WoW Classic Season of Mastery Coming Soon

Yes youre right, one account for 2 months generates far more money than the people who own 5 accounts and have xferred 3 times. Good call

Anyone with 5 accounts is gonna play the game out, get bored, and leave. Those with 1 are the long termers.

Incredibly false and untrue
 as someone with a guild full of multi account owners.

Continue to be wrong. I dont care.

I mean, i am literally proof of that walking and you somehow deny it.

What are you a flat earther? lol

What about PvP? Can you make a type of server with world pvp rewards? Some of us would love an online war game, based on PvP, with the mechanics of vanilla. (Maybe a version of WoW that actually is about war)


The point of the server is racing to raid and some degenerate rwf.

Desperation has never been uglier.


I would be really excited to play this if there were no exp changes and an increase in drop rate to allow player base to keep up with content.

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Same, I was actually excited to be able to nerd out with some alts and gear them up. My mistake for assuming that faster cadence meant increased loot, killed my desire to play when they made their blue post


You want naxx on launch?

Druids are better than palatins for sure but if we’re really gonna compare them to a Warrior they just don’t even compare remotely.

Is Warriors just scale way too good with gear like way way too good It’s the reason I keep suggesting wrath talents.

Release nao.

Honestly, asks like this make me wonder if a version that has no raid lockouts – they’re like dungeons, you can just run and reset – if that type of version on a massively accelerated quarterly cycle would appeal to the FOMO racer gamers. Personally, I hate the idea of seasonal content in an MMO that should have some permanence and adventure, but its not like the regular game sees much of that anymore anyways.

Tragic: Game design has been co-opted by encounter design.


they made the game “special” alright
but not the way your thinking


See here’s the thing right And I’m going to use the rat paladin argument here The most important thing about playing any game by default is fun.

And like it or not Plain a paladin is not fun This is the reason I’m saying Wrath classes would be the best option because they are finished.

On top of that I also find a very humorous that everyone seems to Talk about when the worst aspects of classic is that we all know what’s going to work like this there’s no new discover.

At least for now We don’t know what the meta would be like with rafters with 60 talent points.

Is to a certain extent at the very I mean Is titans grip Warriors I mean I’m just saying Because the little changes that they’ve made isn’t going to really change any.

OK so bleeds can be used more worldwide’s may be a little bit better but Warriors and rogues are still going to outscale them.

And it’s not like those classes don’t have dots too Anyway my point is Is wrath classes are fun.

Every single space can be used and there’s no more memespects That should be the goal like I’m not saying I want necessarily wrett to be top

What I’m saying is if A fury Warrior is doing 1856 dps a ret shoud Be able to do at least 1756 dps That’s what I’m saying

I really hope you guys adjust the damage, mana and fix the meme specs.

No debuff limit means a tonne of 2h warriors and hemo rogues. So sick and tired of that classic.

If people want an authentic classic experience they can go play on a classic era realm. Lets see some specs that havent been on top for the last 15 years at least be competitive.

Now I know thats going to make some neck beards throw their dorritos at their screens but who cares. Hell change it every season. Warriors deal 4x the dmg of a feral druid
 cool buff all feral dmg by enough to make them top meters. Next seasons make eng shamans and ret pallies the op, after that locks and mages.

You can have rolling content over years.


For the love of god, do not increase quest turn in XP, I love leveling in classic not because I do quests, but because I gain experience from killing stuff at a higher rate than turning in a quest.
Also I would just like to appreciate how odd it is that turning in a quest is prioritized in blizzards mind
 yeah going into town turning in 6 quests and leveling is a cool thing
 but what about turning in a quest gives my character experience in fighting? No genuinely how? Seems to me the largest bulk of experience should be coming from killing stuff, and while even at TBC levels thats still the case I do not like where this trend is going, this is what they did with retail WoW, increased quest XP so much that killing enemies wouldn’t matter unless it was for the quest, which is great when you are telling a linear story for sure, like in Legion for example where you went to a zone and followed a storyline through to the end of it. In Azeroth in WoW classic, however, really has no such storyline, it has a story over all rather than in one specific part of the world. Hell even Outlands doesn’t have many storylines similar to that, and while WOTLK had a bit more of that storytelling feel it also had the overall feel in each zone as well.


lol again, with the easiest path

What a shell Blizz is these days, its a sad state of affairs.

Anyone aware if the Beta server has gone offline for good? If not anyone have information on how long the Beta will be open?

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Well, in order for the game maps feel “alive” dungeon boost must be nerfed. I think all mage aoe need to be nerfed, making them cap at certain number of targets lets say 6 for example. No boosting, no aoe grind (cap), no dungeon farming/solo (mage/hunter/some casters in diremaul). Everyone in the same spot, with no advantages will create a different and more intended gameplay. As i suppose was designed, dungeons as group content not a powerlevel/goldfarming/bot grinder.