WoW coming to next gen consoles

Ok. Well just bookmark this thread.

Bookmark the thread then.

I have no reason to bookmark anything as I have been given no incentive to do so without any substantial proof as to why I should.

Why? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Instead of asking people to bookmark the thread, why not actually provide the actual sources that confirms that WoW are coming to next gen consoles?

Ok. That’s fine. I wouldn’t expect you to admit how wrong you are anyway. I’m done talking to you. It’s like talking to a brick wall.

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No you didn’t tell people about the delay . You asked if it was true and that was 4 months before they even decided to delay it .



Cause I’d bet most people who hate the sub model don’t play the game.

Most PLAYERS are fine with it. Or they wouldn’t be paying it.

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And you didn’t read the thread . Surprise surprise

I’m not the one who has completely shut down conversation and acted with such a closed mind. Here I am, passing no judgement, while you continue to be angry and defensive.

All I ask for is credibility. That shouldn’t be difficult if you have it.

The guy who haven’t provided any proof to confirm what he is saying other then a thread of his that also didn’t provided any proof to confirm what he was saying back then is calling other people wrong because they asked him for proof…

I provided what I have. If that’s not enough for you then have a nice day.

Ugh, console players. As if our community isn’t bad enough.

I’ve said all I have to say to you. You are just trolling now.

if they ever do… i think the switch would be an interesting choice. i mean, WoW on the go? dang does that sound good… not so much if it’s on phones (PLEASE GOD DON’T LET’EM PUT WOW ON PHONES).

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Ya, they dont play the game, because theres a sub model. Hence why games like LoL and Fortnite have so many players. Because theres no sub model.

Yup scanning through that thread I don’t see any thing where you told people about the delay just asking if anyone knows if the rumors are true and people telling you fake news.


Thats it 1v1 one me in CoD n00b roflcopterz.

(That hurt to type)

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One example of being incorrect does not help.

If they cared about pvp viability…they would not. Which means it is likely lol. Already has fresh 60’s pimping that new fresh 151 gear bought or made going against 210’s lol.

Put the console peeps up against the pc peeps with keybinds out the wazoo, gaming keyboards and mice wit programmed functions and watch the farming begin.

I don’t think so lol, I wouldn’t play WoW ever if it didn’t have a sub. Sub = premium content funding. F2P = whale funded content. The two game designs are worlds apart.