Arguable points, but that argument would be pointless as this is ultimately coming down to a matter of preference. If you enjoy modern WoW to its utmost, you aren’t going to find a better experience in FFXIV by any stretch of the imagination.
I agree that WoW’s combat is superior to FFXIV’s, which is why I could never get too much into it (besides crippling latency due to their potato servers).
That said, it’s a different game that’s made for the more casual audience.
WoW has absolutely ZERO substance for those type of players, which is why so many people are leaving in droves.
Sure. If you like mogs and glamour and housing and mini-games and gardening and all of that stuff, I’m sure FFXIV is better (even though WoW has a better mog system, it obviously doesn’t have as many cute/“kawaii” mogs). Still, FFXIV tries to step into the arena of WoW, so of course comparisons will be drawn.
Maybe I’ll have to try it out. I leveled Warrior and Pally roughly to cap before I stopped and it felt incredibly slow.
I do. My only gripe about this patch is really that the alt-unfriendliness means I don’t get to experience the raiding and M+ content on more characters. I think SL’s 5-mans are probably the best batch of 5-mans I’ve ever seen and SoD is a pretty solid, not GOAT, but pretty solid high-tier raid. There’s awesome loot to acquire that I think looks bad %%% and the classes I enjoy playing feel good.
I played five different characters in 9.0, but currently only play the 1 in 9.1 because of all the extra “stuff”.
If WoW made the slightest attempt at the breadth that FFXIV has, I wouldn’t be mentioning FFXIV at all.
All I’ll say is that, for better or worse, WoW is now precisely the game you would think you would get if you turned it over to the GM of Elitist Jerks. I’m not going to fault that person for not being cognizant of other perspectives, because they were hired because of their specific perspective, but I will be critical of the game itself.
I can attest to that. Trust me early days tanking in FFXIV put me to sleep in dungeons all the time, but eventually it got better.
Bold claims, care to link your FF14 profile.
This. This right here is why I’m playing FF. They value my time they take pride in their game. Is FF perfect? NO far from it, but right now it a lot better than all these systems in WoW.
It’s not even just casuals leaving, PVP’rs are leaving too because rated PVP is flooded with boosters instead of legit matches every single week now. And outside of raiding…raiders have nothing to do hence some raiders have quit. They want to do more then raid on wow, but when the content is aimed at instanced content or quit, its better to quit.
Agree. If I didn’t fully invest in FFXIV and also other mmorpgs I have come across. I wouldn’t even bother with this thread.
Also, can you elaborate on the bolded part? Because I’m pretty confident you just listed the only two advantages (important advantages, to be sure) WoW has on FFXIV and couldn’t think of anything else.
Oh I don’t doubt there’s people quitting, but I doubt those raiders or PvPers are quitting to FFXIV, rather than they’re just quitting.
As far as I understand, pvp in FFXIV is virtually non-existent, and raiding is but a shadow of what it is to WoW.
I also doubt that all the streamers are going to quit WoW for it as well. Naguura, Max, etc. are all jumping on the bandwagon for economic reasons. Some will, but most competitive players won’t quit WoW for FFXIV.
That’s because you are not easily influenced by politics. People are not leaving WoW for FFXIV, because of combat. They are leaving WoW for this reason —> A female employee died by suicide on a company trip. The lawsuit alleges this was “due to a sexual relationship she had been having with her male supervisor,”. (That was copied and pasted from a news article). How can one play a game with those horrific allegation. People are done being bullied by Blizzard, so it’s time for the community to unite and stand up against them. At this point, you are either for them or against. Pick your poison.
I won’t lie, WoW does feel like a better game to play mechanically. But that’s where it ends for me right now.
- Story isn’t really keeping me interested, FFXIV does it better.
- Most of the content outside of raids feels like it was designed to keep raiders logging in more, and that’s it.
- Class themes are dying out more and more every expansion. No tier, no lasting class-based anything, no new glyphs, no new stories…
- The only investment for professions is to create pieces to benefit raiders.
WoW feels like it’s a game built around one group of people these days and every feature is an afterthought.
Sure combat is better. But if I were just playing a game for better combat, I’d be playing a different game that does combat better than WoW, not a MMORPG. WoW isn’t the best combat in a game, it’s just the cleanest of its genre.
It’s a real shame they can’t do anything else correctly anymore.
Faster or action-like doesn’t mean better. I personally think Classic WoW has better combat than ESO and the New World Beta and classic is a lot slower paced than those games.
I have a level capped character in both WoW and XIV, and in dungeons and raids I find FFXIV’s combat generally more enjoyable than WoW in a party because of the way their classes are designed. If I could bring my BLM, DRG or DNC to my weekly M+ runs I absolutely would.
OTOH I find WoW combat better in solo because the rotations are very short (world mobs die before you’re even half-way through your rotation in XIV), and in PvP because it’s just snappier and it really matters there.
I’ve heard combat gets better as you get deeper into the later expansion content. I haven’t made it that far so I cannot comment. But I can say ARR is way slower and more unfun than WoW
But then again I think people are forgetting it’s a Final Fantasy and it’s mostly about the story. To take that out of equation when talking about the game would be like talking about WoW without raids or dungeons
I enjoy my DPS rotation atm in FF14 as a lvl 71 Samurai.
It definitely is, though once you hit 50 I’m finding the jobs get notably quicker.
I think a lot of players are comparing their level 60 WoW toons, with full talents, covenants, soulbinds, legendaries, etc…to leveling characters in 14. Which honestly isn’t a fair comparison to make to begin with. A level 15 Assassination Rogue or Feral Druid play obnoxiously slow, too.
Yeah but I don’t wanna play hundreds of hours of boring gameplay to finally get to the “fun” part
I never said all are jumping, of course some will stay because they won’t be driven away by boosters in pvp or lack of content as long as M+ exists.
You’d be surprised how not boring it actually is, you just heard from others “arr sucks, first 50 lvls is slow” but everyone has a different experience. I loved it and how it set up the story in digestible amounts so I could understand it all without outside-lore like wow’s books and stuff you have to buy then gets retconned.
Buy a job boost it’s only $17.50 instead of $60.