WoW Combat Superior to FFXIV

FFXIV was a game designed to be played on both a console and a PC. Combat is indeed slower, but it’s also flashier.

I guess if you’re looking for high APM as a big feature then it’ll fall short for you. It’s not designed around high APM. Even in group content it’s more about mechanic handling than output.

I don’t PVP in either game, so it really doesn’t matter so much to me. The slower combat is made up for by very flashy, epic-feeling attacks. And the rest of the game is designed around this. So you’re not getting walloped because you’re pressing fewer buttons every minute.

There IS a reason. It’s so content stays somewhat relevant at low levels. If you didn’t lose your abilities, you’d be power housing through low level content with max characters if you got put there.

Quick maths.

80 Warrior using Inner Release synced to level 17, keeping Potency since that is what scales damage with attributes into play, you’d see a Warrior go 400 potency about 5 times in a row (250 Potency + Crit+DH), while also getting auto attack crits and having Infuriate to give you the 600 potency (400 potency + Crit+DH) back to back.

A level 17 Marauder uses Berserk. They are, at best, getting close to 200 potency per global. (120 Potency + Crit+DH).

The level 80, even synced, would be a POWERHOUSE.

This is why we lose abilities when synced.


Or i could just play WoW for like 6 hours to get to max actually having fun while doing so

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If you want fast combat play in an MMO, then you shouldn’t even be playing WoW lol. WoW has cooldowns.


Really wouldn’t call FFXIV’s combat inferior to say the least, it’s cross that point in the sand where it’s own thing will applie to who it applies to.

Most classes always have a button to press with a very short gcd

You’ve played wow right?


Because that’s all they could ever link of their knowledge from other people. That’s the only cons of game because everything else are pros. The pros of FFXIV over weighs WoW for awhile now, but players here just only realizing that because they’re venturing into the game now than years before.

ESO has no cooldowns with animation cancelling.


Honestly sounds like you don’t like story-driven MMOs and that’s fine. Just know that you’ll never like anything other then wow because you only love “jump into the action!” type games so other mmorpgs will almost never work for you because wow ruined your experiences for other games. I kept my options opened and can enjoy both story-driven and action-driven mmos and get the best of both worlds.

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You’re absolutely right. FFXIV has inferior raids, dungeons, combat compared to WoW. They have inferior stories. The stories were super boring to me when I played it in the past. I skipped through almost all of the cutscenes, and storylines. After all these “supposed” people leave, mark my words they will come crawling back to WoW.

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He’s referring to games such as ESO, Guild Wars 2 and Black Desert Online.

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You are correct.


If you still have fun doing that, go for it, man. Nobody needs to tell you how to have fun and it’s nobody’s job to sell you into a game you don’t wanna play.

I’m not really sure why people feel the need to tell you guys that it gets better at higher levels, that’s a big “no duh” thing about every RPG. WoW sucks for the first half of the leveling experience, too.

FFXIV is an adventure MMO. WoW is an action MMO. If anyone goes over to FFXIV expecting a WoW experience, they’re going to be disappointed.

But if you want a feeling of seeing cities full of people, a good story, or really in-depth RPG elements like professions, FFXIV is a great game.

If you want to just run the same few dungeons for two years and throw away everything you did last patch, WoW’s a better game.


That’s because they don’t venture out too much. They stay on WoW and assume all mmorpgs are similar to that.


Devs that actually respond to their players demands, admit they screw up and fix things? Don’t take the approach of “you think you want this, but you don’t” and instead if players want things, seriously debate on putting them in?

That’s debatable. The raid design is different - wow has a walk-in raid with all bosses in it, while ff uses que-up into raid style. But I would argue neither is inferior, because in savage/extreme you have multiple enrages if dps req isn’t met as well as phase-learning groups so more work then what your used to in wow. And ofc a whole load of new mechanics that wow has recently put into maw raid. Yes you heard me right, wow has taken ff14 mechanics into newest bosses.


You’re spot on. It is a fad. Even if they don’t come back to wow in the next year other mmorpg’s will drag them away.

I had 8 v16’s in ESO back in the day, Emperor title, and now I over 10 max alts on ESO. Some of the fastest paced PvP I have ever played in an MMO, and I started with Ultima Online.

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I’d agree WoW has better combat but for one it’s preference and hardcore FF players obviously think otherwise. Second, FF has so much more than combat. Appropriate balance, better story, better rewards for your time with actually unique mounts and house rewards etc. More cool side activities that blow Korthia out the water.

Where WoW sacrificed all its rpg aspects to keep you in the queue lobby doing recycled combat associated content, FF actually remembered a world isn’t just about fighting. It’s about being able to do many other things too. WoW players are learning that very quickly due to the FF hype and realizing WoW offers almost nothing outside of its combat.


Literally this. My first time on FFXIV was during beta of 2013 before release. It felt like vanilla WoW at that time too, but as years progress you see the game gets better and fully evolved where as my time in WoW. Each expansion that came from WoW fully devolved and became too simplistic.