Both games are for sure trash, but WoW definitely has better combat.
The worst part is wow feels great to play. Combat is responsive, some of the ui/interface elements are really intuitive and the core game overall is really easy to learn. The problem is that the devs takes a really solid foundation and build a castle of bs with useless systems that just make all crumble down.
WoW GD Player: “Omg, FF14 combat is so slow, it needs a faster GCD!”
Max from Limit: “If the GCD was any faster, it would be like a machine gun.”
I agree honestly, I tried FF14 and I just had to quit. Too many cutscenes and slow combat. Also people say it “gets better” but I don’t wanna go through a ton of content to get to fun…
Even if FF14 has better features, I just could never get into the “feel” or world of the game, which is a big thing for me in an MMO game
I agree FF14 combat is rather dull compared to WoW, but it has one feature that I have to give it credit for.
By the time you get to cap, you have a pretty good idea of what your rotation is supposed to be for many of the classes.
You basically have to go onto icyveins to have any idea of what the hell to do on a WoW DPS to be optimal.
I think I would actually kill another human being for WoW to have FF14’s gear/badge system.
MoP/WoD did it better in my opinion.
You gathered currency (valor) doing a variety of activities to a cap, which you could use to buy gear or increase gear’s Ilvl. It was solid long-term progression.
They really should bring it back instead of all these nonsense systems and chores.
It’ll get the same woes. It’s changing rotations for some classes with Endwalker.
Hopefully Samurai isn’t changed. I like unleashing the weeb in me.
The combat system is the biggest reason why I haven’t invested more time time into FF
The more time you invest, the more layers of the combat system you unlock.
minus the hyperbole of murder, AGREED. Love the gearing system and there’s a lot of hope for WoWs future. The core mechanics are GREAT (Combat, classes, dungeons, etc) in WoW and it ends there. Everything else is designed to be a time sink in order to get to the content you want to play. When WoW had 12 mil players they designed the game to actually be fun.
I lost fun a long time ago in WoW. I log in and out every now and then; chill with the guild and thats it. Now, if Blizzard were to take all the great things that make these other MMORPGs fun and stop implementing mandatory systems I have to play vs being rewarded for the content I acutally like to play = everyoneWINS.
The only thing that should bring me to play WoW is excitement not chores I have to do to TRY to have fun. Everyone enjoying WoW i salute you as thats what its all about but, me personally, im waiting for my subs to expire as I venture into other created platforms that put a smile on my face to hit play vs planning out my day to get x content done so I can to content y and then be able to interact with the rest of my friends.
FFXIV keeps making me smile but its not the only game I now gravitate towards… Ill play anything that rewards me with an exciting experience based on the level of play I’m looking to interact with (Dead by Daylight is also a top 5 fav of mine =]).
I just wanted to add whoevers idea of legendary (which its not rare obviously every1 HAS to have one and not just one but the RIGHT one for the content youre aiming to venture into) is not anyone I want in charge of design… A mandatory GOLDSINK to play the game is deplorable. Ill level my alts but I refuse to buy tolkens to gear them out. And yes, 9/10 im buying a tolken as EVERYONE (though maybe there are others that dont) I know does the same because in a WoW thats already convoluted with SO much mandatory game time spent, there are few that have have the time to farm gold much less want to.
This right here. I think on the base level, WoW is actually very good right now. People praised the Shadow Priest rework, I find every rogue spec incredibly fun and interesting, every healer I’ve played (besides monk, gross) I’ve found very enjoyable at the base level. Key part being at the base level. You just have these half designed messes of systems slapped on top that taint the whole thing. The worst part is that you have to maintain these systems doing content that you don’t enjoy.
I genuinely feel like the game would be getting praised right now if they ripped every system out of the game tomorrow- legendaries, covenants, soulbinds, conduits, domination sockets.
*Certain terms and conditions apply.
Like different colors of DPS?
Yeah, heh… heh… hyperbole. I’m not a sociopath or anything! Heh…
More like rotations that go between your rotations that are off the gcd.
So like 1-50 has combos like 1 2 3
50-80 adds 1 ab 2 cb 3 ad
You also unlock your gauge at 50 which is like a rage bar or combo points etc etc etc.
Each class also has some sort of unique mechanic, like Ninjas mudas system where you input 3 symbols and execute an ability, the inputs are off gcd so you can do it as fast as you can type.
Until you queue for all the content they don’t have and get level syncd back into losing layers.
Which is just a wonderful feeling. Losing half your hotkeys.