WoW Classic Stress Test on May 29

They did a stress test last week and it went over poorly. The takeaway should have been the login servers needs more resources.

Fast forward a week and I still cannot log in during the stress test time period. So I’m going to be “testing” the game during it’s open period before it’s shut down again.

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I can’t even be mad with the idea of a streamer only server. Imagine the drama, the views. Maybe we should push this idea. Works out for everyone.


Eh, I’m noticing little differences in the issues this time. It’s not the “exact same issues”; I suspect it is different issues with similar symptoms and a common cause: too many logins stressing the server.

I am blowing milk bubbles through my nose


Stress Test for a beta.

The idea is to cram as many people into the game at once, bottleneck the hell out of it and see what breaks.

If you are stuck at login or char creation, then the test is succeeding. They’re getting info, thanks for participating.

If you just wanna play ‘beta’ but don’t have access, wait for two hours and you’ll be able to lvl from 5-10 and goof around in battlegrounds.

Thanks for the help all! <3


Like NoPixel for GTA V.

Yea, honestly I think it’s layering causing it, we had a lot of layering problems last test, and I don’t think they fixed them all.

Yeah, that was how I played after the last test. I’m glad, and I’ll certainly do it, but man, I wanted to be there for some of the cool stuff, like summoned bosses and stuff.

Alas. Oh well.

Thats hot little gnome

layering alleviates this actually. it’s possible there’s a bug with layering causing it, but the idea is to alleviate it. we keep testing, friends.

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On the bright side, if no one can get in they we can’t miss bosses they can’t summon!


I just hope this finds its way back into retail when they get it going. I’d like to see a living world again.

Alright then, I’ll bow to your experience on the issue.

I’m still salty though.

Speaking of layering issues, I remember being logged in for when they started merging them. Mulgore suddenly had like 300% more beef.

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That’s what I mean though, not layering itself, but issues WITH layering.

Jealous detractor found. Look kiddo if you can’t handle the fact that streamers ruin what could be a good gaming experience I just don’t know how to help you, heh.


these poor folk need to be layered from the streamers

They got that data last week. Why do we need to test logging in again? Are there more participants this time around? I remember reading it was the same group of people will have access.

if you have a chance, sign in before the test goes down. the last test i was in stormwind and there were a ton of summoned bosses. this was the following day before it closed for good until the next test. i can say that blizz only summoned the big bosses for alliance in stormwind as horde only got hoggers. not sure if that will change for this test though.

Folks who got in on their old character: what did you do to get them to appear at the server screen? Just wait, or go into character creation and make a new guy anyway, or what?