WoW Classic - Stress Test 1 Ending Info

Annnnnnnd regular beta servers are back online everyone, so you can play your mains now if you have access.

how do you check?

Let this be a lesson to anyone who takes Blizzard’s emails seriously and wants to (in good faith) help them with a stress test of ANYTHING in the future. Because unless I get a full beta invite, I am NEVER going to bother with this crap again. Because it became clear watching Twitch and then watching my log-in screen over the course of the last 3 hours that I was blatantly lied to and was specifically meant to be used as fodder for the log-in servers. And that would be fine, if that’s what I had been told. Instead, you deliberately used people’s honest yearning to play Classic, even for a night, as a trap to get them hooked into this nonsense. It’s just disgusting.


Actually, if the logs are correct and there was never a chance to get in then blizzard actually lied in their email and that would be a pretty nasty thing to do. I would like to think that the logs are wrong because the other scenario is a lot less pleasant.


Just want to let everyone at blizzard know that the “Character Creation Timed Out” message works perfectly!


From my logs, as well.

5/22 20:38:34.757 Client Initialize.
5/22 20:40:42.734 Initial Hotfixes: Received
5/22 20:40:42.734 Initial Hotfixes: Fake Connect
5/22 20:40:42.734 Initial Hotfixes: Requested
5/22 20:40:42.734 Initial Hotfixes: Applied
5/22 20:52:22.987 Client Destroy

Blizzard, explain.


stress test server says offline???

Blizzard please explain why we cannot create characters and come test things like we were told we would be able to do. Please explain the Fake Connect and Simulation code in our logs.


I was in a discord filled with people, not a single one of us got in, in the full 3 hours. A monumental waste of time :frowning:

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They announced a server restart a few mins ago to tweak the layering distribution. It’ll be back in a bit.

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Oh stop enabling them. They screwed up the test by sucking off twitch streamers.


5/22 21:55:07.314 Client Initialize.
5/22 21:55:37.805 Initial Hotfixes: Received
5/22 21:55:37.805 Initial Hotfixes: Fake Connect
5/22 21:55:37.821 Initial Hotfixes: Requested
5/22 21:55:37.821 Initial Hotfixes: Applied
5/22 21:59:57.932 Client Destroy

I got it too. But to be honest if they were really “faking” connections do you really think they would name it something as obvious as “Fake Connect” in the logs?


oh ok thanks

Dude they wouldnt even let us in a stress test. You think theyll give beta? OMEGALUL


where did they announce it? My WoW crashed while someone spawned Lord Kazzak lol

Well, hopefully it will be filled with fulfilled promises instead of more lies, because I too saw Fake Connects in my Client.log, and this will drive business away from the company if they don’t uphold at least the 24 hour promise.


What a joke. Can’t even run a simple stress test in a legit manner.


I can agree with this, I wouldn’t be mad about anything if they had just told us that we were going to be stress testing the login screen and not stress testing the game but I guess most people wouldn’t of tried so furiously if they had told us that


I made it in, finally. Made character, got to play. Got ganked by Hogger repeatedly. Dance party while waiting for boars to spawn. Went OOM. Buffed everyone I could. :slight_smile:

I think the hardest part was that I was legitimately ecstatic to participate in the stress test, get a little bit of play time in to level 5, but then it only got worse as I kept furiously trying to login and create a character only to realize that I would never actually get past the character creation screen