WoW coming to next gen consoles

Sometimes i do too, however being a Political junky I like a good debate, it is general topics so…

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this is you

Ignore them and be happy! Thats the way Luke! lol

I’m not the one falsely accusing you or anybody of a crime they didn’t commit here… :expressionless:

Three times now… :point_down:

This is the way!

Stop with these lies. You have done nothing but harass him for quite some time. You have turned into a bully to someone I believe is on the spectrum. If you don’t know what that means, then I suggest you look it up. He is very similar to my brother in his posts and I understand why he continues.

You have stated at least twice now that you were ignoring him. I suggest you do so and stop your behavior.

Please reference what I have written above and attempt to have a modicum of respect.

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I wasn’t responding to you, but thanks for the random reply.

Consoles are gonna be all any of us can afford between tariffs, miners and scalpers. PC hardware market is just one giant dumpster fire right now.

You can’t even buy any decent video cards.

I just want to point out that people who are on the spectrum doesn’t mean their incapable of putting out cogent points. Not trying to slight you or anything, i think it’s should be noted.

if they ever made a WOW inspired console game it would be similar in design to the diablo franchise
its too wonky moving in wow with console imputs now for the general public

I have never said that they cannot, so I apologize if you gleaned that from anything I said.

My point was that it’s something I watch my brother do when he becomes determined to a point that others think it’s either obsessive or funny or obnoxious and then attempt to make fun of him for it or yell at him.

He’s quite intelligent, as is expected from those on the spectrum. Most are extremely gifted and eloquent. He likes to debate and give thorough explanations all the time. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Why do players want to play an online game in the 30 fps world ? :rofl:

You can get more than 30 fps on a potato and any of the new consoles.

It’s alright my dude. It’s a just minor pet peeve of mine.

Umm, consoles these days are no longer 30fps. (thank god) Granted if you put on Ray tracing, that will happen, but i think the better question you should’ve asked is this…

Novelty? :man_shrugging:

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30 FPS would probably only be PS4

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Have you ever played the dragon age games on console?

Can a Mod actually just lock this thread? It’s no longer a prediction with a conversation. It’s just a circular “I know this to be true, you just wait and see!” and a “Give me your source or you’re full of crap!”, thread.

It’s worthless at this point. Everything that can be said has been said.


The past few posts have been relevant to consoles.