WoW Classic - Stress Test 1 Ending Info

Even if i just battled the login screen and character creation timeout demon, i was satisfied with the turnout. I created my character and leveled to 5 after the hype died down. Needless to say you guys have a lot of work still ahead of you in terms of server stability, but i’m hoping to test more than just stress environment in the future. It was fun while it lasted!

You don’t get it man. It’s not the fact we had loads of issues logging in. Its who DIDN’T have issues. Streamers.
Its the streamers who are literally making an extra $20,000 this month because blizzard keep letting them into everything. And our only choice is to watch them.


asmongold literally was bragging about making $10,000 from one DM run in beta

It’s disgusting and insulting. I guess the cuckold community found the perfect outlet.


Streamers are just greedy they don’t even care about testing the game they will literally do anything twitch chat tells them for a nickel


I know this wording probably shouldn’t be looked into much but this gets me hopeful about getting a beta invite despite what they said in their initial stress test post. I imagine they mean that the current people in beta will be able to log back into the closed beta soon. I was irritated initially after the stress test, I mean I did spend three hours just spam logging in which I’m sure was helpful to the team getting the data they needed, but now I’m just hoping for a beta invite lol. Even only playing to level 5 I was having a blast and was even happier that I got to report some of the bugs I was noticing. In that short stint, I saw 3-4 bugs, I can’t imagine how much I’d be able to report if I got to play all the way to thirty. I probably won’t get a beta invite but I’ll keep on hoping haha


i am deeply sorry for those who could not connect, but the stress test went 30-45 minutes longer than the original 6pm PDT deadline. I was fortunate enough to get into the stress test and goof off with many others who consisted of streamers and non streamers. Even encountering the many issues everyone faced. I believe there is an argument to be made on behalf of streamers being prioritized. There are pros and cons. Though, i concur and believe it as an overall good thing to get streamers like Asmongold, Esfand, Sodapoppin, StaySafe, TipsOut, and even the legend Swifty in. They have a LARGE audience to broadcast their stream to, which not only helps advertise the game but also shows what we are or are not missing out on. World of Warcraft reached over 200,000 consecutive viewership on twitch topping the Fortnite and GTA monopoly based on views. This is huge for not only Blizzard, but the WoW community. Even if you were not able to catch the Live action of the stress test, you were still apart of the data by merely trying to log in. You’re point about Asmon making money I think is out of pure envy, they have worked long and hard to where they’ve gotten to regardless of your feelings about certain streamers. Another point to be made is that they have an incredible base of knowledge of the game and the classic roots. Esfand in one of his streams can be quoted stating that Asmon is a “walking encyclopedia for WoW, and knows almost anything about the game.” and that is extremely evident in his streams and his YouTube clips. Esfand has a great knowledge on the mechanics of the game and how fluent combat is, and how specific skills work and how they can be manipulated or bugged. These players have the Above average IQ of the game, and thats what makes them successful. Through their success comes all this profit. Who cares if Asmon boasts about making ‘x’ amount of dollars? It was donated to him through his viewers. Many people in this world boast about money, and your half argument about how he bragged about his income off of a day is irrelevant to your argument, and your topic. You also state that “Streamer’s” had no issues with the servers or log in screens, which is false. Asmon, Esfand, and Soda all had massive Qs to wait behind like the rest of us. They all got DC’d a plethora of times, and had ‘Offline’ and ‘Locked’ Servers. Regardless, I personally care who gets in because i would rather someone who will benefit the games production in an impactful way rather than non to little. I see your side, but it is a bias mainly against Asmongold’s behavior. Blizzard does not just give the Demo’s for soul advertisement. Watch their clips, videos or even their VODs and you’ll see their intelligence of the game.


The server is up right now. You can level and do whatever you want, it won’t be down until 6 PM PDT tomorrow

The entitlement is thick here!

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The tenacity of Classic players amazes me. Capped at level 5 and we already have Horde PvP raids turning up in Elwynn and Guilds forming.

Haha, that raid on Northshire was amazing. I had a lot of fun. Wish I could post some screen shots of it

I tried to get in for the first hour and no dice it just timed out after server select.
came back after 6:00pm and got a little more progress but kept getting world server is down error.
awhile after that it finally let me in and I leveled a loc to lvl 5 and every thing seemed fine.
hope the testing went well.

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Hi, so I stuck it our for the whole two hours but never got in. I received multiple Character Creation Timout loops before getting a few disconnects [WOW51900319]. I couldn’t really test much but did check to confirm wrong passwords were getting bounced back [WOW51900314]. When the test was ended I did get the ‘No Servers Currently Available’ [BLZ51934200]

Unsubbed from WoW due to predatory tactics by BliActivision and pulling the ol’ bait and switch with the client login during the 2-hour test period.
Good luck with Classic, don’t forget to check out Pantheon MMO everyone, there may not be a game yet, but at least they will tell you what’s going on.


I only had about 30 minutes to take part of the stress test before I had to go to work (gg Korean time zone), but honestly I had a blast.

I spent the whole 30 minutes waiting in queue and then failing to connect to the realm.

It was the most authentic classic experience I’ve had in a long time. It really took me back, and was a good start to my day. I’m not even being remotely sarcastic.


I check my client logs and it said Fake Server too. Go into your WoW folder, Classic Folder, Logs, Clients.

I got in and made a warrior named Achilles

I unsubbed also, just no return on investment until august 12th

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Also made dumbledore but then i logged off cause i realized level 5 for 1 day is a total joke in comparison to the streamers playin the closed beta with way more freedom and mess time restriction. I watched classic streamers last few days and i am sick of the privileges you provide them over your regular player base. Back to retail till official release. (No i dont own bfa)

Sorry to hear that. Took me about 20 mins to finally login.

There were people everywhere. We kept being tossed from a layer to another. People/mobs kept disappearing then reappearing.

Most people were in a good mood though and were joking around. It was kinda fun overall but you did not missed on anything big I can reassure you. I do agree with the frustration however. Sucks to be invited into something but cant login at all :confused: