WoW Classic - Stress Test 1 Ending Info

Are. You. Kidding. Me. OK, Yep, This has actually been a Classic WoW stress test!!!

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Hope it gave the team loads of good data to use and they saw how to improve! :slight_smile:

Well, lets hope this means classic launch will be fine now. That was a mess and waste of time to me.

I cannot wait to see Blizzard start deleting threads and suspending people who ask about the fake connect, it’s coming. Massive damage control inc.


SMDFTB loser

Would have been fun to know if banging our heads on the “Character creation timeout” all night was useful testing or just a complete waste of time.

Little communication next time please. Testing blind is not fun.


Blizzard has had over a decade of expansion beta tests to test login servers. Anyone trying to defend blizzard because “they need to hotfix the login server to deal with the load” is crazy ignorant.


Remind me to never take stress tests serious again , called out of work to look a bunch of login errors.


Do all you people that liked this not understand what a stress test is, or umadbro?


agree this is tilting in a way in which i think most feel bliz hoping it bombs. idc asmon is able to play his stream is hillarious. but more people should be in the beta able to enjoy it. big slap

Indeed. We just don’t know what or why they choose the lingo they do.

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Exactly. We have to be honest with ourselves though, the guy who announced Classic WoW is also the guy who laughed at the idea of anyone wanting to play it. :-\ Blizzard isn’t Blizzard anymore. It’s Blizzard-Activision. Maybe we have rose-tinted glasses on :((


Yeah, we know it’s a server stress test … but the fact that streamers went in smoothy while the rest of the people couldn,t even past the login screen … that is the part where people are angry and furious about.


Why is the Classic Stress Test realm offline already? I thought it was going to be up until tomorrow? Was that a lie too?


You sent me an email saying I got invited to the stress test, I got excited and set aside my evening time to log in to try and help you test. My idea of a stress test was to log in with the rest of the community that got invites, have laggy gameplay or even disconnects/reconnects and an end event. It was the COMPLETE opposite, me and other unfortunate people couldnt even log in the damn thing to do the testing to begin with, I feel the same result could have been achieved with some other method vs having people waste their evening. I would have been content just running around in game with a bunch of lag, this was not my idea of a contribution but I couldnt even do that, EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED!


Why would anyone do that? They are literally trying to break the servers. Just as a heads up, don’t take off work on launch day either.


I have spent 3 hours of my time looking at the god damn character creation page without getting in at all. I better get a Beta Invite for my time.


So how do you intend to repay those of whose time you wasted since you never made aware of what was actually going to happen. Because I sure didn’t get to test the server as intended that was outlined in your email which I might add was a bunch of BS that adds to Blizzards already ruined rep.


it’s a stress test y’all, not a demo. repeatedly logging in and d/cing is helping blizz prepare for a smooth launch.


I worked on figuring out about the PTRs and issues earlier to get this test to show, they fixed that. But for what reason, to stare at error logins and the hear… Thanks guys for helping us test. Christ.