WoW Classic Season of Mastery Coming Soon

See here’s my thing it does appeal to me but one it feels a little too soon too I don’t think this is enough.

I mean do you really want to go through the rank 14 again No one seems to be discussing this and it should be its a bad system.

Class balances another thing I mean I don’t think the change just blizzard make is going to have a much of an impact on the meta as you think.

I mean rogues have dots too now they’re viable OK that’s all that mean My point is If they’re gonna go classic Plush I want them to go all the way.

I mean I’ll be honest with the little changes that they’ve made I’m gonna jump in the bed and give feedback but honestly at minimal if the pvp system is not completely revamped.

And At the very Paladins and Druid Can’t actually tank decently I’m not even gonna bother because it’s going to be very clear it’s not going to be anything different.

I still say Is Ralph classes with 60 talent points would be the best why because everybody’s fun to play and class bounds was at its best.

Everybody’s finished Is classic everybody is bare bones not only that how cool would that be to see a Is Warriors duelding 2 handed weapons.

That would be awesome to see That would be something to shake Things up Those are the type of things that I want to see

Wow that are some really garbo suggestions. The only one that makes sense is the hardiness nerf, and id rather have original hardiness than have lizzard touch anything.

Its prolly not even hardiness, its lizzard getting the math of 25% right

cause it procs 85% of the time and it shouldn’t

Does anyone knows if the char we create will be deleted at the end of OB? Please

I might do this. But if I do, I won’t due 15 characters again. Oh no. Two accounts, three characters per account.

Level 60 Hunter (Engineering/Mining)
Level 39 Mage (Enchanting/Tailoring alt)
Level 39 Priest (Alchemy/Leatherworking alt)

I think this is a good idea because I was one of the people who missed the classic train in 2019. Im a little curious in knowing how the future seasons will play out after this one ends. I also think that getting rid of world buffs was a good idea but, I dont like the xp increase even though it is very minor.

Yes sadly it will be deleted when the actual game is released.

how is dungeon finder any less lazy than an addon that makes lfg chat actually readable tho? you just want to be able to press a button and be teleported to an instance with the whole group ready.

Hello @Blizzard and @Kaivax,

Hope this message finds you well :slight_smile:

First of all, sorry for my bad English. I am not using English on a regular basis so it is highly probable that you will find errors / weird sentences in my message. To be honest I post here only because US forums seems to get much more attention from Blizzard than the French one :innocent:

So thank you, @Blizzard and @Kaivax, for your SoM announcement! Nice to see that you take care of a part of your community which wanted a fresh start on WoW Classic. However, for the next SoM, here are a couple of point I would like to suggest / raise your attention about:

  1. Please consider launching a 2-years WoW Classic SoM. In fact, the original WoW Vanilla lasted circa 2 years and, to recreate the authentic WoW Vanilla experience as much as possible, I think that it is very important that WoW Classic SoM’s duration sticks as much as possible with WoW Vanilla’s one. Moreover, with the one-year SoM, it is very likely that we will have a Retail-like “rushy” mentality (everybody trying to get 60 asap, then clean raids asap to be ready for the next phase, etc.) that was absolutely not part of WoW Vanilla mentality and experience. In case of 2-year-SoM, I would also delay the release of PvP content and stick to what has been done in WoW Classic (honor system in phase 3 and battlefields in phase 4) to stick as much as possible to Vanilla’s calendar of releases and to avoid R14 stuff being available too early and then making PvE content too easy.

  2. I also understand that increasing XP / converting meeting stones to summoning stones / increasing mining and herbalism nodes are necessary since the current SoM will last only one year. However, in case of 2-years-SoM, please really consider conserving WoW Vanilla’s XP rates. In fact, in WoW Vanilla, leveling was totally part of the gaming experience, and not just something that you have to rush to be 60 asap: for most of WoW Classic players, the path (the leveling) is as important and enjoyable as the destination (being 60)! For the same reason, it would be really appreciated to kick summoning stones out of the game and to have only meeting stones. As you said, summoning stones were not a Vanilla feature (implemented at TBC) and they participate to this atmosphere that leveling / outdoor content should be rushed, which, again, is much more similar to the Retail mentality than to the Vanilla one and breaks the immersive capacity of the game. For the same reason (sticking as much as possible to the original game), I would also conserve the same items drop rate and resources nodes that were present in Vanilla. Concerning resources nodes, I would also put much more emphasis on kicking bots out of the game -so as to let more resources available to real players- than on increasing resources nodes*. Also please do not implement into Classic WoW features that were not implemented at the time, like dual spec or group / dungeon finder for example.

  3. Concerning WB: Here’s a tricky problem! A lot of people have been asking to suppress them from dungeons / raids while others want it to be conserved. From my point of view, I would like a compromise solution : WB buff should not be totally suppressed when entering in dungeon / raid (which is the solution implemented for this SoM, and which is “#toomuchchanges” to me as it was possible to do so in Vanilla) but there use should be limited : the solution that I propose is that WB should be suppressed when entering into dungeon / raid ONLY up to a certain time after the release of the dungeon / raid (ex: when Zul’Gurub is released, during the first month after its release entering in the raid will suppress the WB. Once the first month is finished, you can enter it with your WB still being active). I know it’s #somechanges from what was done in Vanilla, but I think that this compromise could satisfy both pro and anti WB and that it would increase the game’s challenge (we would have different metas for the same raid according to whether the WB are enabled or not).

  4. Restore the 16 debuff limit to stick to Vanilla’s spirit and difficulty and to ensure that all classes will be useful in raid. To increase dungeons / raid difficulty, I would even go further and restore the 8 debuff limit, which, I think, were effective during the first half-part of Vanilla (would be phases 1 to 3 I think).

  5. It’s very cool that you restore some mechanics that were removed early on to some raid bosses! However, I would absolutely not increase health / damages on bosses further than what their health / damages points were in Vanilla or create new mechanics that did not exist in Vanilla, and this for two reasons: the first one is that with the 16 or 8 debuff limit and the restoration of old bosses’ mechanics, this would not be needed to increase bosses’ difficulty. The second point is, obviously… to stick to Vanilla’s mechanism! That could seem weird, but I think that it’s not “fair” to implement mechanics / HP / damage points /etc. on Vanilla’s bosses if these mechanics were not present in the original game as it would totally change the fight-design and way of playing of gamers in a manner that goes beyond the way fights were thought in Vanilla. Instead of doing that, I would advice you to… read the 6th point :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  6. To increase the challenge, I think that it would also be interesting to add some “old” content that was not implemented in Classic: original 1.5 Alterac Valley and od version of Stratholme / Scholomance / LBRS etc. that had much more mobs than in the 1.12 version and that requested 15 (or 10? I don’t know exactly) players to be completed. More globally, I would be very adamant on implementing ALL PRE-NERF bosses’ abilities and dungeons / raids versions to have a challenge that is as much as possible similar to the one of WoW Vanilla.

  7. Finally, in case of 2-years SoM, there is a point that I think is of the utmost importance: as the duration of the SoM will be higher (2 years instead of 1) and more similar to the vanilla’s one, please DO NOT suppress these SoM characters / servers at the end of the 2 years, but rather conserve it either in a forever WoW Classic server or (and that’s my favorite option, but it will depend on the community’s will) to have it evolve to TBC at the end of the 2 years (and then why not to WTLK). In fact, I think that there are plenty of players (including me, to say the truth) that had not the opportunity to play Classic WoW as much as they wanted at its launch in 2019 due to several factors (professionals, etc.) and who would like to take a new (or first!) start in Classic WoW, but who are not willing to play on current SoM due to the amount and consistence of changes made compared to the original WoW Vanilla, and due to the fact that they know that their character will be suppressed at the end of the SoM season. This is especially true for role-play gamers like me who are deeply identifying to their characters and for whom it is absolutely impossible to accept that their character could be deleted. So, to attract these players, I think that a 2-year SoM with no suppression of characters would be necessary to them. To be honest, even if I think that the SoM idea is very cool and that Blizzard did a great job with this, I won’t play the current SoM due to the facts that I have mentioned above (not permanent character and too many changes, including the 1-year timeline). To maximize the chances of attracting people in this 2-years SoM, I would advise you to launch it slightly after the end of TBC, or WTLK if TBC servers will evolve in WTLK servers. At the end of their timeline, these new SoM servers could eventually merge with earlier Era / TBC / WTLK servers (ex : Finkle or Auberdine for the French ones) to guarantee that they have a population that permits the game to be played.

*Concerning bots, I’m sure that Blizzard is doing a great job against them. However, I think that the community believes the contrary as there is almost no communication from Blizzard on this topic. So, what I would suggest for Blizzard– and this goes beyond SoM, Retail and Classic should also be concerned- is to publish reports about bots on a determined frequency (for example, every week, every month, etc.), stating for example “This month, we have performed XXX investigations, which led to XXX bots being banned blabla. Thank you for your reports blabla”. I think that this could be very helpful for Blizzard to regain prestige, and the community would be very happy to see that Blizzard is really addressing the bots problem and that their reports are really useful.

And just to finish, thank you Blizzard for your action against mage boosting! This was cancer in Classic WoW.

I hope that this message could be useful and thank you @Blizzard / @Kaivax / the community for having read my post!

Take care :kissing:



The amount of dissertations being written in this thread has surpassed a level of cringe that I once thought impossible.

Bravo !

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Is there a secret handshake to get into this open beta? I can’t find any trace of it.

You need to log in to your account and visit the Games & Subscriptions page and select Starter Editions & Public Test Regions to create an account.

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This is just amazing how people troll and cry that nobody wants fresh servers. I went through the dark portal on Tbcc release as soon as it opened like many did. It was no were close to as many players or players making fresh char on this beta or release of vanilla classic. Can’t wait for seasonal to start out of beta. I hope they do seasonal with all classic versions eventually.

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Thank you. I shall name my hypothetical first born child after you.

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If you hate raiding in vanilla so much to where you freak out about not getting it done 15 minutes sooner and you only spend 2 hours a week doing so, your relationship with classic is unhealthy.

Bye, one less awful player that relies on world buffs.

I really doubt it. The playerbase’s relationship with the game is unhealthy enough to where the majority will still pay others to play for them.

Make Paladin/Druid tanking viable so that dungeons are consistently happening. This will immensely improve the playing the experience and help to create community.


Hello couple of thoughts on the matter of classic fresh and the beta.
1: experience change must happen. Why you ask? Throughout classic mage boosting has prevailed. This is not because it is by any means fun. Players do it because of two reasons; meta play aka fast and efficient, and a far greater interest in end game content. This is not going to change anytime soon, therefore you must adept. However, the adaptation must be with great finesse! Rather than doing something as dumb as 25% quest experience increase use your brain for one second. Currently in classic the game actively incentives open world solo play or repetitive dungeon grinding, which you would know if you actually played the game. Any MMO rises and falls with community. Obviously there are other factors such as storemounts -_-, but a healthy community is one of the, if not the, biggest contributors out there for any MMO. With that in mind how can you possibly justify that in Classic, if you choose to make a fellowship in the open world, the game actively reduces your experience to an extend you will not be able to reach level cap. And to the disingenuous people that will say “But Sir if you have 3 or more people in your party the fellowship receives a group experience bonus”; It does not even remotely make up for the loss of grouping up. My suggestion is the following: do not reduce any open world experience if you group up with players. Ontop of that have a slight bonus experience for 3 or more players. Allow a group to share quest item loot. This will prevent them for being stuck in a zone because of one zebra hoof not dropping. Can you imagine the packs of players roaming and the incredible world pvp that would be inevitable. Whether you should decrease the overal experience / level is something to be considered more to TBC intent.
A tiny footnote for the people that say “this is how classic was intended.” Even if intent that predates 2005 should be considered legitimate, which I don’t think it should, I refer back to world buffs (WB)
WB > used in raids > admitted not intended by many devs > removed in TBC.
Exp/level > very long journey > reduced in TBC.

  • any good MMO since the dawn of time has aspired to group activity.

2: raids. Please you lazy scum. Rather than having a small increase in health, damage and a very vague pre nerf mechanic, can you keep the raid but provide new mechanics similar to 4 horsies. There is so much beautiful opportunity in classic raids. Do better and for once don’t flip off your community with this laziness. And if you are afraid to upset people with whatever new raid mechanics follow this instruction: skill not gear. Heigan, 4 horsies, Thaddeus in Naxx are the perfect examples. And just to spell it out for you, because I have no faith any of you actually gets it. Nobody wants to be one-shot by unavoidable boss damage. Instead give them a mechanic they can avoid, that will one-shot them if they don’t.
Footnote: please be cautious with randomness. For end bosses it can be a lot of fun, but early MC and even BWL shouldn’t be insanely difficult. Kelthuzad however, go wild!

3: world buffs this is a topic I tried to avoid because there is no good answer. Both sides of the argument (keep them vs drop it) have great merit. Personally I lean to the keep them, but with a couple of changes. The Boon is good. I would like to see all world buffs to be unable to be dispelled. Have world buffs drop every two hours. Allow alliance to obtain WCB, perhaps with some pvp event near Orgrimmar (again community and world pvp). Yes world buffs will be a practical nightmare to balance in raids but that should never been an issue. First your laziness shouldn’t affect our gameplay and secondly difficult well balanced raids are not equal to a fun game. #retail
Footnote: engaging and fun raids are in skill and if I happened to be on steroids while doing them so be it.

4: I want more! Dragonisles, mount hajal, Karazan crypts. How about Foror’s mount for the ultimate (questline) one per server ofcourse. And please finish your story with the ash-bringer make it holy again! And what is up with that tiger cave east of Booty Bay. Again obvious engaging great things. Ivory raptor mount! So many things left unexplored.

5: players eligible to hunt for bots. You are clearly incapable and even that is an understatement, shame! Have guilds provide one player they believe to be honest and help you solve the epidemic.

6: pvp system overhaul. I have no suggestion how, because I barely pvp competitively, but what I do know is what you have currently does not work. The focus is too much on speed. AV finished in 5minutes come on. Something that can be fun is quadruple open world honor during certain times a week for 4 hours of so.

7: rework racials to bring balance to the game. Paladins and shamans are great balance. Both very different but both very good. But take Tauren and night-elf druids for example one has a stealth and the other has an aoe stun and 5% extra health. And how about orcs vs humans, one both have weapon damage, but one has an 75% stun immunity (those who claim 25% have lost their marbles) and the other has 10% reputation increase.

There is more but those are the most important in my eyes.

Here are a few things that should be considered but not taken as without the game break.

Balance classes.
Increase world boss spawns, decrease spawn windows.
Same faction grieving 2 week time out
Shared reputation?

Last footnote: mage boosting is a symptom of the disease! Cure the disease and the symptom will disappear.

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I get the idea of a lot of those points but a lot of people forget balance does not equal fun even if they think it does and balance can be opinion in ways as well. Some classes do not bring as much DPS but bring utility of course. Everyone hates on Ret paladins but 3 ret paladins in a 5 man bring LOH x 3, buffs. auras and off heals and so on for example. Lot of issues come from people wanting top damage and ignoring other things. A lot of classic is choosing when to be aggressive or defensive with your resource type be it mana/energy/rage of course and that is where a lot of the fun is as well. Issue is a lot of people want the best gear and blah blah blah and I get that idea but like in real life things are not fair and people are better at something or worse at something and find things or get lucky and so forth. It is a fantasy game but the realism of classic and a lot of its so called faults to some is what makes it beautiful and am sure this has been said a million times on these forums but ya. The beauty of classic also is players make the world so Open world PVP or getting a group and sending armies at horde / alliance camps / castles and more is amazing. If they add more content I could see a WoW 2 or WoW classic type with modern graphics/ remastered like Diablo 2 / Warcraft 3 was and maybe some balances if need but not much more. A lot of options in the future and all these suggestions is amazing and hopefully helps make a future game / keeps it alive.

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I don’t know anything about paladins but druids are great dungeon tanks lol.

They’re also capable raid tanks.