It isn’t as much as it is the game, but the toxic culture that runs rampant at Blizzard headquarters.
I’d rather play a mediocre game than contribute $16 a month to a sexist organization that allows this behavior to continue without impunity, or apology.
Leadership knew about the accusations and choose to look the other way, and do nothing.
They still don’t give a flying leap.
The bottom line is money. They don’t care about their employees happiness, or doing the next right thing-they straight up hired an anti-unionizing organization to halt their employee’s to even seek fair treatment in the workplace.
They sure as heck don’t care about us.
People are sick and tired of the rampant toxicity that has been allowed to fester.
The lack of accountability, or doing the next right thing.
So no, I won’t be renewing any of my accounts until they fix the issues at hand.
I am not alone in this thought process either.
A 41% bleed in subs says others are sick of that as well as poor game design, poor systems implemented that make the game feel like you are doing a chore list instead of playing, and unprofessional employee’s Tweeting from work account, and a horrible HR Dept.
Sad/not sad.
They brought this on themselves. Now they get to deal with the consequences of their poor personal, management, and bad business practices, and decisions.
The next photo they may be posing for is the sex offender registry,
I hope they make an example out of each and every one of the offenders.