WoW Combat Superior to FFXIV

I guess ‘Better’ is subjective but…

In FFXIV the story, world and characters haven’t been destroyed by the writers by constant retcons and mystery plots that go nowhere

The bosses are way more memorable than “Johnny, the demon lieutenant” that you only kill because they were in the way of the final boss

There’s stuff to do in the world besides combat

The golden saucer is everything the darkmoon faire isnt

The armor looks like armor instead of body painting


I love their pvp like low key Khajitt Night Blade healer is fun to play.

I actually don’t find combat in FFXIV to be bad, but I’m thinking about it at max level. My favorite job is Dragoon (DRG) which is melee DPS. It doesn’t feel slow or boring to me. There are lulls in the ‘speed’ of the rotation when all of the oGCD abilities are on cooldown, but when oGCDs are available or are coming off CD one after the other, weaving them all in successfully and optimally is definitely fun for me.

Now, one problem I do think FFXIV has, is that jobs feel SO MUCH WORSE at lower levels. I love DRG at level 80, but once you’ve played it at max level, it feels terrible to sync down to a lower level. There is a huge difference in playing DRG at level 80 compared to even just level 60 and the lower you go the worse it is.

Jobs can be very basic and boring at low levels. Many don’t really start to get fun imo until 50, 60 or even higher. I do think FFXIV is in need of adjusting the distribution of skills across levels in order to improve them for new players that are leveling or veteran players that are leveling syncing down.

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They keep forgetting FFXIV developers played WoW so most of their ideas came from WoW, but improvised. I believe the insight they got from WoW was during Cataclysm to MoP and after that FFXIV ARR was released in 2013. They did their homework something WoW been slacking at forever.

The intro of ARR was literally a shout out to Death Wing using Bahamut.

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Better story
Better questing
Better class fantasy
Better social elements
Better transmog options
Better dev communication with players
Better community
No borrowed power bullshilt
No mandatory chores
No nonsensical unengaging systems
No ion hazzikostas


Only reason I’m not playing Ffxiv rn is because of this and the crap pvp. But WoWs pvp is kinda dreading on me so I might go play that game instead!.

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I think it was at the beginning of Shadowbringers where they fleshed out some kits by naturally adding/changing some jobs to make them flow a tad bit better. I’d imagine going into Endwalker will have some more adjustments like this. There are most def some lull periods for some jobs.

so you’re just joking, right? lolololol


bingo to this all.


Not having toxic people linking DPS meters constantly in pugs to clown others is a huge plus for FF14’s combat too.


I’m with you up to this point.

The people that put him in the position he’s in got precisely what they asked for - an MMO designed by the lawyer-turned-guild leader of Elitist Jerks. He can’t be faulted for doing precisely what was expected of him.

I don’t like the result, either, but I can’t fault Ion for being Ion.


It isn’t as much as it is the game, but the toxic culture that runs rampant at Blizzard headquarters.

I’d rather play a mediocre game than contribute $16 a month to a sexist organization that allows this behavior to continue without impunity, or apology.

Leadership knew about the accusations and choose to look the other way, and do nothing.

They still don’t give a flying leap.

The bottom line is money. They don’t care about their employees happiness, or doing the next right thing-they straight up hired an anti-unionizing organization to halt their employee’s to even seek fair treatment in the workplace.

They sure as heck don’t care about us.

People are sick and tired of the rampant toxicity that has been allowed to fester.

The lack of accountability, or doing the next right thing.

So no, I won’t be renewing any of my accounts until they fix the issues at hand.

I am not alone in this thought process either.

A 41% bleed in subs says others are sick of that as well as poor game design, poor systems implemented that make the game feel like you are doing a chore list instead of playing, and unprofessional employee’s Tweeting from work account, and a horrible HR Dept.

Sad/not sad.
They brought this on themselves. Now they get to deal with the consequences of their poor personal, management, and bad business practices, and decisions.

The next photo they may be posing for is the sex offender registry,

I hope they make an example out of each and every one of the offenders.

FFXIV resolves on their server. The animation/indicators and damage are all done before you see it. By a full second. It’s ridiculously poor design. And it is not just a “20%” difference.

It no longer does this, but when I first tried FFXIV and doing the Novice Hall, I’d have to run around the room 100% of the time to avoid the target attacks because the server lag was worse than 1 second. It was about 5 seconds.

Srs, his guild name was Elitist Jerks, you can’t make this up.


Agreed. WoW has GREAT combat and with that everything else is forced on the player hence lame. I dislike the grind to do the content I want to do every week as its worse than boring it literally depresses me. FFXIV as a new player… I cant stop smiling its just fun and TOO many reasons why. Yes the combat is not WoW but thats not to say its bad its actually different and fun ^^


Well, they actually produce content, moderate their forums, ban cheaters, and tell above a kindergarten story…they also regularly engage w their community and ban gatekeeping addons to lower toxicity. Any other questions?


The SJW angle… doesn’t work when you really look at SquareEnix. Sorry.

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Square Enix looks better and better as this circus unfolds.

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and just WHO is surprised if that guild knows strats and tactics before anyone else?? anyone???

anyone at all?

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So all you’ve confirmed by implying WOW has a better story, is that you have a kindergarten attention span.