Wow could easily be ported to consoles

That was actually one of the huge selling points of wow to me, that it had wasd so I could give my freakin right hand a rest after guild wars. All that click to move gave me something akin to carpal tunnel (or anyway severe pain, I’m not a doctor) and I still live with a bad right arm due to the mouse to this day. Even with wasd if something starts hurting from sitting at the computer too long it’s my upper back and arm on the right side.

No kidding someone tried to get me into oldschool runescape and I declined solely on the fact I had to click to move and there was no wasd. Can’t really say I was all that turned off otherwise, I just wasn’t doing another mouse-for-everything game ever again.

Console audience wouldn’t look twice at WoW.

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WoW on consoles would be god-awful, and I will never understand why people want it.

PvE and PvP would be a horrendous mess, control-wise.

Just look at Overwatch- Torbjorn is a joke/meme character that nobody chooses on PC, and yet he’s blatanly overpowered on consoles (because people can’t aim) to the point that the turret had to be nerfed- Torbjorn on consoles had to be NERFED because automatic turret is broken, on consoles where everyone is 100% slower just to aim.

None of that PC snap-reaction stuff on consoles, unless it’s a console-specific game.

You wouldn’t be able to do any serious endgame, period.

All you’d be able to do is World Quests, and even those are iffy with a controller.

WoW was meant for Keyboard and Mouse at its core.

If you play on console, it’ll be like having a cardboard tube around your head, because you’ll be in permanent tunnel-vision without a mouse to control your camera.

Having stick/analog controls for the camera would be miserable, like camera controls from Mario 64, lmao.

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This thread is full of people who have not played a MMORPG other than WoW in a decade.

It’s the only way to explain these 2008-era “too many buttons” takes.

MMORPGs play just fine with controllers, and they plays fine on consoles. And they have for years now. “Too many buttons” is an outdated meme-tastic argument that gets routinely trotted out by PC snobs to dunk on console users, but it hasn’t been true in a long time.

You can’t tell a Console player from a PC player in FFXIV from strictly gameplay unless they tell you, and anyone who says they can is a liar. That’s how well the Control scheme works on Playstation in that game. It would be the same in WoW, unless Blizzard just totally craps the bed.

In even the most button-bloated MMORPG you have probably 30 buttons to press, and you press 10-15 constantly and the others you press on occasion. This is including things like Mounts and consumables.

An Xbox Controller with a proper control scheme offers upwards of 40 possible inputs, not including the two thumbstick buttons.

The only REAL downside is lack of addons, tbh. I can’t fathom playing WoW with the default interface permanently.

The only thing holding games like this back from Consoles is the fact that MMORPG developers have abandoned the old traditional slow, “lotsa buttons” tab-target MMO style for a faster, more twitchy Modern action-combat and/or hack-n-slash style.

The industry has largely moved on from the style of MMO that WoW is, at least combat-wise.

If Microsoft ever made the decision to port WoW to Xbox after the ActiBlizz acquisition is complete, I’d switch in a heartbeat.

But they won’t though. They absolutely won’t. They aren’t buying ActiBlizz for WoW. They’re buying it for the Mobile and all the other properties like CoD, Diablo, and such. They’ll be content to just let WoW be until its over.

No kidding. Plus, people can just plug their TV’s into their PC’s and it would be the same thing but better. It’s literally not that hard. Ya just plug it in. Simple. Want proof? I’m using a TV as my second monitor right now.

Like i swear, it’s most dead simple thing, that instantly turns your PC’s into a console, because a PC can literally be anything. And that’s still not enough? They want it to run like absolute crap with no real options? Low standards doesn’t even begin to describe their request. :laughing:

As somebody who is a long time PC user, that’s never my go to point. Especially since we see games like Cities Skylines and The Sims 4 (Ya know, Game genres that are usually, if not always on PC) came to consoles. So it’s not a problem of too many buttons.

The problem is simply everything that sucks about consoles. And consoles are just pants. :grinning:

Controllers have an objective limit on the thumbsticks that prevent you moving any faster then the limit, meaning you’re effectively keyboard turning. You can easily spot this though a minimum amount of attention paid to know who’s a PC user, and who is a console user.

Unless that person is new and don’t know how to mouse turn.

And lack of native keyboard/mouse support for all games, and crappy performance (locked hardware makes it crappy by default since you can’t upgrade it).

That’s like saying… “If Capcom ever made the decision to port Megaman from Gameboy to one of those Tiger Electronic Handheld games, i’d switch in a heartbeat.” Honestly don’t understand this mentality.

A What if, but this isn’t farfetched from what a lot of companies want to do honestly.

More people owned phones then computers, as people own more computers then consoles really. Mainly for due to the fact that the first two are used for more then just gaming, and the latter is strictly only for gaming. Companies would generally lean towards what makes the most money here really.

I know people have used controllers in WoW. There’s youtube videos and such. I’m not a high lvl raider, or a high M+ guy, but there’s no way in hell I’d bring someone to either who’s using a controller other than to joke around. I have a mouse with 12 buttons, plus my idk half my keyboard? There’s no way man.

When people bring up FF, they always forget to mention how slow the combat is compared to something like WoW. And when I say slow I mean awful.


What part do you think a controller user would fail at? Their dps rotation? Well realistically if you have macros for your burst, the max amount of buttons for a dps rotation is what, 10 buttons? That’s easily done with just the face buttons. Moving out of things? After playing with a controller, it’s far easier with a controller. Targeting to interrupt? That’s also very easy with the smart targetting and if someone really wants to be extra precise, they can just make it like, down arrow is tab target and right arrow is nearest target. The more I play with controller, the easier I see it being.

healing on controllers would be hell, especially large groups. Wow has a ton of targeted triage healing and controllers have to manually scroll through every member to get from say #5 to #17 as opposed to just clicking on who is damaged. Needless to say they couldn’t keep up and people would be dead before you got to them.

It works in ff14 because nearly all damage is aoe and 100% predictable ahead of time, you rarely ever need to change targets. You almost never need to react quickly over there except in pvp where m+kb advantage really shows. Controllers are even forced to cycle through people with tab to get the target they want so gl interrupting anyone before it’s too late. If a paladin and priest are about to heal someone about to die I can mindfreeze and strangulate both of them, someone on controller might tab some random mage casting frostbolt instead.

Yes it can. And I have a feeling that it will begin creeping into them in the future. Why? You tell me why on the actual sign in for the BN app I can sign in with console credentials and IDs.
But yes it can be easily ported over for controllers. With some adjustment it can be done. A lot of MMOs have either made or retrofitted their games to be compatible with controller these days. It’s only a matter of time.

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Controller works just fine, it depends entirely on the user and how well they get accustomed to it.

Before the addon that does the keybinds for you I did it with think it was called joytokey or a program similar and keybound everything, menus, walking, mount/dismount and 36 keybinds for spells only while still having another 12 or more keybinds I had nothing bound to.

It can be done and has already been proven by many that it can.

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I raided with someone who was raiding from her “Steam Deck” this week. It’s entirely possible.

I think console WOW could get more players. My son would play WoW but he doesn’t have a PC, he does however own consoles.

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To everyone crying about turn speed on keyboards/controllers. Ya guys know there is a turnspeed command and blizz can adjust turnspeed to suit the needs of controller users right?

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Tank, Heal, and DPS a +20 with a controller and come back to me

Any game that I played that became ported to console suffered for it, because they changed the pc version to accomodate the console version to save money and time.

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Don’t let the unwashed console peasants into our game.

wow could easity be ported to stonard

No, thank you.

/10 char

Eh, it’s not actually like that, not a saying its great, but each member of a group gets a key target combo.

Like hitting circle circle targets player X

That still wouldn’t fix the objective limitation that was on the controllers by literal actual design. This isn’t a problem that Blizzard can easily fix. Because all Blizzard would be doing is making it more imprecise by either increasing or decreasing it’s speed limitations by that point. Making it rather unusable.

A Mouse/Keyboard is always more precise without a controller because it has no turn speed limits. That’s an objective fact. Calling it “Crying” for stating an objective fact, does nothing to refute this fact.

Fact that you call it “crying” speaks volumes of how much relevancy you have to this topic, that is to say none at all if you’re not properly educated on these things.

If he can afford a console, he can afford a PC.