WoW Classic - Stress Test 1 Ending Info

Nope, check your logs. The rest of us had FAKE LOGIN flags to trick us into retrying over and over.

    set MaxConcurrentSessions = 5
    set LoginQueue = 'Priority'
    set MaxConcurrentSessions = 0
    set LoginQueue = 'Simulated'

How do we check the logs? Where can I find this?

Can confirm the Fake Connect in the log files under client


Where do you see this log?

People apparently have no idea what a stress test is. Sitting here saying only streamers got in and that no one else got to test the actual server stability. Thousands of people slammed the login servers while some got in. Many streamers got in with the first wave, but lots didn’t (lul priority). And watching the streams after the restart, there were certainly thousands online in different layers testing stress. At one point, one of the layers in Northshire was so laggy people couldnt walk.

But because some people couldn’t beat the login boss, clearly it was a bad test and boo-hoo I deserve everything.


Can confirm, my logs say the same. Go to the beta directory in logs and check client.log

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Battle net\World of Warcraft_classic_beta_\Logs

Check the logs folder in your wow classic install directory in program files

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Server wide server shutdown message just went out, lol. Hope they meant restart.

Yes, it did help blizzard. My problem isnt with that, it is with the deliberately misleading email they sent. Had blizz just been honest and said they needed people to constantly try to log on to test that process, then people would have.


TRUE… push this

well I tried to test anyways hopefully this was of some help

@blizzard going to need to explain this


maybe some closed beta keys should be given out to some of the people who could not make it in :slight_smile: so we can all have fun

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It is disappointing but no reason to get upset. I wanted to play for just a level or two but that is what it is.

Same for me

5/22 22:03:29.498 Client Initialize.
5/22 22:04:18.786 Initial Hotfixes: Received
5/22 22:04:18.786 Initial Hotfixes: Fake Connect
5/22 22:04:18.805 Initial Hotfixes: Requested
5/22 22:04:18.818 Initial Hotfixes: Applied
5/22 22:05:34.858 Client Destroy


Thank you almighty Omar for spawning Lord Kazzak and crashing my WoW! That made my day! <3

I spent a good hour or two trying to log in. Finally was able to get in and make a character. Was layered a time or two. Then I went around and tried to find stuff that was broken. I reported two bugs then the servers went down. Now back in queue.

Stuck in cahracter creatin under a message telling me it tiemd out. Like, tried for the whole 2 hours :frowning:

either way, gonna still try to log