Eh, let’s not discredit kindergarteners! Even a newborn will tire of keys being jingled in front of them after a few minutes.
“Im gonna go play this, cus you’re bad.” But “this” is also bad???
Google…things ActiBlizz is doing to destroy their player base. Lots of very current info!
So? Pick your poison.
Those are all laughably insignificant compared to the systemic issues at Activision Blizzard.
Oh yea. Do the same thing in JAPANESE.
Because they don’t have western values. It’s not newsworthy.
It’s hardly equal at this time. Blizzard managed to get me to quit TBCC (and retail months ago), the place I always planned to go back to upon my final logout before servers shut down in Nagrand.
At least I made it to Nagrand. What a terrible self own by a completely lost company.
Yes and no.
I like WoW simple playstyle and fast react of abilities. As well there not button bloat and positionals.
But I think fights in ff14 feel more epic and many jobs flow very well on top of there not a huge gap in terms of dps so everything is can be used.
Many of the armor sets look almost exactly the same and are often generic weeb %%%%. Meanwhile has its own iconic style and sense of identity.
I like FF games in general since they’ve usually got a style of their own, but FFXIV’s style is… “Generic Japanese MMO”. Yikes. It’s very obvious they went with the most bland and inoffensive approach to appeal to as many players as possible.
Some people don’t like pvp. Some people don’t like WoWs combat.
I agree with the op why I hardly play FF. Most of your time playing an mmo is in combat unless you live in gold shire the combat in there is pretty rough at times. Good combat makes a good mmo.
Lol trying to get max level and tell me this again m FFXIV combat system is so much nicer at higher level. There are different combos you need to do get certain buff, some abilities only can useable after you performed a combo correctly and some only procs after the combo is done. Try playing a ninja and keeping all the buff up with different position you have to stand to pull the combo or play a barb and time your CD right.
I went for literal months in FFXIV without killing a single thing, playing hours every day, while making progress on my character in a host of different ways.
If I wanted an equitable experience in WoW, my non-combat options are… pet battles, I guess?
I have 500 hours in ff. ff is leagues better than wow. Tanking is actually fun.
I decided to give it a shot again and Red Mage is really cool. Wish we had a mage spec in WoW that played like it does.
I do agree overall though. WoW has really solid combat–well, for a tab targeting system anyway.
I have to agree with this … I just so happen to prefer the loot treadmill and design-by-eSport challenge based content WoW has.
FF14 devs might work harder to provide a safe space and provide more casual friendly content, but the game has nothing of interest for me. Or, enough of interest to put up with everything I hate or find incredibly obnoxious
Ffxiv combat is mostly boring… until I played monk - 1.98 gcd which sounds like a lot, but you gotta constantly move to the back or side of monster for each move so it’s way more engaging.
Another thing that I’ve noticed go unmentioned in these WoW vs FF XIV combat discussions is…add-ons.
Is WoW combat really that much better, or does having a half-dozen or more add-ons installed that fixes your nameplates, yells out mechanics to avoid, shoutouts informing you what you need to interrupt, weakauras to flash when your CDs or rotation are up, etc what makes it seem better?