WoW Classic - Stress Test 1 Ending Info

I have been trying to get online all night but all I get is an Offline Server screen. Will we be getting anything in return and compensation for not letting us in during this time frame? I would gladly accept a closed beta invite in lieu of this error!

Go out and come back in I was able to make a character immediately

Hey Bornakk,

Thanks for the update. Is there any way for us to know if we were just selected for the stress test? How can we tell if we have also been selected for the beta? I have two “World of Warcraft: Legion” PTR accounts on my page, does that mean I also have the beta? I am a bit confused.


Kaylahn - proudmoore 60 human paladin
orn-proudmoore 60 nelf hunter
cyliena- proudmoore 60 nelf druid
sebas- eronar 60 orc shammy
so again never heard of you and i was a BT back in 2003

I read the email and this is what it said:

Play up to level 5 and help us make sure we can provide the best experience possible when World of Warcraft Classic launches August 27, 2019.

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hey look everyone, i just launched the game, made a character and am playing right now, stop whining about a login stress test being “a waste of time” you never had to participate. log in now if you want to try out 5 levels of vanilla wow.

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I never heard of you either. Your point? Should we measure epeens or should I just go stream Beta.

Tell us about your 173k semi truck again instead?

reboot your launcher and try to login

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Aww dude I wish I had a 173k semi truck.

4 hours 4o attempts or so . finally got in made a character , world down at that point . so far furthest to this point .

Nobody is really that dumb are they?

It’s a stress test, not a free trial. You’re not expected to play anything. You’re expected to test the server and that includes login servers. You did exactly what Blizzard needed you to do.


Character created but then after a long loading bar it says the world server is down



you stated you weren’t a streamer and you just admitted to it you make me sick lol nice contridiction bro all i had to do was change profiles

You deserve a prize for that alone. I tried twice and after getting repeated error messages I closed it down, went out for a drive and got a capuccino and some raisin toast and sat back to relax. I could not see the benefit of wasting my perfectly good moments of life to do try and get into something that was short term, level limited and probably lagged out to hell.

PS: the coffee and raisin toast were ace, no service lag involved.


7P EDT to ~8:40P EDT: “Character Creation Timed Out”
11:05P EDT: “World Server is Down”

I saw streamers during the two-hour period while thousands of us received the runaround. I was hoping to have a level 5 character tonight per the announcement.

Their email explicitly states - “Play up to level 5” You can’t play if you can’t log in.



“get ready to rush our servers”
for you idiots that means
“yeah we aren’t here to play the game, we’re here to put strain on the servers”

it amazes me how stupid some people are when it comes to server and beta testing

Well the Stress Test 1 definitely introduced folks that had never played Original WoW to Load Queues and DC while waiting for connection to the Realm List.

As for my feedback, since there is no dedicated place for it that I can find:
Stress Test 1: I never got to the character creation screen. I spent about 30+ minutes waiting in the Realm List watching it cycle from “Locked” to “Offline” and back. The queues I expected, I remember original WoW. I call it Original as to differentiate it from the private Vanilla servers. So except for keeping up the attempts to log in and create a character, I did my part. So Thanks for the invite. Hopefully Stress Test 2 will fix most of those problems and be able to test player stuff. Yes, I know the current Beta testers are doing that, but would be nice to be able to add my input as I have played WoW since 2004. Thanks.

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I generally don’t stream, but I have OBS. If it gets forum posters mad that I have the option to press broadcast on OBS so they can irrationally hate streamers and those chosen who got beta access then all the better.