WoW coming to next gen consoles

Obvious Troll is obvious.

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That’s fine. I’m not going through an exercise in futility with you. I already went through this when I told you guys about the shadowlands delay. Why would I put my source? That’s stupid. It would get them in trouble.

Not trolling. Just passing on the info I was told. Like it or not. Believe it or not.

That’s fine. But I would like to see links to all of these threads where you have been correct. You must at least back up your claims.


Cool story.

most people on ffxiv use controller. The other point about console players not liking sub fees, pretty sure a lot of eso players use controller too(not sure) and play on console. I know that the majority of ffxiv players are on playstation using controller though.


You clearly want people to believe you when you say “WoW coming to next gen consoles”. You can’t just expect people to just listen and believe without citing sources. At this point, people are in the right to think your lying here, because you didn’t give them a reason to believe in what you’ve said.

Saying “it’s futile with you” doesn’t convince anybody or me that it’s factual. I mean at that point, you’re pretty much just actively avoiding giving the source to that information and expecting people to just listen, believe and accept like it’s a gospel truth. And don’t tell me your fine with people not believing because you clearly do have a problem with people not believing you or asking you for proof.

Yes. It is a cool story. “Bro”

That is one. I asked for multiple. As someone else said, a broken clock is still correct twice a day.

We already knew that might happen due to the pandemic. So your one instance is not enough.


Ok. Believe what you want. I provided proof. Read the thread. Pleeeeenty of people were eating their words once the delay was officially announced.

Hope you enjoy the taste of crow.

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I hope they do cross-platform. Proper m/kb support for consoles is long overdue.

I wish downvoting was still here.


There is no need to get nasty with me. I am simply asking for more instances of when you have been correct. It is something you should have provided from the start.

And again, one quite obvious instance is not how a person backs up their credibility. If you have it, you will gladly provide it.

I have made no judgement against you, because I cannot. I have no information in order to do so.

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Well, not to pick at your “track record” but Shadowlands was not delayed until 2021. Also, the reason it was delayed a few weeks was not due to the virus or unrest, it was delayed because it wasn’t ready for release. (Honestly, they probably should have delayed until 2021–assuming they used the delay to fix stuff they’re only now getting around to fixing.)

So, given the accuracy of your predictions, I’m going to say, some aspect of WoW might be coming to some other platform(s). For instance, maybe pet battles and/or mission tables will be available on mobile.

But, I guess we’ll see.


Obvious ? That’s why there were so many people telling me I was wrong? Hindsight is 2020 I guess…

Your proof of WoW is coming to Next gen consoles is a completely unrelated thread, talking about WoW’s delay that also no cites no other sources then your thread again?..

Things were in a state of flux.

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You claimed it wasn’t going to be released until 2021. What did you expect?

You were also incorrect in when and why. :man_shrugging:t2:

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They won’t, and they can’t.