WoW Classic Stress Test on May 29

Does this mean I missed out on extra fun this last time? Ugh, being responsible is a pain…

Looking forward to putting on the Guinea Pig uniform again :slight_smile:

As a result of being level capped at 5, I did every single quest (accessible to me) in Teldrassil. I took my time going through everything and was able to submit a few bug reports which I was surprised to run into given this content has been in the game for a long time.

Took some creative work as a level 5 to complete “Ursal the Mauler” who was level 12. Fun times while testing :slight_smile:

Certainly brought back fond memories of when I did this back in the days.

Time to go make a BiS list for lvl 10

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According to the blue post above it’ll include everyone who was invited to the test on May 22 (Do a Control-F search :stuck_out_tongue: )

If your account has a Stress Test only invite you should only be able to see the Classic Stress Test server and it’ll be greyed out.

As they’ve stated above “For access, we will be including everybody who was invited to the test on May 22” I’m going to assume that those with a Stress Test only invite will have that invite remain on the account and hence their Beta/PTR license will remain on the account (albeit limited as its Stress Only and not full Beta)

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This is only half correct.

The emails are only meant to inform you of the invite with information on where to download and give times & dates where applicable, etc… They are not the actual invite itself.

When you are invited the flagging goes on your account. Your desktop app / Launcher automatically logs you in then checks for appropriate game licenses when it opens. If it sees a Classic beta license it’ll activate the “Beta & Stress Test” option.

The email is a separate thing that can be delayed - for example I have had access for the last 2 days (proper Classic Beta btw not Stress Test). I’ve levelled my NE druid to level 6 on Classic Beta PvE. Still ain’t got an email on it.

The best advice for checking if you are flagged is to quit the BDA , then re-open it thereby doing a relog of the BDA client.

PS People also need to make sure they are quitting the BDA via the logo up the Top Left as the default behaviour for closing the BDA window is to minimize to the system tray.

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so, 9am on a thursday again?

I won’t be there, I’ll be at work like a normal adult.

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So lets say later in the future and things are running more smoothly, is there a possibility for there to be more invites to beta?

hopefully ill be able to beat the log in boss this time

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⋆⋆pecks at leaves⋆⋆

Fellow kiwi ?


A fantastic experience I am very grateful to have been a part of. The game looks and feels great. General chat was a buzz with feelings of nostalgia and excitement for the release. I look forward to engaging with everyone and more again on the 29th; level 10 lets go!

Woooo level 10 baby here I come! I’m gonna eat lots of sugar and put myself into a coma so the 29th comes faster. :smiley:

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Making a Hooman this time.

The stormwind event yesterday was just awesome. Thank you for this and thank you for the overall stress test experience. See you all at May 29 :slight_smile:


Looking forward to doing this again! Hopefully frustration will be less for some as not getting in is part of the test.

One question though… why not have the test start later? Many people will be at work or coming home from work on the East Coast. Luckily you are doing this on my telework day, but to get maximum impact, wouldn’t it make more sense for as many people as possible to test?

Thank you for the invite I had a blast. This made me realize how much I truly miss old WoW.


The stress test lasted 2 hours but the server was opened again until the next day and shut down at 9PM est. Even if you couldn’t get in that 2 hour window you still had a ton of time to play. Last night was a blast up to when the servers shut down for good, until the next test.


Why bother, the login boss is overtuned. Why would I want to spend hours in queue for a .000001 percent chance at making it to character creation.

the login boss as the original intention of testing the servers, Login boss was Boss #1, Creation boss was #2 and World Enter boss was #3 everything after that was just bug testing / Population testing. it wasnt to test the game but to see if things break when tons of people are in one area (Since southshore vs tarren mill was a thing) AKA Stability testing not Gameplay testing


In that case I’m already stressed. Congratulations.