WoW Classic - Stress Test 1 Ending Info

I’ve never been more disappointed Blizzard.
I fully expected issues logging in under the expectation of this being a stress test.

But the stress test conveniently allowing streamers to log in and out, create multiple toons during the time span, etc. while the rest of us were not able to even log in?

Shame on you.
Be honest with your player-base.

I know I’m an individual who won’t quit over it so I can’t show you my distaste, but I think very poorly of you now. Can’t believe it would get worse, but it did.


Thats a load of shate this is wow man they dont need stress tests to test logins, this game has been issue free with that for a while now, I thought it was to test in game performance and latency etc, its just a excuse.

The ones defending this are the ones that got to login.


Do you not understand blizzard doesn’t need to stress test a login server?

That’s like Microsoft having a public beta to test their login interface. They’ve been doing it a long time, they know what they need to do already.

This was a marketing ploy to push WoW to the top of Twitch charts.


That’s some serious white knighting there, son. I wonder when people will realize it’s a little bit strange that this 1% you speak of had 100% success getting on while everyone else sat around looking at fake login queues for hours like a bunch of goiters.


the ‘fake’ login was only if you were able to connect to the server and didn’t get timed out. essentially, if you got stuck at the character creation boss, it would be in your logs

With all the confusion, anger, and whatnot, the Blues really should say SOMETHING what happened today, either about the fake connects, the constant disconnects, or the fact that only a small portion of the invited managed to log in despite them wanting to stress in-game performance.


Yes my friend I can understand your frustrations. However a large part of the stress test is being able to handle the network load. We are essentially DDOS’ing their classic stress test server. Yes ofcourse those that got in and created a character are also participating in other aspects of the stress test such as layering. But those of us that only made it to the character log in screen and then got wiped by the character creation boss, we still have helped in a large way. This is what being a beta tester is all about. Eating crap sometimes so the launch can go a little smoother for those not interested in playing a game not ready for production. You have helped in more ways than you realize.


Well,at least I got to test how many failed attempts it would take me to realize I wouldn’t get in. It was a lot, and the realm is still offline for me sadly. At least I got to watch the stuff that happened.

That doesn’t mean they aren’t getting preferred treatment.

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Could Not Log In. I did try again when the server restarted. I got to character making screen and was watching “Streamers” that logged in after ME and got to character creating and on the game. I did not even make a character. “Streamers” are Ok but I and everyone can tell that your allowing them priority for FREE Advertisement. “Streamers” that are giving priority will be able to choose their name First and Race to 60 will be not the same.


I mean, I wasn’t happy with combating a login screen. But I think the vast majority of you misunderstand what a stress test is.

If you literally called off work for this, thinking it was going to be a huge thing? I’m sorry.


this wasn’t about anybody playing the game, it’s about blizzard testing the servers. they want a mad rush into the servers

hey i’m right with you check my original post i’m pretty pissed about this.

Sooooo what happened to it being available till tomorrow? Put if back on

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Trash test from what has become a trash company. I hope you got your “advertisement” for a 15 year old game from the precious chosen one streamers. What a joke.


Wouldn’t it help more to actually let people in and naturally get disconnected rather than forcing their disconnect? How does this approach help them more than that would?


Then let people go in the server until it crash for good, instead of locking it.

Thanks for hosting it, and keeping us up to date with new posts. Next time consider a method of communication like twitter or something else to keep everyone up to date. One it lets people know their stress is being useful for something, and two it helps during the disconnects to get feedback.


The best stress tests are the ones you can’t even log on to play. Glad I could help stress test this thing.


If they did that, there would be less inclination for the amount of ppl that showed up to show up.