WoW Classic - Stress Test 1 Ending Info

I had a lot of fun. Thank you Blizzard.

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You were allowed to create a character, but the server failed to do it since it was overloaded.

4 hours tring to get past character creation screen. Glad I could help :slight_smile:
Wish I could have played. I was able to watch 5 streamers get right in guess there faster clickers then me. :wink:


It was cool getting back in…forgot about all the UI updates that were added.

Same here. Though someone else that was actually able to play also go that. So perhaps they’re skipping the hotfix function right now. But I wouldn’t put it past them to actually stop us with something like this too.

is this real?

How do you see a server-wide message if you can’t get on the server? Most unusual.


Bornakk , your first word had to be sorry … or we do apologize … or something in that direction , we all love Blizzard (yea Blizzard, not Activision) ( just to be clear) and we do understand , you guys not expected there will be so much people who want to play WoW classic … but please respect wow community . 90% of all invited were not able to log in to the stress server … and your respond about this ? Yea … not a single word . We want you to succeed, yes we really do, we want our homeland back , so please talk to us , let us know you have tried to avoid this and did everything you could … talk to us like you did 15 years ago not how you do this in BFA . Thank you Blizzard .


Perhaps we’re not privy to their logging language?

I’ve been in and I have those entries in my logs as well.


The log is real. I also had this.

:+1:t6: Thanks for access

But the server is offline??!?


I wish i was in the actual beta as well :frowning_face:

I’ve been in and I do not have those in my logs, so who knows.

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dude i have been a blizzard customer for over 20 years first game i played was Warcraft orcs vs humans, have played wow since the start, have been in a few beta tests and contributed in those tests, streamers most of them started in cataclysm know nothing about vanilla and these guys get first wave yet vanilla players like my wife and i who have always stuck by blizzard are getting shafted. oh yay i got a stress test invite logged in and out over 150 times in 2 hours still haven’t been able to make a toon. I run a business by driving 18 wheeler, when i take a day off to have a chance to see what one of my fave companies is doing and i get absolutely no enjoyment out of it and lose roughly two thousand dollars, this makes me feel like my decision to support you is very wasted.

and you can push this on to your devs and for the record screw your streamers they are literally making money off of you so they can just play games, free advertisement and playing favorites is 2 different things thx have a nice day


I saw a login screen the entire time. I would of at least liked to enter the game for a few minutes … disappointed


How about an apology to the people whose time you wasted with this non-playable test, while streamers cruised along and community moderators added insult to injury by gloated how easy THEY were able to log in ?


We all had assigned groups to where we could only get so far in the testing process. I have a legit source (don’t care if you believe it or not). If they had told everyone this information, less people would of tried.

Now calm down, you will get in eventually when most everyone goes back to their normal beta realm.


Lol you people. It’s a stress test… damn. What did you expect.

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