WoW Combat Superior to FFXIV

WoW has been the same game for 5 years now. That’s why.

3 Raids.
8-10 Dungeons.
1 MEGA Dungeon
1 “rare island” patch
Borrowed Rental Super Power Button Mechanic
1 “additional” rental system.

I’ve just described every WoW expansion from Legion on, and even prophesized the next one for you too.

At least these people leaving for FFXIV get to try something with a new coat of paint on it. And it looks infinitely better as well. And they get player housing!

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From what I’ve seen this categorically applies to virtually all of your posts here.

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What job are you playing? Summoner is amazing and really pushes all the buttons I look for in a role to play. Have you tried all the ex content? Alex EX felt like the hardest fight I have ever done.

The difference between the two games is responsiveness, IMO. I play a monk over there, too. In WoW, when I press a button, something happens almost immediately. In FFXIV when I press a button there’s a small-yet-noticeable lag before something happens.

But, yeah, once you get OCD abilities it feels better. Still, combat isn’t the only feature FFXIV depends on is my point.

Oh no, it’s an addon. Gameplay is bad if it’s an addon. Boohoo.

YOU ALL wish you had addons and weren’t treated like dirty children having to share your parsers in discord.

I’m looking forward to the Animal Crossing New Leaf island in Endbringer :3

These types of responses are what are destroying your own community.

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Oh, also, palace of the dead and heaven on high is like Torghast with an infinite mode, save files, and a leaderboard community. It’s good Torghast(s). Imagine that.

I spam 5 buttons for 10mins til I get to the kill phase then it goes up to 6 and thats at max level. So I wouldnt say Wow’s is any better…

Majority dont care about Pvp, and the remaining most only do it because it has the better reward structure then raiding. Same could be said for M+ as well.

I’m in FFXIV now. Taking all your womens. It’s the same people in both games.

The difference being that SE won’t put up with your childish behavior.

it’s “amazing” how people are ready to put ff14 on a pedestal. it is good enough for what it is but far away from perfect. mediocre dungeons, non existent pvp, convoluted msq that you have to follow to access the end game, boring gearing with badges and the story continues. let’s not pretend that after a year you end up hanging out in the FC waiting for roulettes and getting gposes or playing mahjong

LOL Okay, keep telling yourself there isn’t toxicity in FF as I’m watching a NN meltdown between mentors.

I don’t need to tell myself that. I’ve played since 1.0. I’ve also played this since 2005. I clearly can tell the difference between both communities. Go and post on SE forums like you do here and see what happens.

Long GCDs are bad for any MMOs combat and while I haven’t actually played FF14 judging by what gameplay I have seen it seems kind of clunky until you hit high levels.

I read this as “Road blocks and/or impediments to doing what I want at the degree I want to do it”

The combat is designed differently.
Ninja has the same actions per minute as Fury Warrior.
Gunbreaker has the same actions per minute as Unholy DK.
White mage has the same actions per minute as Destruction Warlock.

33% to 66% of your actions are OFF global cooldown in FF14 depending on your job (25% at lowest, 75% at highest like during muda inputs)

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I’m seeing an LGBT thread that’s getting pretty toxic. A thread on toxicity in FFXIV that’s pretty toxic and my style… Posted yesterday… and I quote…

" > Everything I don’t like is toxic.

  • The typical snowflake


A thread on turning on Yoshi P with a lot of toxicity.

I absolutely love anime and i still think wow is just better. Spent alot of time playing samurai and ninja. I just couldnt get into the story to be honest. Movement wasnt as responsive as id like it to be. The dungeons were solid but the world just didnt feel good to me at the time. Plus pvp is a big factor for me as well. Its the only thing that will keep me playing after I have finished the story.

I 1000% prefer WoW’s pace of combat. It’s more or less par for the course, but in comparison to FFXIV it’s fast as hell, which is a good thing to me.

However, I do think FFXIV wins hands down in the class design department. There are fewer classes (each spec in WoW is basically it’s own class), there are no options within the class (talents and such don’t exist), but the core design is very good for every class I’ve played. WoW, in comparison, is overly simplistic across the board and I wish it wasn’t.

But the slow pace is what keeps me from saying FFXIV has better combat overall.