WoW Classic - Stress Test 1 Ending Info

What was the result? Incapable of providing a stable realm? That’s all the vast majority of us saw.

I’m not saying you did it wrong by your own standards, but what about by our standards? There was zero communication about this issue, the forums were almost completely destroyed, and almost none of us here were able to get in.

So… what was the point of the test? You’d go a huge mile by telling us this. Was it to test how it integrated with your login server? Was it to see how it would handle 10,000 players trying to hit one realm? What data did you glean from this.

Speaking from a “invited to stress” perspective, I never got into stress. The server is offline over an hour after the test ended.

I love you guys, I really do, but this feels like a failure. Almost no one managed to get into the stress test, almost no one got into beta, etc.

I’m not saying we all deserve it, and certainly i don’t deserve it at the expense of others. I am saying that you haven’t been clear about this and it’s starting to smart.


Explain how streamer and wowhead staff were able to login then? :thinking:


Never got in, still can’t. :frowning:


who said the disconnect is forced??

Still offline for me, too. I probably won’t be able to get in before the 24 hours is up, since I have work all day tomorrow.


Thats why I got angry … seems the pampered media guys that did get in, get to play longer. And they don’t need to,they have beta. I am sorry I was very supportive til now. But tonight was a darn joke.


If that was the case, the streamers would not have gotten in either. There apparently was a preferred server for them.


I’m neither and I logged in. Stop looking for confirmation bias because you’re mad about not getting Beta.

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There is no extra time. It was always advertised for a full 24 hours, it’s just the actual test itself was only for a 2 hour period.

hey thanks for accepting me into the stress test! too bad i couldn’t help cause I was at an offline screen the whole time, theres 4 hours i won’t get back though, it’s alright :slight_smile:

i don,t talk about the beta, i’m talking about the stress test server.

Both are completly different things.

Blizz, the server is STILL offline. Where’s our 24 hours of play period?


I spent 3 hours tonight trying to login to participate in this stress test with no success.

Why not make this up to the people who couldn’t get in by giving them beta invites? it feels pretty crappy to have gotten my hopes up that I’d get to give classic a shot to not even make it past the front door. Whereas others who have already had beta access seemed to have made it in no problem.

Please do something to make this right.


Ohh lets have a payment issue then you will see how fast they reply

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I assume it’s a test log that wasn’t removed from the Classic Beta client yet. That said, Fake/Faker are both common terms used when, well, faking data or connections.

Where is my 24 hour realm? Right before the last disconnect it was put in world chat that it would be right back. What is, “be right back” to you Blizzard? 30 minutes? An hour? Two hours? No communication is fun.


Well when I try to log in on my WoW1 account I get “No realms are currently available” when I try to log in with my WoW2 account I actually see the server list…

I was able to log into the stress test just fine as well.

Don’t pretend for a second that if you owned a game you wouldn’t take advantage of one account equaling 50k+ viewing of your game.

You need to learn what white knighting actually means.

You’re upset because you weren’t able to log in to the beta and ATTEMPT to get level 5.

“That’s some serious white knighting there, son” This statement just proves you really have no logical functioning in your brain and you just love to cry.

while we may have helped, it does seem a bit sketchy that the big name streamers didn’t have any issues with any of it and right back in after disconnects… that being said, this is a stress test and we did fully stress the servers. It would have been better to let the streamers keep their normal beta access if they were going to have priority over everyone else, but they may not have realized their login issues were going to be so bad.
I guess this is a bit contradictory to itself. I’m not angry and I didn’t dump other things to do this (never do that on a stress test or you will regret your choices), I just don’t like asmondgold and now he’s who everyone is talking about >.<

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