WoW Classic - Stress Test 1 Ending Info

I’m very good at designing my character and clicking accept while nothing happens. 3hrs practice today. Hopefully i stressed the F out of that accept button.


I think everyone would have handled the log-in frustration much better if there was some real time transparency. Perhaps via twitter? Let us know what’s going on behind the scenes and what you are doing to fix issues or how it changes how you will handle things in future tests and the launch. The wall of silence just adds fuel to the fire.


To actually test the game and not the server tech they have been making better for 15 years

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I understand that me being in a log in screen and putting stress on the servers was the whole reason of this test, though annoying im still hoping to be selected in the actual beta! Glad to have helped with the information and such. :smiley:

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Where is my beta invite?

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Character Creation Timed Out. Character Creation Timed Out. Character Creation Timed Out.


the same place mine is apparently


I agree with this. +1

Server is still offline Blizz. But I’ll bet beta is back up for your streamers.

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You’re funny. Available? Me thinks Community Manager employees need to talk to network engineer employees and discuss the definition of available. Because all I see is ‘offline’. Streamers are still in though, so ‘offline’ isn’t accurate either. Let us know what you figure out.


Your invite is being timed out. They keep trying to create your invite, but all they get is “timed out.”


I had a bunch of failed log in attempts and finally got in after the official test was over and mine just says “client initialize client destroy” so idk what all this is about.


I wonder when people will realize that streamers probably accounted for 1% of the stress server pop.

My client log has only one line in it. I have been off and on for 3+ hours.

This gave me a good laugh and I needed that right now, <3 Darknesself

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I think people are sorta angry because one we sorta can’t even get in now even though they said we would be able to play till thursday at 6:00 pm PST


Except the servers didn’t crash or rebooted if you look at streamers… yet a lot of people spent all night trying to create their character.

Since there was no communication, that leaves you wondering if the servers were not at max capacities, and people just wasted their time trying to get in… because server seemed stable from what I read once you got in.

How hard it would have been to notify people trying to log on of what’s happening and if it’s normal.


Your Client.log refreshes each time you perform a log-in attempt.

The server is still offline Blizz.


I understand that the first 2 hours was a stress test, but after that we are supposed to be able to play until tomorrow.