WoW Classic Season of Mastery Coming Soon

Probably in Jan.

While I would be stoked if this happened, I do not think it will and do agree it is against the spirit of Classic

This needs to happen regardless

Yup, lots of players just quit playing when they found out they had no real options for raiding if they didnt either respec or reroll

No, again, against the spirit of Classic. Ppl need to stop being in such a rush go go go

Because dungeon boosting was broken and had a very negative effect on the servers, MMOs are about questing and leveling, just how it is

If you truly think this, go buy New World and try that for a few hours, come back and let us know how bad Classic quests are


SoM is a good idea. Long time customer here you have my support


Really hoping for sooner than Jan


It is coming out in like 1 month. In november some time.

What about 4-5 mins AV? again ? broken BG

The world buff meta was trash, adios.
Can we nerf mage boosting into the ground as well?


Already done my friend


How many relaunches are you going to make? I can’t take it anymore. Please not 1-70 again. So much work
 Say goodbye to sleep Wow fans

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Bye. 10char

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Blizzard just needs to give us TBC talents and most classes would be much more playable

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They just need to give us TBC talents and most classes would be much more playable

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Forgive my ignorance
 but what exactly is Seasons of Mastery? I get it’s a new expansion, and I read the article Blizz posted. But I’m still not getting it. Is it just a version of vanilla/classic that focuses more on end game content (with perhaps a few changes made), but otherwise the same as vanilla/classic?

its the same boring !@#$ all over again but now with a new mechanic or 2 on some raid bosses. They had a great opportunity to actually shake up the game but they half assed it like they do everything.


I’m glad you don’t like it. Retail awaits

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you’ve been talking about how you’re not even going to play it and its going to suck without world buffs for weeks now. Actual clown shoes wearing mf


Still haven’t told me the name of your main-server in classic and will continue to dodge

Lol yes I have you’ve asked me this multiple times now. That’s why I ignored you the 2nd time my 2 digit iq dude

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I know. Because your main was bad and you are bad.

at this point i cant tell if youre trolling or slangin chromosomes so bravo tbh