WoW Classic Stress Test 1

That’s good because I didn’t get in anyways.

I’ve refreshed my bnet app an unhealthy amount of times…

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I just keep refreshing my launcher in hopes of getting in.

I got a stress test invite which makes me sad i have to work. Guess i could use a sick day but this is the last day of a 4 day weekend might look bad. If i could i wish i could give it to someone who can be there.

your telling me i check it like ever 5 mins lol


I’ve been literally non stop logging in/out of my two accounts for like a week straight. Haven’t even picked up a different game. No clue why. I just low key need this lmfao


literally same… same.

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The hardest part is trying to accept the fact that I may simply not get in. :upside_down_face:

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feels sad.

I feel that man. Hurts so much. Honestly something really sucks about this. I just feel completely left out.

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Stress test client downloaded. 23 hours until I get my 5 level cap taste of greatness!


I mean, I know that I’ll get to play in August… but let’s be real.

No one wants to just sit, wait, and not be involved until August.

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i agree 100%

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Every time I refresh my launcher, I always have a glimmer of hope, too. Why do I do this.


Has anyone else been invited and plan on skipping? With the level cap being set to 5 and so little time we can even play I don’t think it’s worth it to me. I know Blizzard says it’s important for people to log in between the 4-6pm PDT window but I don’t have unlimited gaming time and running around killing boars sounds pretty dull.
Besides, as I keep being reminded of by people around here Blizzard doesn’t owe me anything when it comes to the beta. That cuts both ways for me and I don’t feel any obligation to help them test out their tech. I would probably be willing to check it out if they extended me a beta invitation but as it stands the stress test just feels like a tremendous waste of my time.

These kind of comments are what makes it hurt even more, too. I was planning on getting every class, every starting zone, to level 5. Was so excited.

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Sign me up

I’m in but the realm is offline!?

thats because it is. Blizzard is putting out the fish hook with no worm on it.

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Honestly man it’s a 2 hour and level 5 cap, you’re missing nothing but killing basic wolves/boars with 2 abilities. You won’t even get to the point where you leave the mini-starting zone and head to the first hub (Goldshire, Razor Hill, etc) since that’s level 6ish.