I didn’t ask you to go look on the forums and nit-pick threads. I asked you to go and post on there the way you post here.
Quote the message from here you want me to post there and the thread that’s relevant to it.
Direct quote? I don’t think you quite understand what I asked. Don’t worry about it lol.
That’s what I thought.
WoWs is too repetitive for me in melee, Finaly fantasy at least isnt “xxxxyxxxyxxyxxxy” etc its more “Xyzxbc” etc
That would be an incorrect reading. It’s quite freeing in that you don’t have a prescribed chore list to check off before you do the stuff you’re actually interested in.
Can you point me to Trigun?
I’ll take slow combat over the system bloat we have with WoW.
Just put everything behind the MSQ chore list conveniently ignored again to attack another game.
ffxiv has combat?
FFXIV is harder than WoW’s combat in my opinion. There are a lot more skills and a lot more things to balance and manage. WoW’s combat has one thing that FFXIV’s doesn’t - pace. The pace can make combat harder in a sense because you need to combine reactionary and proactive styles, whereas FFXIV in my experience, is almost entirely proactive.
Even though I find FFXIV’s combat to be harder, I prefer WoW’s combat system. It feels more fluid.
Depends, i think FFXIV combat is fine. Really even from start.
Simple and easy, sometimes wow is too complex.
What i hate with a passion is the obligatory story which is basic a single player experience, it is a descent story but i really dont wanna touch it after doing it once and my only alternative is boosting. Right now i got 55 renow in an alt by spamming AB bot brawl didnt have to do a single quest.
And the pvp doesnt help specially because you get locked in animations, thats horrible for this kind of combat.
My biggest complaint is the server side combat.
This is literally what people in wow have been screaming they wanted for a long time.
FFXIV does have a gunslinger class. The Machinist.
There is a decent amount of people that have burned through the WoW content and aren’t really interested in pushing into the mythic raid tier for this raid. Most of us cleared Heroic fairly quickly and weren’t really blown away with it. I decided to take of break all together due to work and with WoW feeling like a job in itself, it seemed pointless to continue after AOTC.
If people want to play sometime new that interests them regardless of combat feeling better in WoW, who cares? When I told me buddies I was taking a break to mess around on Valhiem when I wasn’t raiding anymore since I am into that gritty norse life, noone was nearly as triggered as this community is getting over some people going to try Final Fantasy.
Honestly, who care what others play? Their decision to try other games doesn’t really affect anyone. Everyone has a different opinion on what creates a enjoyable experience. Me and the boys go bowling but they don’t come if I invite them golfing because it’s not their cup of tea. Everyone is getting worked up over nothing. If people want to quit, let them quit. Doesn’t affect anyone.
Read the last few months of GD…
FF14 is not warcraft. No one should go to FF14, TESO, GW2, Ragnarok online, New World or any other game hoping to find Warcraft clone, not least because it would have the same things that are not pleasing the payers at this point in the original.
I just know that I don’t expect to find that American football is equal to soccer in gameplay and elements that satisfy me Brazilian, as football satisfy americans. I prefer soccer.
For me, soccer will always be more enjoyable and understandable than fooball.
It’s not football that’s bad. I’m the one who prefers soccer.
It’s not the FF14 that’s better than warcraft.
Warcraft is the one who has lost in quality and satisfaction for games like FF14.
If you didn’t like the gameplay of FF14 because you feel warcraft’s is better, warcraft remains your game.
I have more interest in GW2.
And GW2 is not in my interest to be equal to something about Warcraft.
The combat in FF14 is one of the reason I cant get into it and boi I have tired done savage modes and extreme modes, spent hours wiping to Titan extreme because back then the latency was something else.
But wow combat dungeon design and raid encounters are just better imo
I will say, I’m about midway through FFXIV’s MSQ, and so far I do prefer the core gameplay of WoW. However, the constant boneheaded design choices, the lack of feedback being heeded, the terrible story, and consistent borrowed power/reliance on systems pollutes the game far too much for me to properly enjoy it.