WoW Classic - Stress Test 1 Ending Info

Blow it trihard. I was in the OG beta and I’m not hiding anything. This is my forum account for Classic, check my history. The only people stirring up fights are the people babyraging at not being able to log into a stress test when it was obvious to anyone with an IQ over 50 that server stability would be terrible and the lag would be horrendous.

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I’m not mad. Just disappointed. When you’re led to believe you’ve been selected for an opportunity to experience even the first 5 levels of a game I loved before the changes. Almost feels like a blatant lie.


Better to have those problems during a stress test than during the actual launch of classic. I mean, they now know that such a large amount of people want to play the game and that it causes those problems.

There can be a plethora of reasons as for why the realm is unavailable for some. It could be a problem with certain ISPs, regions, layering, servers or just the overall load of people. And Blizzard did this to find these problems and solve them.

The pitchfork against the streamers is a joke as well. It is just based on confirmation bias in these forums. Does it suck that they apparently got in easily and you did not? YES! But is it all a great conspiracy against the people? NO! Just try to stay level-headed for once, it is never as simple as the “obvious” answer. There is more to it than we can see and I am confident that the next stress test will be way better thanks to the information they got from your attempts to log in.

If you want to find a solution: collect data, try to find out what everyone that failed to log in during the stress test had in common (no, not being a streamer doesn’t count). Examples would be: ISP, region, connection logs if you made some and similar data.


Why did the email say 24 hours and play up to level 5 and the server says offline and there are streamers and people playing right now? Thats not stress testing thats an outright lie.


I’d wager that we’re going to see these same problems on launch day.


Hopefully by the third stress test they’ll have the layer populations ironed out so it’s less of a problem.

Great stress test blizzard. I didn’t resubscribe yet so I haven’t gotten a beta invite, but watching it looks like it was a big success. Anyone who couldn’t log in and is complaining, completely missed the point of what a stress test is. This is exactly what is being tested for so it can be avoided for launch. If you think the thousands of people who were on the server are all “streamers”, you’re an idiot.

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Active testing period? You mean to tell me we wasted 4 hours of our day for this? Soooooo glad I didn’t resub for this. It’s fecking obvious how much you cater to Streamers over us average Joes.

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I am cool to be trolled once. I say trolled because I 100% did not think the login would the the fail point. At one point you had 20 million subs, wth happened? What I see is the classic community is huge and will over take retail really quickly. Over spend on server space to make sure this does not happen and condense later. You will easily make 30 + million dollars on the first month, throw a few at the power to handle it.

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Still can’t read, I see. This is what my email said:

Install now and get ready to rush our test realm as soon as it opens at 4:00pm PDT Wednesday, May 22, until 6:00pm PDT . Play up to level 5 and help us make sure we can provide the best experience possible when World of Warcraft Classic launches August 27, 2019.

The World of Warcraft Classic Closed Beta realms will be down for the duration of the test. Once the stress test period is over, you’ll be able to continue playing on the stress test realm (up to level 5) until Thursday, May 23.

Lol yo seriously how many of you did not read your full email? And or never been in a stress test i was in and got to lvl 5 had issues major issues but thats why its a stress test

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data: not a streamer, not able to get a character on the server passed the character creation sceen.

i also was stuck on the character creation screen. after character creation would click accept, wait like 30seconds and then have it say it couldnt create the character. then after several attempts, booted to login again. restarted, got on the character creation and repeated above scenario.

now the server is just offline entirely and has been for about 20 minutes.

dont know if this information is helpful


But why am i not able to get on right now still and people are playing right now? 24 hours what?

So what it appears is that the regular beta testers got in, and those that are just stress testers were never intended to get in. And with all realms down and unavailable, we will not get in. That’s the last time I will volunteer to beta test anything for Blizzard.


So, at the VERY least (again, according to the official email Blizzard sent out) those of us who threw ourselves against log-in servers were supposed to expect as a “reward” for wasting our time doing so was that we would have roughly 24 hours of access to this server. And now it has been two hours since the END of the stress test, and there aren’t even any realms available on log-in. This company is beyond contemptuous of it’s loyal customers. I have half a mind to delete the launcher completely at this point. I can understand problems. I will not tolerate being personally sent an email that deliberately misled me.


Got to lvl 5 after waiting on the initial que debacle, it wasn’t perfect and there’s clearly issues with the login server and character creation element, thats why its the stress test read your full emails when you get them.

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No idea. They may be on the the two closed beta servers. Only Blizzard knows why the stress test servers are still down.

Stress test successful. I’m officially stressed cause I wasn’t home to play! :crazy_face:

Stress test is over, servers aren’t up like they said they would be. Over promise and under deliver. They have it backwards.

I could be wrong but are all the beta servers down right now?