WoW Classic Season of Mastery Coming Soon

8 I think would be the right number for AoE. This would allow the AoE method on Garr and Domo if they so choose.

I don’t agree at all I would much rather have the bulk of the experience come from quests.

Maybe you love grinding mobs but not everyone does I find it extremely boring and tedious Heaven forbid let people have a little variety of how they level.

Because here is the thing It’s a fact I think it should be 50% faster because realistically it’s not that thing of a lump as you think.

Oh no it takes you Instead of Is 7 days played to hit 60 assuming your hitting it really hard Is it’s going to take you Is 5.

And that’s completely fine if you love the level Is by Grindy Is that’s completely up to you and you can do that.

Is what this overall does it gives you places where there’s a lack of quests to do to fill in those gaps is how I see this.

It’s the same argument I give about class balance And why I say wrath classes should be there instead of classic Haven’t forbeen Is all the classes and specs are actually fun and viable.

And again Is all the problems you just listed all gets solved with wrath of the rich king classes.

His rogues and Warriors were technically still at the top however The damage differenchy was a lot less If the top is doing 1856k Then the lowest should not be doing any more than 1556

hopefully releases soon and not in 6 months time kinda bored of all wow content besides classic :confused:


I personally just hope They give us more details on what possible changes they’re going to be making.

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i agree, i like the old play style but i want the new graphics… this is not 2010.


My guess would be some time in November to try and compete with the new FFXIV expansion that’s coming out.

and i want togglable updated models … just like they did when there was a transition. its a win-win. U want it u can use it u don’t? u simply have it off… just like cloaks and helmets

No way the new models and animations are ugly and goofy af. Also part of the reason I like classic is it takes up so little space.

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Yeah Which is why we need changes Is lots and lots of changes classic plus changes.

Changes that could brief new life into this Maybe bring back that feeling of discovery where Hey we don’t know what the met is going to be?

These would be the changes I would make

1 Is Guild banks instant mail.

2 Dual speck

3 tbc loot

4 wath classes with 60 talent points

5 Heroic dungeons and raid Changes
each dungeon Is has a heroic mode that you unlock be a quest at 60

Don’t give the raids A heroic mode Make actions you do inside the raid unlock a heroic mode of the bosses.

For example in mc What if instead of dousing the ruins didn’t let you fight rag You can go fight a regardless but if you Don’t doubt the ruins He’s a lot stronger and harder and gives you extra loot.

This way It would give players choice We have a full casual group Normal all the way Have some experience guys Let’s do the 1st 3 bosses on hard but the rest normal.

You have a hardcore group We’re going to do hard way all the way through You get the idea On top of that it would give the raids more lungevity.

6 pvp system revamp

20% decay gone Make it an honor cap system 1-10 10k 11-12 50k 13 200k 14 500k 15 bracket system.

You can also get up to ring 10 in 1 week if you growing the honor for it After that you can only get one rank per week.

They don’t give us the grand Marshal stuff at lunch only the blue set Add weapons make them equivalent to ZG.

Don’t release the grand Marshall stuff until AQ I would also say on the blue set Is buff gloves and boots Is envy chest and helm on the epic set.

Naxx Comes out Make a pvp set for that not as good But just a little bit worse.

Rank 15 Is only Perstige/bragging rights That’s why they give them a super unique mount if they get ranked 15 and a title there’s no player power behind it.

So that’s where your per stage comes in Is these are the changes we need to see to make classic plus amazing

Tuning the bosses to account for world buffs would just be the same as no world buffs pal, bigger numbers but more hp on boss is the same as smaller numbers lesser hp on boss. World buffs ruined classic as well as known and easy boss fights theyre making the game like we asked for and all anyones doing is complaining rofl

I mean I guess it’s who you are the way I’m looking up that says this is an opportunity for them really to break the mold and turn this into an amazing classic plus experience.

I mean even people that would want classic as everyone says fresh they didn’t want it right now I mean what tbcc.

Four months Roughly I think off the top of my head I mean we just kind of got out of it a lot of people are saying it’s too soon.

On top of that Is there literally devouring their cloud player base you’re going to have people that are going to try this but still have commitments in tbcc.

My thought on is this I’ve listed the changes I think would make the Is game better I wanted to see them really really push the line especially since it’s seasonal but.

If the changes that we’ve seen are all that is changing I’m not bothering it’s literally not worth it you can see what’s gonna happen everyone’s hyped up about how the removal of the debuff is gonna change everything no it’s not.

If anything changes at all maybe rogues will end up doing better dps Is then Warriors maybe But anyone else even if the debuff limit is removed the deep upstairs gonna put on is still pitiful in Damage.

Is so unless major class twinking is done which let’s be honest I don’t see them doing it’s either I’m doing it’s literally going to be the same thing except OK rag takes a minute to kill instead of 20 seconds.

I think it’s going to have a really big research for maybe a month or 2 and then it’s just gonna die.

Just there’s not enough change to pull a lot of people back

Its all about keeping you subscribed for more than a month.

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why’re so many against the xp increase? do you really want to spend that much time leveling when the release cycle is a year total? I guess I’m just out of the loop or vastly VASTLY underestimate how fast the average person can level in Classic :confused:


It’s not even that big of a deal it’s just the questing exp, which will bump up questing vs dungeon boosting(since at this point blizzard apparently isn’t changing that)

They have already stated they are looking into Mage AoE boosting and new buffs countering mages have already been data mined in the files for the upcoming patch.

Fair enough, I did not see that yet :slight_smile:

Either way it’ll still help boost questing up vs dungeon grinding.

It depends on who you ask Is some people find the leveling in classic enjoyable don’t ask me why.

Me on the other hand I say they should just increase the experience to × 2 flatline Is 2X experience I think would be absolutely perfect.

In addition to that I think they should also

Wow changes for som

1 quality of life Is Guild banks instant mail Is N the LFG tool NOT THE AUTOMATIC ONE

2 Dual spec

3 tbc loot pvp and pve

4 wrath classes with 60 talent points

5 Is dungeon and raid changes
heroic versions of every dungeon unlocked unlocked wath a quwest.

Don’t give raids A heroic mode Let players do things in the dungeons to unlock is one lock harder versions of the bosses for extra loot.

For Example in mc Instead of dousing all the ruins Let’s you go fight rag What if he was just a lot stronger.

This gives Is the raiders choice of which bosses they want to do harder or easier depending on your raid.

6 pvp system Revamp 20% decay gone
Honor cap system instead 1-10 10k 11-12 50k 13 200k 14 500k 15 Brackets.

Don’t give us Is the epic sets at lunch give it to us during AQ Buff the Boots and gloves of the blue set Is and the helm in chest of the epic set.

In addition Is give us weapons with the blue set that are equivalent to ZG and Make the pvp Is sets spec specific more than just generis or then just generic depending on the class for example a paladin Is would get a perot ret and holy set.

Now rank 15 This is the prestige rank this is Gladiator for classic We’ll just call it infernal grand Marshall for now Give it a really cool mount something every one would recognize like Is a lion with gold armor and blue burning eyes something where everybody goes.

Wow that guy got rank 15 These are the changes we need to see for som.

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they say coming soon. when is soon? to me its like 2 weeks from when they released this info. are we gonna have to wait till the new year since there doing a 12 month schedule?

Im sure you guys up at Blizz can see this project doesn’t have enough hype or offer up much yet that would bring back players in any reasonable amount yet.

You need to think more along the lines of bringing BE paladins to the horde raids and Draenei shamans to the alliance raids and fixing all of these broken specs that’s can’t even raid.

What better way to have longevity from this project than to fix specs that people can’t even play and always wanted to play if they were more viable. Ie; Paladin and Druid tanks. Druid Dps. Ele and Enhance shamans, Shadow priests…

Give people more of a reason to try to play this game again or else it’ll fall flat on its face and you’ll miss a huge opportunity to rake in the money…

And can we not get mounts at 20 and epic mounts at 40?! This has already proven to work for retail.

Dude also not everyone likes to quest to level up, I don’t understand why questing is the only thing to get an xp boost.

The quests in classic aren’t even that great in the first place, why force those down our throats again? We legit just did all those quests a year ago