WoW Classic - Stress Test 1 Ending Info

Wow… this is just stupid


Watching the event happen was wholesome af with the races taking place and bosses being spawned. Tried the whole time to get in a be a part of history but wasn’t able to due to disconnecting at character creation. With that said thanks for this memory Bliz wont be forgotten even if I didnt get in :slight_smile:

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Same. The character creator kept timing out for me after a few seconds, even if I took the first thing it gave me, I still couldn’t get it to “accept”. Spent the whole two hours wrestling with it…


I never got the chance to play but I did try to login and play for the 2 hours. Hope it atleast helped in some way so this doesn’t happen at launch.
Atleast got to enjoy the show from watching asmongold so I still felt involved kinda.
Cheers, just hoping to get a beta key so i can play now. :slight_smile:
I know yall are working hard so keep up the good work.

Wonderful! I spent two hours staring at a login screen with the rest of the peons.


It was really FUN! TO let streamers and wowhead staff user with priority/priviledge flag and go into the stress server test WITH NO PROBLEM while the rest COULDN’T EVEN PAST THE LOGIN SCREEN! OR THE REALM window…

Are you happy for making peiople waste A LOT OF THEIR TIME, and letting asmontard being the play puppet of the GM when he summoned C’Thun?

Where is the testing for 99% of us? There was NO TESTING AT ALL. Just a waste of time.

Seriously, i was getting hyped about this, but not anymore… way to destroy the mood of MULTIPLE PEOPLE … and NOT EVEN CREATING A SECOND STRESS TEST SERVER for other to help testing it too … BUT NOOOOOOOOO Blizzard rather want to ride Asmontard, instead of multiple stress test server to let other people granting help for you. Seriously, this is disgusting

Letting Asmontard and SodaNeckbeard do a stupid race from the gnome area to Silithus(AND EVEN BET 500$), while thousand or more people ACTUALLY WANT TO HELP YOU, is just a big giant middle finger from you Blizzard. I’m really dissapointed.


Does that make everyone else who got in that are not streamers, nor watch streamers… Streamers now, too? Sweet. I’m a streamer now.

Right. I expected restarts, crashes, lag, stuttering, whatever. But not to be a login server tester. And now this Fake Connect garbage…


Sorry, Caidesire, but it was announced.

It was one of those [SERVER] messages in the in-game chat.


I am sure they are setting up the server to allow anyone in now. Since they are done stress testing login and character creation servers, by getting us to connect from a ton of different locations. Yes I do think they would be dumb enough to name a hotfix “Fake Connect” then forget it logs Client side.

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Hell suppose to have till tomorrow yet still won’t let in and when you do get to realms it shows it either locked or down. Frustrating as heck blizzard

Was blizz trying to stress the servers or the players?


We got Rag so im happy. Thank you soo much Blizz!

Reminder to people, don’t shoot the messenger, none of what you’re angry about is Bornakk’s fault.


That is a pretty good name for a priest.

I knew there would be login issues, but when I watched Esfand and Asmongold literally skip ahead of me in the queue and proceed to create characters right before my eyes I knew there was some tomfoolery.


People dont seem to understand that the fact that youre not able to login is because their servers are being stressed. Yes, stressed during a stress test lol. Its only natural for people to run into these sort of problems. The more people keep attempting to log in the better it lets Blizz know they need to find a hotfix quick to handle all the server load.

The raid bosses were brilliant, than you guys so much

This is a PR disaster. This type of bs should sink any company. Bye.


It’s not available. It went from medium to a queue to offline.