouldn’t happen. :man_shrugging:

Especially since playing it on the TV will give you the same experience. I mean i’m using my TV right now as my second monitor as were speaking. So if i want the authentic console experience, i turn my bed into my couch, make the TV the main screen, and play with the controller.

And for bonus points, turn everything down low and cap it at 30 fps, for the true authentic console experience. :tm: :grin:

Teenagers can get part time jobs.

Me Personally, i got myself a CyberpowerPC AMD FX 6300 prebuilt PC for just working 3 months in Retail after High School back in 2016 and saving it all up. It was a big upgrade from my crappy overheating laptop. Being able to play Witcher 3 and GTA 5 at acceptable framerates that doesn’t want to make me sick chug all over in my seat was amazing. :slight_smile:

It was near $1000 back then.

$650? Are you buying them at scalped price? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Regardless, decent is $400 or around that for a PC. But it’s always advised to save up to have a better experience out of the gate so you can upgrade later on. And for WoW?.. WoW doesn’t need much other then a decent CPU, which, nearly every computer has. And CPU’s aren’t up in the thousands like the GPU’s.

I hope it works out better for you then it did for me, because i ran into a major control-breaking bug on my end. :point_down:

Just say that you want to be a PC purist and be done with it. You can log on to battlenet with your xbox or switch or ps credentials. It’s only a matter of time at this point.

This does nothing to refute this simple fact that you can plug TVs into PCs and get the same experience for free or cheaps. lol.

Also, the implication here that Blizzard games outside of PC and possibly Switch is somehow as popular as the PC. I honestly forgot sometimes that Overwatch is on consoles. Because playing shooters with a controller and with subpar performence on locked hardware is pants.

That wasn’t the point. Setting it all up with addons and additional software isn’t what this is about. It’s about just playing it on console and if it’s possible or easy. Which it is. All you sound like is just saying you don’t want it. That’s literally all you are saying.

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What would probably keep wow from ever being on console is it’s still pretty poor and multithreading and that’s a requirement on consoles in this day and age.

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So where do the modifers go then? I mean if were going to be using Triggers/Shoulder buttons for our rotational skills, then where would the modifers go? The Face buttons? If so, that problem isn’t resolved.

It’s not extreme precision i’m talking about, but basic precision.

First off, good luck typing macros with just a controller. I can barely stand to type more then a single word with them whenever i go play something like Tony Hawk or The Sims on the PS2 because you have to move your cursor until you select the letter you want. Meanwhile on PC, i just do it. I don’t even think about it.
Second, auto targeting in this game is not that great. And i mean on this game, not with a controller. What Nearby targeting can discern between a mob you need to kill vs what isn’t hostile seems to be up the hands of fate, in that being RNG. Even if you tell me about action targeting here, which i like quite a lot, what it exactly constitutes of being right in front of you is kind of wonky, given how the camera is centered at our waist, rather then the upper back. When you needed to kite or kill a specific enemies, mouse targeting helps.

…Why did you put “click” in quotations mark? Of coarse mouses click.

And what do you mean by any of this? What needed to be worked around?..

You’re not understanding me here, are you?

You have 5 fingers, and 4 or 3 of your fingers are holding your controller at all times. And your thumb here does most of the work, while your pointer is at the shoulder and trigger buttons. And i’m the average controller user.

On the both sides of the controller, you have face buttons (Dpad, or the ABXY/shapes, etc) thumbstick and the shoulder/trigger buttons. If you want to say… jump, your thumb would leave the right stick in order to jump. Meaning in this time frame here, you can’t look while you’re doing this.

As appreciated this is an option we get to switch back and forth, Unless you have the camera zoomed FAR out and not have it hit anything while walking towards the camera, you’re not going to see anything on where you’re running.

A problem compounded further if an enemy or worse, an enemy player comes out and pretty much actually blindsided you because of this.

While that’s a noble goal, accessibility doesn’t always guarantee high play, considering their just there to help you play at all.

I’m not talking about the amount of buttons. That is literally not an issue i take at ANY point with this. :expressionless:

The reality i’m referring to, is knowing the pros and cons of controller and Mouse and Keyboards, and so far, there’s more advantages to playing with Mouse and Keyboards then with controllers.

A Low number, of a low number isn’t convincing that controllers are better or equal to mouse and keyboards. And just because one can do it, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s possible to get up to that level with controllers.

Sounds like you don’t honestly, atfer reading that. Remember what i’ve said on you saying turning off back strafing?

Meanwhile you’re trying to adapt this, i’m still moving, doing things, looking around is instant…

… I mean, do you not think camera control is important?

First off, get off this disingenuous strawman of “Not enough keybind buttons” already. Infact, i’m glad that controllers can hold so many buttons on WoW. That was never in question here.
Second, YOU SAID USE A CONTROLLER. How are you NOT understanding the limitations i’m talking about?? Are you just lying to me and never used a controller or do you not just simply understand what i’ve said here?..

Still not as full customizable and not as precise.

Why you keep on implying that Controllers are better at rebinding and has more options to customize then a keyboard, when that’s false?

Then why didn’t you researched any of the stuff about controllers or Keyboards+Mouse, before posting then?.. :man_facepalming:

I’l give you the benefit of the doubt that you were servery misinformed on this topic. But for the love of metzen, if you don’t understand something, just spend 5 minutes on google, and you can understand that Mouse and Keyboards are more precise, customizable, easy to learn (if you know to use a PC for your day to day stuff, then that all it takes) and so on then a controller.